Necromantic Myth

Chapter 280: Blocked

  Chapter 280 is blocked

Richard reloaded the bullet and started rushing towards the other end. Since Evelyn was unwilling to let go of the stolen Eye of the Demon God, they could not escape from the golden chrysanthemum’s yard. They could choose the path they could not. too much.

  At this time, the Jinhua’s side also found that the situation was not right. After all, the flash of lightning just now, as long as you are not blind, you will feel it.

At this time, a group of men with scimitars rushed out of the courtyard of the golden chrysanthemum. They did not join the battlefield, but stared at the situation in front of them, analyzing who was the enemy, or both sides were passing by. of.

  At this moment, Alex took Nick and they walked out from the end of the road.

  Looking at the spear in Alex's hand and his dress, Richard's face changed a little, "Get out of here now."

  But it was too late, Alex took two steps forward, and the spear in his hand was thrown out.

  The spear turned into a flash of lightning in the air, staring Richard on the ground, and the electric current radiating from the spear also swept Evelyn.

Although Evelyn is a gem hunter and her strength is good, the route she walks is not a combat type at all. If you let her escape, sneak in, and steal things, there is absolutely no problem, but facing so many enemies , She couldn't beat it at all.

And at this moment, Gina happened to be killed from there. She didn’t know the situation here. In fact, when she saw a flash of lightning falling from the sky, she knew there was a problem, but the eye of the demon **** Existence made her forget some dangers, and she believed that there was still a big boss in her team, so she ran here as soon as she gritted her teeth.

  As soon as she saw Gina running over, Evelyn’s eyes lit up, and she hurriedly called out: "Big sister, someone is chasing us and they want to take away what we just got."

  Gina, who was rushing here, was also taken aback. She always felt like she had heard such words somewhere, and then she wondered if this wasn’t the way to meet those punks on the street? I usually look at nothing, so how can I use it on myself so uncomfortable.

  Gina was about to say something, Evelyn lifted her hand and an object flew in front of Gina.

  Gina reacted quickly, and when she lifted her hand, she took the thing off.

  At this time, Evelyn said again: "Sister, leave me alone, I have something for you, run away."

   Gina was also angry when she heard it, this is really a routine of those little gangsters, but it is useless to explain it now, the thing is now in her hands, even if she shows it, no one will believe it.

  However, Evelyn did not expect that Alex was here not to stop Evelyn from stealing, but to capture Evelyn alive.

   Seeing Evelyn’s set, Alex didn’t react at all, but led Nick and the others around Evelyn’s side.

  But because Nick had seen Gina before, he couldn't help but glanced over there.

Gina is the kind of existence that reacts more aggressively. Nick caused trouble with this look. Gina saw too many things that were framed and finally couldn't get out. So when Nick's eyes were wrong, she actually shot a shot at the sky. White signal.

  The signal exploded in the air, and almost half of Alexandria could be seen.

At this time, the entire city of Alexandria is almost going to be fried. You must know that in the great city of Yamian Mountain, no matter how great the chaos, it will not send out such a signal. This is not the case of a siege in the wilderness. , This is going to shake the sky.

  Almost immediately, a few lines of sight moved here. Although Gina's strength is relatively weak, she also feels that this place has been targeted by some great powers.

  This made Gina feel more uneasy. She wanted to escape, but the signal just sent was given to her by Saint-Dore. What if she ran away at this time and didn't find her when Saint-Dore came over.

  Gina just gritted her teeth, but let herself back a little bit, and looked for a place to escape.

And Alex also felt wrong at this time. He did not expect to encounter such a thing. As a member of the Temple of Zeus, he could not be unimpeded in all places. If this is Cairo, he can use Zeus. The power of the temple settled everything.

  But this is the city of Alexandria, and the Temple of Zeus has not been able to intervene here. Although he has all kinds of reasons, it is hard to say.

Thinking of this, Alex didn’t plan to wait for Ryuuji to take action. He stretched out his hand to grab Evelyn and prepared to take Evelyn away. His idea was very simple. Everything was done by Evelyn. Come out, as long as Evelyn is taken away, the rest will be handled by the woman who sent the signal.

  But with Alex's move, Evelyn jumped up from the ground and rushed to Gina, "Sister, help me."

  Gina wanted to escape at this time. When Evelyn was caught like this, everything was done. The situation in front of her was completely destroyed, and everyone's attention was focused on her.

  Gina almost wanted to throw Evelyn out.

  At this time, Richard, whose chest was pierced by a lightning spear, actually propped up his body, raised his right hand, raised the small revolver in his hand, and fired three shots at the few who stood behind Gina.

  At the same time, he shouted: "Evelyn, run with the big sister."

  Richard must be the owner of the Marksmanship Laureate. The small revolver was almost taken out by him. Under the three shots, three bullet holes appeared directly on the eyebrows of the three men behind Gina.

And Gina also understands that on the surface Richard has helped herself, but this is clearly binding Evelyn to herself. Now no matter how she explains it, no one will believe that she is between Evelyn and herself. Not so close.

  Gina wanted to push Evelyn away, but she didn’t expect Evelyn to react faster than her. She took Gina’s hand and said, "Sister, let’s run."

  Speaking of Evelyn, she dragged Gina to run away from the road where Richard had struck out.

   When Alex saw him, he quickly yelled, "Chasing!"

  At this moment, a bolt of lightning fell from the sky and hit Evelyn’s body, not only knocked Evelyn away, but also knocked out Gina along the way.

Compared to Evelyn, Gina's ability is still very strong. A white light rushes out of her body, which dispels the impact of her body in mid-air. At the same time, she looks at Alex. She saw the lightning power in Sna's spear, and she thought that this blow was also made by Alex.

  Unexpectedly, Ryuzhi appeared on the opposite side at this time, and his right hand stabbed the sword straight into Gina's right hand.

    Update early today!



  (End of this chapter)

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