Necromantic Myth

Chapter 279: Stealing gems (for subscription)

  Chapter 279 Stealing gems (for subscription)

The Golden Chrysanthemum Pawn Shop in Alexandria is a **** shop full of Persian style. However, the previous battle between Persia and Greece caused great conflict between the two sides. So even now, the Holy Roman Empire has not yet subdued Persia. Become a part of the provinces of the empire.

  It is precisely for this reason that the mysterious empire farther east did not appear in the eyes of the Holy Roman Empire.

  There are only a few items that came in through Persia, telling people that there is a more powerful and mysterious country in the East.

  Egypt and Persia are relatively close, there are also some Persians living here, and the golden chrysanthemum **** shop is established in the area where the Persians gather.

  Evelyn and Gina dressed up as Persian women and walked on the street like this. Although their faces are not visible, outsiders can see how beautiful they are from their smart eyes.

It didn't take long for    to enter this street before they were spotted.

  But they both have extraordinary abilities. They don’t care about ordinary people at all. Seeing that they have attracted the attention of those people, the two of them glanced at each other and Evelyn said, “According to the plan.”

   Gina turned her head quickly, turned to the side, and walked to the nearby alley, while Evelyn disappeared in front of everyone in twos or twos.

  At this time, it was still relatively dark, and there was no way to say that it was absolutely safe in Alexandria. Seeing Gina entered the alley alone, the nearby men soon followed in.

  But what they encountered was a level 2 transcendent and a paladin.

  Gina did not use any weapons at all, and sent a man flying out with one punch.

  If Ryuzhi were here, she would definitely laugh at Gina if she could not speak while standing. Why didn't she say that these people were pitiful at this time.

  However, Gina’s attack quickly caused chaos on this side. After a while, some nearby residents were also attracted.

  At this time, Evelyn, who was hiding nearby, jumped onto the wall and headed towards the warehouse of the Golden Chrysanthemum Pawn Shop.

  As the place where gems are produced, Persia has a long history of gem utilization.

  So when I got to the warehouse, Evelyn hadn't opened her gem eyes yet, she felt that her eyes were about to run out.

  In front of me, some of the smaller gems were thrown on the ground casually. Only some of the gems that looked good or were more famous were put away seriously.

Evelyn wished to take away all the gems here, but she also knew that Gina would not last too long. After the ordinary people outside had an accident, the extraordinary would also appear. She only had less than ten minutes. Come find what you want.

  Evelyn glanced around, and then began to take out another gem hunter's ability.

  Evelyn’s eyes glowed like emeralds, and in the green light, some gems shook slightly.

  But at this time Evelyn ignored this, her ability could not support it for too long, she quickly said about the situation of the Eye of the Demon God, and listened carefully to the resonance of the gem.

This is actually a method of communication and exchange between gems, and it is also one of the abilities of gem hunters. It only needs to consume a relatively high-quality gem, and the gem hunter can turn himself into a gem of extraordinary level. To communicate with each other.

  This is equivalent to a hunter learning how to call birds and frogs to deceive small animals.

  With this ability, Evelyn found out the location of the Eye of the Demon God.

  Evelyn almost jumped up when she heard the news. She thought it was just false news, but she didn't expect it to be true.

  This is the omnipotent magic lamp in One Thousand and One Nights, although it is only one-sixth of the magic lamp, this is enough.

  Thinking of this, Evelyn hurriedly ran to the place where the eyes of the devil were collected.

  She was very skilled in opening the box, and within a short while, she found the target of Liu Zhi's mission.

Taking this ring in her hand and looking at it seriously, Evelyn nodded in satisfaction, then she checked the time again, hesitated, and finally took a few gems from the warehouse that she seemed to feel good about. .

   Secretly walked out of the fence of the backyard, Evelyn only landed on the street and saw Richard passing by here on horseback.

  Richard has done this kind of thing for many times. He knows very well how to find a safe place to pick up people.

  But the location he chose today was watched by a group of people.

  Yagiji has already learned the general situation from his spy, not to mention that Alex is ready to arrest someone.

  When Evelyn jumped down, she said with some excitement: "Richard, we can go."

Richard, riding a horse, was a little dissatisfied. They said it was good. They didn't participate in this matter. Unexpectedly, Evelyn would go to meet a little sister. How did he turn his head to become like this? Not only is it the power of revenge. I didn't get it, and I was tricked into stealing something.

  Now it seems that no matter what is good or not, they have offended the people on the Jinhua side, and the Persians will find them if they don’t need it, and they have to start a new round of fleeing.

  He really had enough of such days.

   Thinking of this, Richard's expression changed slightly.

  At this moment, a bolt of lightning fell from the sky and hit Richard's horse's head.

  The power of the lightning was not weak, and he killed the horse Richard was riding on the spot.

  Richard reacted very pleasantly. He jumped off the horse, pulled out the small revolver in his hand, and fired six shots in one direction.

  Evelyn also knew at this time that she was being watched, and the news was just a means to trick her.

  She rolled on the ground with Richard, hiding behind Richard.

Richard took a look at the surroundings and quickly said: "Throw away all the gems on your body. We escaped through the golden chrysanthemum's backyard. As long as we have no gems on us, they will not treat us as thieves, but chase us. The bad guys are here."

  Evelyn also hesitated when she heard it. If it was just an ordinary gem, it would be the gem of the magic lamp, one-sixth of the magic lamp. With this, she can get almost anything she wants.

  So Evelyn bit his teeth, pressed a tooth on his neck with his hand, and said affirmatively: "Other gems are fine, but I must take away the eyes of the devil."

  Richard hesitated, feeling as if he had gone back to the time when he stole the praises of the gods from the Temple of Zeus. He was a little unhappy, but finally said: "Okay!"

  (End of this chapter)

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