Necromantic Myth

Chapter 275: The origin of the ring

  Chapter 275 The origin of the ring

  The ring of the Iron Fast family, or the Eye of the Demon God, is a common ruby ​​ring, corresponding to the position of the index finger of the left hand.

The reason why    is called the Eye of the Demon God is actually because there is a slight and almost invisible crack in the middle of the ruby ​​inlaid on it. If it is placed in the sun, it is as if the Demon God has opened his eyes from hell.

  People in the Ironfast family have always believed in a rumor that this ring has a power beyond ordinary people's imagination. If you wish him, no matter what your wish is, it can be realized.

  This is what Liu Zhi knows. After all, he is here to find the ring. If he doesn't know anything, then what else is he looking for.

  But the next thing, Liu Zhi is a sweat.

"But your family has a family secret. Although I don’t know what it is, I have heard some news from several other places. This may be of some use to you. In addition to your family’s eye of the demon god, the demon **** There are a total of 137 rings named at the beginning. There are a total of 26 rings that are similar in style to yours. The gem size and cutting technique are the same. There are a total of five rings. The textures are sapphire, Emerald, orange and yellow garnets and purple amethyst."

  Speaking of this, Alex stopped and said to Ryuji: "Do you know what I thought of when I saw the texture of these gems?"

   Liu Zhi frowned, he seemed to think of something, and he raised his head in disbelief.

  Looking at Ryuji's expression, Alex said, "Yes, it's the legend in the Thousand and One Nights, the old oil lamp inlaid with six gems, remember what Aladdin said?"

   "What an old oil lamp is still inlaid with so many gems, is it possible that this oil lamp is also a good thing, let me take a look."

  Yagiji repeated the content of the story.

  Alex nodded, "As a result, a demon **** came out of the oil lamp. He has powerful power. No matter what you want, you will be satisfied with a snap of your fingers."

"It turned out to be this." Liu Zhi sighed long after hearing this. "What you said may be true. According to the legend of the Iron Fast family, our ancestors were the only ones who came to the Ottoman Empire. Earning the title of the earl, if one of the six gems is found there, it is really possible, then my ring is stolen, it should not be a case, golden chrysanthemum, cosmos, I should have thought of it a long time ago ."

   Saying that, Ryuzhi stood up, no matter what the other party was making, the ring must have been retrieved.

  At this moment, Alex stopped Liu Zhi, "Where do you want to go?"

  Ryuzhi was a little embarrassed when he heard that, he knew that even if he went to the door like this, he might not be able to find the eyes of the devil. He turned his head and looked at Alex, "Do you have any ideas."

   "Remember that gem hunter? You said we passed the news. Will he come?"

  Yagiji immediately understood Alex’s plan, "Are you trying to catch the gem hunter before the people from the Ireda family rush over?"

   "Yes, only in this way can I cut off the hand of the Ireda family reaching into the Temple of Zeus, so that he can only look at me from a distance."

   "Yes, but I have to get the ring back."

  Yiu Zhi thought about it, then agreed.

When Alex heard this, he laughed loudly, "So happy to cooperate. This is a map near Golden Chrysanthemum. It is inconvenient for me to enter and exit Alexandria. You may need to monitor it yourself. As for spreading the news, Leave it to me."

  Ryuzhi seemed to have thought of what Nick had said before that there seemed to be some problems with the identity of the gem hunter, and he couldn't help raising this point.

   "Oh, I know this, but it's okay, as long as you don't kill her, it's okay."

  Looking at Alex's self-confidence, Ryuzhi didn't say much anymore.

  The next day, Evelyn was walking around Alexandria with his faithful dog and Richard.

  After they escaped from that city, they broke up with the wealthy businessman Turner. Turner and the others went to Cairo, and they returned to Alexandria.

However, since all of their trips were covered by the wealthy businessman Turner at the beginning, they did not suffer too much in the past, but when they returned to Alexandria, it was different. The wealthy businessman Turner went. In Cairo, they all depended on themselves all the way. They obviously set off a few days earlier than Liu Zhi and the others. The time to reach Alexandria is the time before and after.

When I returned to Alexandria, Evelyn was still talking about the blue light that crossed the sky. She affirmed: "That must be the Eye of Horus. It's a pity, it's clearly that thing is in us. It was in front of me, but I didn't get it."

Richard knows Evelyn’s personality quite well. He understands that he must not follow Evelyn’s words at this time, because that would conceal Evelyn’s eagerness in all likelihood and make her think about running over. Look for the Eye of Horus.

  All he can do at this time is to change the subject.

After thinking for a while, Richard said, "Do you remember the five-person team that day? When they left, I saw their team and looked at their team as if they were going out. You said that Is it a gem?"

  If it's just a person, Evelyn may not be so clear, but when it comes to gems, Evelyn will react immediately.

   "You are talking about Miss Gina, I know their actions, they said they came to find some power of revenge, and they didn't say any gems."

  "You are stupid, have you forgotten your real purpose for finding gems?" Richard said silently.

"Yeah, if you don’t tell me, I almost forgot. I became a gem hunter to find the powerful power inside the gem. The power of revenge is also a kind of power. The gem must be a good gem. You said I will go to Miss Gina and talk about it. Will she give me the gem?"

   "You are so beautiful, she will definitely be." Richard comforted.

   "I think the same is true, then let's find them, as if they are also here in Alexandria."

   Just as Evelyn was eager to try to find Gina, a few dark words suddenly came from the side of the road.

  They used the black language of Egypt to deliver the message, but Richard mixed this, so he heard a few words clearly.

  ‘One Thousand and One Nights, Demon’s Eye, Oil Lamp...’

  (End of this chapter)

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