Necromantic Myth

Chapter 281: Melee (9/30)

  Chapter 281 The melee (930)


Gina was also stunned when he saw that it was Liu Zhi who took the shot. He didn't expect that Liu Zhi would take the shot at this time, and it seemed that he was going to kill him. You must know that in that city before, among the few waves of them, Santo Dore The relationship with Liu Zhi is pretty good.

Liu Zhi ignored Gina, and took a thin stabbing sword into Gina's hand. He didn't use his full strength to shoot. Moreover, Gina was also a paladin with super defensive power. Ryuzhi's attack would only provoke him at most. In the palm of her hand, she took what Evelyn threw before.

  But Gina didn't think so. She thought that Liu Zhi wanted to attack her. Without even thinking about it, she directly activated her abilities.

  In the next instant, Gina changed to what she looked like when she first met with Yanagi, and a spear in her hand was pierced towards her.

When Gina attacked this attack, she used her skills. When that spear was pierced out, she had an indomitable momentum. Facing her attack head-on, there would be a charge against heavy cavalry. a feeling of.

As a necromancer, Liu Zhi, although he used to rush with me, now has his subordinates, he naturally won’t stand in the front. He just stepped back and Vidnina appeared in front of him, four The long sword stabs forward and stabs Gina from all angles.

  Compared to Ryuuji, who is still a little bit constrained, Vindnina doesn't care who the enemy is, she must make a full shot.

  At the same time, Amanite appeared behind Gina, and the spear flicked, and even launched a charge against Gina.

  The spear in Armanet’s hand has a must-have effect, and her rush is directed at Gina’s neck. As long as she rushes to her, Gina will be seriously injured if she is not dead.

  At this moment, Amanite’s spear was hit by a buckler, and at the same time a white light fell from the sky and enveloped Gina.

Liu Zhi looked back and found that Saint Dorei and the others had all rushed over, especially Saint Dorei, supporting a defensive cover, coming from a distance, and at the same time, the two paladins who followed Saint Dorei had also taken out. With their respective weapons, it can be seen that they are planning to fight.

  Yagiji instantly understood that some response must be made, otherwise when they rushed over, the combination of Ryuji and Alex would have no chance of winning at all.

   Thinking of this, Liu Zhi suddenly yelled, "Gina, hand over my quest items."

The voice of    was quite loud, so loud it shocked everyone present.

  Alex and the others did not understand the reason why Yuji shouted at this time, but Santori and the others knew that Gina moved the main quest item of Yuji.

This is quite terrible among players. There are not many players in this game, and the scope of the game is very large. The PK between players is not common. In any case, generally speaking, whoever does it first is ignored, but there is one exception. , That is, someone robbed the player's main mission item.

  So except for Gina's mentor who was also blocking Amanite, the others all stopped. They had to judge whether what Liu Zhi said was true.

  Gina also knew about this situation, she hurriedly called out loudly: "I didn't, I didn't grab your quest items."

  Ryuzhi directly raised his right hand, clenched his fist and swiped it down heavily, and a strange wave passed from his right hand.

  This is exactly the method that the Elinfast family patriarch told him when this body came out looking for the family ring. As long as this method is used at a close distance, the ring can resonate.

  Otherwise, with so many rings, what should I do if I find a fake one?

After   Yagiji used this method, a red light suddenly appeared in the pocket of Gina's clothes. The light kept responding to the fluctuations in Ryuji's hands, and it was obviously affected by resonance.

  Seeing this situation, Liu Zhi couldn't help but let out a sigh, but he immediately let out a sigh of relief, no matter where the thing is, as long as it is on Gina.

   Then Gina also reacted. As a victim, she thought more than Liu Zhi. After taking a look at what Evelyn threw to her earlier, Gina immediately understood Evelyn’s plan.

  Evelyn just used herself as a target, and what she threw at herself must be a fake, but when she was close to herself just now, she secretly hid on herself.

  As long as they escaped, Evelyn has a chance to take away the eyes of the devil hidden on her.

   Thinking of this, Gina couldn't help but get angry. She always looks down on others and counts others, but she never thought that she would be counted.

  Gina grabbed her body, threw the ring hidden on her body to the ground, and rushed towards Evelyn holding her spear.

  Evelyn did not expect that Liu Zhi would do such a thing. She looked at the eye of the demon **** who was discovered, watched the thing bounce on the ground twice, a thought flashed in her mind.

  Fortunately, Evelyn also understood that the situation in front of her could not allow her to stay longer, so when everyone's attention was on the ring, one got up and fled outside.

  But Gina was faster than her, and with a blow of Gina's anger, she stabbed Evelyn's body in this way.

  Evelyn felt as if he had been hit by a heavy cavalry charging at high speed, and he flew straight away.

  In addition, the injury that Liu Zhi had hit her by lightning just now was not healed, and this blow even hit her to vomit blood.

And Gina felt that this was not enough. When Evelyn was flying in the air, Gina took off and appeared above Evelyn. The spear in his hand was changed to a pierced piercing, and Evelyn was nailed to the ground. .

  Complete the blow, Gina also stepped on Evelyn’s face.

  Just as she wanted to say something, Saint-Dorei suddenly yelled.

"you dare!"

   Speaking of Santori, he punched Gina on top of the head.

  But it was too late. A **** light fell from the sky and turned into a long sword to pierce Gina's head, and then a white-haired and blood-robed noble man appeared behind Gina.

  This man held the long sword that pierced into Gina's head in one hand, and wanted to pinch Gina's neck with the other. Before he could do it, Santori punched the man on the body.

  This punch brought the power of the Holy Light, and strange smoke appeared on the man's body instantly.

   "Blood?" Saint Dulles didn't kill the enemy with a punch, and his face became serious involuntarily. He could see that the man in front of him was just a projection. From this point, he could see his strength.

  However, this man ignored Saint-Dorei, his eyes focused on Evelyn’s body, with expressions of regret and regret in his eyes, and finally he yelled.

   "You all deserve to die!"

  (End of this chapter)

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