Necromantic Myth

Chapter 282: Temporary main task (10/30)

  Chapter 282 Temporary main task (1030)

  After the man of kinship said, the color in the sky instantly turned blood red, and a fishy smell came over his face.

  Liu Zhi didn't even think about it. He squeezed the death rod to the ground, and all the magic power was injected into the sun crystal, ready to use the sun's power in the sun crystal to block the blood race's range attack.

  And Alex also made the same action, except that a circle of electric current appeared in his eyes and hands, protecting himself.

  Santori did not use the skills of the defensive cover this time, he also understood that the first thing before him was to defeat the blood man.

  So at this time, he hit the man with one punch, and in that punch he flew out countless flying arrows composed of golden light.

  When these flying arrows flew out, the man was also affected. The flying arrows had a certain amount of damage to his body. Liu Zhi and their naked eyes saw large and small holes in the man's body.

After the kinship man was attacked, he also took a trace of anger in his heart. He grabbed his hand and pulled the long sword out of Gina's head. Then Gina fell to the ground and died too much. Up.

   Raising the long sword, the man swiped towards Saint-Dorei. Saint-Dorei didn't think much, and pulled out his wooden sword and one of the blocks.

  The swords of the two met in the air, and then they heard a bang, and the strong shock wave blew everyone nearby.

   Two steps back, the blood man groaned, "You are very good, but you are going to die."

  Just as the blood family man was about to make another move, there was a sound of piano in the sky, and a golden long arrow fell from the sky and pierced the blood family's back.

The man of kinship looked up and found that there was a man in heavy armor in the sky running from the sky in a golden Egyptian carriage, holding a golden longbow tightly in the man’s hand. .

   "Apollo's lackey, you won't be proud of it for too long, useless things, go and save her."

  After speaking, this blood man turned into a blood-colored tornado, and when he turned on the ground, he disappeared into the air.

  When everyone reacted, they noticed that Richard, who was nailed to the ground by a lightning spear, had disappeared, and Evelyn’s body disappeared together.

"Damn it." Alex was the first to react. He shot this time in order to capture or kill Evelyn. He had already done this. Although it might be a bit of a mess, Evelyn is dead, just take her head back and the credit will be done.

  Unexpectedly, in a blink of an eye, Evelyn’s body disappeared.

  This makes Alex feel somewhat upset.

   And at this time, Liu Zhi's face was not so good-looking. He picked up the Eye of the Demon God who was thrown on the ground, looked at the prompt message after the completion of his main mission, and said solemnly.

   "That woman ran away and I felt uneasy. I'm going to hunt her down, Alex, will you go with me."

Alex is a little curious about why Ryuuji would say this, but he didn't want to stop doing half of his business, so he nodded and said, "Okay, let's go together, but you know where the woman has escaped. ?"

   "Guessed a bit." Liu Zhi took a breath. Of course he couldn't explain that when he completed the main task, the system arranged another temporary main task for him.

[Basic quest for players-Ironfast's ring (follow-up), when you point to the Eye of the Demon God of Ironfast's ring, you accidentally killed Evelyn, the girl sheltered by the Piercing Father, and Piercing decided Go to Egypt to deal with this matter and avenge Evelyn. You must prevent Evelyn from rebirth and actually kill Evelyn before Duke Piercing arrives. (After completing the task, you can ignore the 72-day limit and leave the game directly)]

  [Hint: The key to Evelyn’s resurrection is Richard, who transported her body, and owes Evelyn a favored high priest to the death book used to open the gate of the underworld. 】

When seeing this information, Liu Zhi couldn't help but wonder how strong the guy called the piercing man was. How could the system directly issue him a mission like this so that he could complete the mission quickly. Fuck off.

  But the more this happened, the more disturbed Liu Zhi was. He kept deducing in his heart, thinking about how to tell Alex that Evelyn might be resurrected.

  Just when Alex was a little impatient, the carriage in the sky slowly fell.

  Liu Zhi looked up and found that the man on the carriage turned his gaze directly to him.

  There was a scorching light in the man’s eyes, which looked like the noon sun. He stared at Liu Zhi for a while, and then turned his gaze on Saint Dory’s body.

As a paladin, the power of the Holy Light on St. Doré’s body was not weaker than that of the man. The two looked at each other. It was not until a few minutes later that the man carried his longbow from the carriage. Go up and down.

   "Who can tell me what happened here just now? With such a heavy smell of blood, did you introduce anything to it?"

  Ryuzhi lowered his head and did not speak, and stood directly behind Alex. As an outside priest, Alex had to come forward and explain the cause and effect.

  After listening, the man nodded, "It looks like the piercing man, you actually offended his woman, it seems you are really desperate."

   After finishing talking, he ignored Alex and pointed to Liu Zhi and said, "Then what's the matter with you, with such a strong body of death, have you abandoned the faith in your heart?"

Liu Zhi had a ghost belief in his heart, and he was not a believer in Alobo, but he was absolutely wrong and said to the one in front of him. From the direction of the previous one, it can be seen that he should be the Temple of Apollo in Alexandria. Guardian.

  I am here to attack Apollo, this is my own death.

  So Ryuzhi said directly: "That woman is a gem hunter."

   "So what? Does this have anything to do with your betrayal of your faith?"

   "The reason I fought with her this time is because that woman stole my family heirloom, and when I saw that woman last time, the woman was planning to steal the Eye of Horus."

As the guardian of the Temple of Apollo in Alexandria, this man knew what the Eye of Horus represented. He was shocked and immediately put the question of Ryuzhi’s faith behind him, and asked quickly: "She Have you taken it away?"

   "I don't know, but I know she took something, a book that can open the underworld."

  Hearing this sentence, the faces of Saint-Dore and the others changed.

   "Why, do you also know?"

  (End of this chapter)

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