Necromantic Myth

Chapter 283: Pursuing (for subscription)

  Chapter 283 Pursuit (for subscription)

  Santori found that the gaze of the temple of Apollo fell on him, and he understood the situation in front of him.

  He is the strongest person in it. Although he is different from Apollo's power, he is more or less bright, so the guardian will believe his words for some reason.

After thinking about it, Saint-Dorei finally nodded and said: "Yes, I can testify. The man named Evelyn got a book-like thing, and after chanting the spell on it, he can open it. The passage to the underworld, we saw her open that passage with our own eyes."

   "She opened it? Where is it?"

   "Horus's ascendant palace."

Hearing this, the guardian's face changed, and in the end he reacted as if he understood something, "No wonder, it turns out that Horus left such a method. It seems that I really underestimated Horus. No, I'm going to report this matter. The woman named Evelyn will be brought back by you. I need her head. If you are willing to go, then I will help you to hold you back for at least ten days."

  Ryuzhi immediately jumped out and said that he was willing to go, and Alex also explained his mission. He needs to bring Evelyn's person or the body back to the business, so this is his business.

   But for Saint-Dore, this matter has nothing to do with him.

At this moment, Gina’s mentor stood up and said, “I’ll go for this battle. Even though she’s not good enough, she is also my disciple. She cannot be calculated at will by others. As a vengeful knight, if If this kind of revenge is not avenged, then there is still a face called revenge."

  St. Dorée did not have any accidents, he nodded affirmatively, "You are fine, after this time, you can participate in the trial, maybe this is your opportunity to step into the 6th level."

  Gina’s mentor did not say much, she carried her spear and buckler, and planned to leave the city like this.

  Before, they also went to Horus’s Earth Palace in the same way, and now she has no problem with her past.

  Looking at Gina’s body, Liu Zhi thought for a while, “I left a beacon on the side of the underground palace, you can go directly, do you want to be with me.”

  Gina’s mentor turned to look at Liu Zhi for a long time, "What do you want?"

  "During this time, teach her to use a spear." Liu Zhi pointed to Amanite who was following him.

Gina’s mentor glanced at Amnet, “My power is all about revenge. She has hatred but no idea of ​​revenge. She can’t learn it, but I can teach her how to use a shield. Method, this should be enough for her."

  Liu Zhi thought for a while, and finally agreed.

  At this time, the guardian drew three golden arrows from his quiver and handed them to the mentors of Ryuzhi, Alex and Gina.

   "This is for you. Just throw it out when you use it. It's equivalent to the power of my full blow."

  After he finished speaking, he drove away in the carriage. The next thing was much simpler. There were no people under Alex, so Nick and the others must go with them.

  So few people gathered in a circle, and Liu Zhi raised the death rod high and locked the star beacon at the center of the upper ground palace.

   Then a circle of starlight appeared next to everyone. Those who were not standing in the aperture could only see the starlight falling from the sky, more and more, and finally turned into a white light and disappeared in front of them.

But Liu Zhi and the others are not so lucky. Although the star beacons can be accurately positioned, the teleportation skills are not good. Liu Zhi controls the teleportation. It is better. At least when he appears in the upper palace, he still stands. Yes, but the others were just thrown to the ground.

After the starlight subsided, Liu Zhi glanced at the surroundings and finally heaved a sigh of relief. For the first time, he used the Starry Sky Road Marker to transmit so many people, and it was still so far away. It was quite enough without throwing people into another dimension. Not bad.

  "Okay, here we are. This is the situation now. We must prevent Evelyn from resurrecting and bring her corpse back, Armanet, do you know what the conditions are for resurrecting the dead?"

When asked by Ryuzhi, Amanite shook her head. It's not that she didn't know the method of resurrection in ancient Egypt, but that most of the gods in ancient Egypt have the ability to blend into the underworld. As long as they loosen their hands, they can be resurrected. .

  Therefore, there are quite a few ways to resurrect in ancient Egypt. For the ancient Egyptians, the mummy was resurrected.

  At this time, Liu Zhi seemed to have thought of something. He teleported back to his Hades and took out the book that looked like mercury the last time he found.

   "I remember Evelyn took the same book with him when he was escaping, but mine is golden and hers is black. Do you know what book it is?"

  When I saw the book, Amanite seemed to have activated some memory. She held the book in her arms and carefully touched the cover of the book.

"This is "The Book of Divine Metaphors-The Sun". It records everything Horus sees when flying on the earth every day. There are some spells of Horus about the sun, and what you call Yiyi's book It is the "Book of Gods-Death", which records everything Horus sees when flying in the underworld every day. There are also some spells about the underworld and death. What you said, chanting the spell opens the underworld The door must be the method found from this book."

   "Every time I want to open this book, this book always turns into liquid. How did Evelyn open it?"

   "You just need to recite the right spell." Amnet said, "The spell is recorded on the spine of the book. That's it. Today's spell is ‘the sky is blue’."

After reading this sentence, Amanite opened the book easily. Just as she said, there were some spells written in divine metaphors. What left Liu Zhi speechless most was that these spells were right or wrong. Stop changing.

Amanite explained: "These spells are different. Except for the first page is fixed, the other pages are random, but generally speaking, the more pages of the spell, the more powerful it is. Great, you see this is today, the first page is the most commonly used ability of Horus, the eye of the sky, you can see everything on the ground from the sky.

  Look again at what you have brushed out today. You are lucky. There is only one spell behind. This is a solar storm. You can start a storm of solar flame with yourself as the center. All the undead will be affected, regardless of the enemy or the enemy. "

  Speaking of this, Amanite said awkwardly: "It seems you can't use it."

  Liu Zhi thought for a while, and took the "Book of God's Metaphors-The Sun", and found that the system actually gave him a hint.

  [Activate the skill book "Book of Divine Metaphors-The Sun", after reading carefully, you can master the magic-eye of the sky, and three low-level or two intermediate-level or one high-level sun magic (only learn once)]

  (End of this chapter)

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