Necromantic Myth

Chapter 274: The arrival of Alex (6/30)

  Chapter 274 The Arrival of Alex (630)


  Ryuzhi, who had returned after a few days, saw a man waiting at the gate of Alexander City as soon as they entered the city.

  The man was wearing the same clothes as Ryuji, except that he carried a spear that looked like lightning.

  After seeing Liu Zhi, the man nodded slightly, and Liu Zhi recognized it at a glance. He was the eldest son of the Hanna family, Alex, who had seen him on the Zeus.

  After seeing Ryuji, Alex took a step forward, "Long time no see, Sandro."

   "Alex, how come you have also come to Egypt."

   "For your sake, the praises of the gods have been sent to the Temple of Zeus. I promised you what I promised to do."

  Listening to what Alex said, Liu Zhi glanced at this man up and down, and found that there was a trace of electric current flowing in his eyes, as if his body was full of power, but there was no way to converge.

"It seems you have discovered that the task of praise of the gods this time is very important for me. Thanks to you, I have already got the approval of Zeus earlier than someone, which makes my layout one step ahead. In the words of our Hannah family, this is kindness, and we must repay if we have kindness, so I came here."

   "Thank you." Liu Zhi stared at Alex for a long time, before finally suffocating a word of thanks.

  Alex didn’t care about his attitude. Instead, he looked at Amanite who was following Ryuzhi, and seemed to be thinking about something there.

After a long time, Alex said: "This time I got the praise of the gods first. If that guy wants to catch up with my score, he will definitely take the gem hunter who stole the praise of the gods. Take it back. You are the only one who knows the clue. He may come to trouble you."

   While Alex was talking about trouble, he didn’t look at Ryuji, but at Armanet.

  Liu Zhi was stunned for a moment, then frowned, "Who is your enemy?"

  "You found all of this, people of Ireda family, have you heard of it?"

  Yagiji seriously mobilized the message left by this body, and then also shook his head helplessly. Hearing the family name Irida, Ryuzhi knew what was going on in general.

  In which country there will always be one or two brain-disabled families, and the Ireda family is a typical example.

  They themselves were foreigners who joined the Holy Roman Empire, and now they have become the most exclusive families in the empire. All those who were not born in the empire are regarded as foreigners, and they are trying to suppress them all day long.

  Don’t talk about other places, the Egyptian provinces that are also in the Mediterranean circle are in their chain of contempt.

  It is necessary to know that the time when the Egyptian provinces were merged into the Holy Roman Empire could be earlier than when they joined the empire, and I don’t know where they came from such self-confidence.

  The most important thing for them is that their whole family are all followers of Zeus, and they have developed a path of tyranny from the power of Zeus.

  This is a supplement to Zeus's divinity and power, so their family is more trusted by Zeus.

  Except for several traditional Zeus priest families such as the Hannah family, among Zeus believers, there is no existence that can suppress them.

  This time, the Ireda family had a chance to get the blessing of Zeus before Alex, so that they could rank higher than the Hanna family in the Temple of Zeus.

The result was destroyed by Liu Zhi, and their plan went bankrupt. Although this was not their main plan, contemporary Irida would definitely not be satisfied. If he came to find clues, he would definitely drop in to make Liu Zhi some trouble. .

  And Amanite, who appeared next to Yanagiji, was naturally the best entry point.

   Turned his head and glanced at Amnet, Ryu Ji smiled, "If the eldest son of the Ireda family dies, how will they react."

  Alex smiled and said, "You really dare to think about it."

   "What is there to think about? If he finds trouble with me, I am not the kind of person who can't fight back, do you think?"

   When Ryuzhi said this, he stared into Alex's eyes. He understood that Alex would tell him something, and he also had the idea of ​​inciting himself to fight the Irida family.

  But this is politics, mutual use, mutual compromise, if Alex does not give enough benefits, Ryuzhi will not help Alex.

Of course, Alex also understands that he had already thought about how to communicate with Ryuuji before. The reason why he said that was because he saw Amanite and wanted to use this Egyptian girl as his own. Cut the entrance.

  I didn’t expect that Liu Zhi still values ​​this Egyptian girl. Could it be that this is the layout of their family in the Egyptian provinces. If this is the case, then a girl with Egyptian royal blood really needs to be with Liu Zhi.

  With such thoughts, Alex put forward his own opinions.

  Of course, the most important aspect of their cooperation is that Liu Zhi must complete his task first.

  He needs to retrieve the ring belonging to the Iron Fast family before he can do other things.

  And this is exactly Alex’s trump card. As the old family of the Temple of Zeus, their family has a corresponding position in all strata of the Holy Roman Empire, and they must know many things.

  Plus as the eldest son, Alex knows more things than Sandrew as the third son.

  It seems that now Ryuzhi only knows that he is looking for a ring, but Alex knows the origin of the ring and why they took it.

  At this time, Alex was full of confidence. He said to Liu Zhi: "This is not a place to talk. Let's find a place to sit?"

  Ryuzhi thought for a while and nodded. The four temples in Alexandria are the temples of the sun god, the **** of war, the **** of wisdom and travel in Egypt, and the **** of messenger, which can be said to fit the style and positioning of this city.

But for Alex, it’s not that safe here, because the divine power of the four gods is shrouded in the sky over the entire city. If they do some ordinary things, it’s okay, they have to discuss some confidential things now, then the situation It's not so good.

  So Alex took Ryuzhi and the others outside the city. There was a manor belonging to the Hanna family. Although it was only a small manor, there were some decorations inside.

  Here they can talk about confidential things relatively safely.

  After asking the butler to turn on the manor’s protective array, Alex asked mysteriously.

  "Do you know where your ring comes from?"

   Liu Zhi stopped asking this question, he hesitated, and finally shook his head.

  At this time, Alex became proud, "Let me tell you, your ring..."

  (End of this chapter)

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