Necromantic Myth

Chapter 278: Before the program starts (8/30)

  Chapter 278 Before the Plan Starts (830)

After the upgrade was completed, Liu Zhi took a deep breath. He felt that his power seemed to be getting stronger, and even his power had been significantly improved. He had a feeling that he was about to pick up the twisted one of Leif. Ridge time is not far away.

  As long as he is not thinking about fighting with a sword in one hand and a staff in one hand, but only with a sword in one hand, he only needs to increase his strength a little bit more.

  After the level was upgraded, Liu Zhi looked at the time again, and then he rummaged through the things he had when he opened the treasure chest last time.

  Last time in the southern swamp plane, Liu Zhi remembered that he had opened a lot of good things, but the attributes were not compatible with him, so he had too many things to use.

  Like the talented shadow perception, and the hand of the high priest, of course, there are some magic books in it.

  However, at this time, Liu Zhi still picked up [Shadow Perception (Talent)] and tore open the design of the Assassin’s Secret Cave.

Then an obelisk-like thing appeared in Liuzhi’s Hades. This obelisk is about thirty meters high, and there is a passageway on top of the obelisk. I want to study here in the future. The first thing the assassins must learn is climbing skills, otherwise they won’t even be able to enter the assassin’s secret cave.

  Standing in front of the assassin’s secret cave, Liu Zhi directly popped up a control panel similar to a mass grave.

  It’s just that it’s more professional than the classification of mass graves. Liu Zhi took a look and found that the level 1 Assassin’s Vault can train 9 soldiers every week, and the profession can be chosen among assassins, thieves, and spies.

Except for the climbing and the leap of faith, the direction of each profession is different. Assassins can sneak and backstab skills, thieves learn theft and organ dismantling, and spies learn rumors and intelligence gathering. .

  In addition, there is an empty meeting here in the Assassin’s Secret Cave. Liu Zhi can arrange an undead servant or hero to serve as the instructor of the Assassin’s Secret Cave. Those soldiers can randomly learn a skill from the instructor.

  Ryuzhi thought for a while, his own hand is just as good as Letoz, if he is free in the future, just throw it here.

   But now there is no way, Liu Zhi simply recruited 3 assassins, 3 thieves and 3 spies, and took them out of the palace.

   At this time, Amanite and the place where Yuji and the others rented are waiting.

  Seeing that Liu Zhi brought out 9 men, Amnet didn't react too much. She had known Liu Zhi's ability a long time ago.

  However, when these nine men quickly disappeared in front of Amanite, she asked with some doubts: "Assassin?"

   "Yes." Liu Zhi didn't want to say more, so he changed hands and took out the skill book "The Spear of Faith".

  "See if you can learn this."

  Amanite took the skill book and took a look, then nodded gently, then she put her hands together and the skill book disappeared in front of her.

  Ryuzhi looked at everything in front of him with a bit of surprise. Doesn’t it take experience to learn skills? Why did he learn it all at once?

Seeing Yuji in surprise, Amanite thought he had done something wrong. After asking about the situation, Amanite also had some doubts, "Experience, what is that? This thing is not in your hands. Can it be learned?"

  Sweat on Liu Zhi's head, he couldn't help asking: "Can you learn it casually? You won't encounter the problem of not learning."

When asked by Ryuzhi, Amanite thought for a while, “It’s really a bit, but this thing is very similar to some things I have learned before. It seems that it’s just stuck and gives me some memories of what I learned before. Turned it out."

  He said that, what else can Yanagi say? Obviously, Amanat and Yanagi are in different lines.

  However, Liu Zhi still asked, "Then, let's see if you can raise the level of this spear of faith."

  "How can I improve, and dig out what I have learned before?"

Amanite was a little puzzled, and Ryuzhi didn't know what was going on, but he was certain that Amanite should have experience points, otherwise the attribute column he saw would not have experience 0 written in it. .

   Thinking of this, Liu Zhi seemed to understand something. He patted his head and said, "I was wrong, I was a little confused."

  Amnet looked at Ryuuji in confusion.

At this time, Liu Zhi laughed instead, "You can't see the experience value, only I can see it. Normally, I should let you learn something, but this is also wrong and wrong, at least. You remembered something you learned before, and that’s enough. If you have experience in the future, or if there is anything you want to improve, tell me, I’ll help you improve."

  Although Amanette didn't understand why Ryuzhi said this, he nodded in response.

  And at this moment, that Evelyn also happened to find Gina and the others.

Although Evelyn is arrogant and doesn't know her brain, she still knows how strong she is. When she was in the Valley of the Kings, she could see that among the five people on Gina, Gina is the best. To deal with, the other few are all masters, no matter how much Richard helps Evelyn, it is impossible to beat any of them.

  So Evelyn can only do it from Gina.

Fortunately, Gina had met with Evelyn before and didn’t know Evelyn’s occupation. When Evelyn came over, Gina was still very happy to have a little sister who looked almost as beautiful as her and chatted with her. to chat with.

  After the two met, they were so polite and polite, and slowly their topic came to some rumors in Alexandria.

At this time, Evelyn had listened to Richard’s persuasion, and took the news he heard before as roadside gossip, and did not take it to heart. After all, compared with the magic lamp in the story, the power of revenge is more realistic. some.

  So while chatting, Evelyn took the news he heard before and told Gina as a joke.

  Gina has never heard the story of the magic lamp. She listened to the story very seriously. When Evelyn laughed, Gina said something.

   "What if this is true?"

  Evelyn was taken aback for a moment, then turned to stare at Gina, "What did you say?"

   "I mean, what if this situation is true?"

   Evelyn stood up after hearing this, and sat down again. From her movements, she could see that she was struggling.

In the end Evelyn finally made a decision, "What you said is correct, what if it is true? Then we have missed an opportunity. I think we need to take a look, at least to know, the demon gods that have been circulating Is the Eye one of them."

  Gina immediately said: "Can you take me with you?"

  Evelyn nodded and agreed, and at this time both of them had a successful smile flashing in their eyes.

  (End of this chapter)

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