Necromantic Myth

Chapter 284: Heliopolis

  Chapter 284 Heliopolis

"Good thing." Touching the "Book of Divine Metaphors-The Sun" in his hand, Liu Zhi asked: "Amanite, how many spells in this book, can you force me to change it to what I want? On the spell?"

  "I don’t know how many spells there are. This is the gift of Horus. There will be new spells every day, so why would anyone want to force the spells they want."

   Listening to Amanite’s answer, Ryuzhi answered that this kind of question was a question of nothing. In terms of their attitude towards the gods, the three views of the two of them were very different.

  Liu Zhi thought for a while, and put the book up, anyway, the book has fallen into his hands, so he can learn it again when he develops a better magic.

  At this time they discussed where Evelyn would go to resurrect.

Regarding this point, Amanite said: "Like the sun, the first page of "The Book of Divine Parables-Death" is a fixed spell. The spell on death is a resurrection transaction. One soul is exchanged for another soul to return from the underworld. And the spell you heard that night was probably the gate of the underworld. It was a large spell that could open the gate to the underworld and release the undead behind, turning an area into a ghost domain."

  Speaking of this, Amanite glanced around again. She saw with her own eyes how the gate of the underworld was suppressed by Liu Zhi with a city, and in the end no demons and ghosts came out.

  Of course they soon put their minds on where Evelyn was going.

  After knowing how Evelyn is likely to be resurrected, other things are simple.

Amanite said directly: "Even if there is a resurrection trading spell, the situation is different. The integrity of the body is one point, and the other point is also the key. It must be closer to the gate of the underworld, otherwise the soul will return, and it will be easy for accidents. As for Don’t worry about sacrifices. In this case, sacrifices are the simplest place."

   "Then where do you think they will be resurrected?"


  Yiu Zhi was stunned for a moment, "I keep listening to them talking about Heliopolis, what is that place?"

  "The city of Sun is equivalent to what you call Mount Olympus. It is the most important city besides Memphis and Thebes. It is the home of the gods. Only here has a direct path to the underworld."

  Hearing this, Yanagi and their faces became serious, "Where is Heliopolis?"

   "It's at the other end of the Valley of the Kings. You seem to have changed his name now, Cairo."

   Liu Zhi was a little embarrassed when he heard that, "Cairo? Then did we ran here for nothing?"

   "No." Armanet shook his head, "Olympus is on your territory, but when you reach the foot of the mountain, can you really see the gods?"

Seeing everyone shaking their heads, Amanite said: "The principle here is the same. You must go the right way to find Heliopolis. It is useless to go directly to Cairo. If you want to go there, you have to walk a few times. A special passage, and there is one here."

Seeing Ryuzhi and the others did not understand, Amanite still drew on the ground, "You see this is the Valley of the Kings, right? This is the Valley of the Kings near Heliopolis, and the middle is the desert. In fact, the two valleys of the Emperors are connected, and the organ that opens the passage is here.

  As long as those who are buried in the Valley of the Kings after death, they can enter Heliopolis through this passage. This is why all the pharaohs want to bury themselves in the Valley of the Kings. "

  Listening to Armanet’s explanation, Ryuzhi felt that this was too high-tech. What is the principle? Can he learn it?

  At this moment, Alex said, "Then what if we leave Cairo? Should we also go to the Valley of the Kings?"

"Yes, I also have to go from the Valley of the Kings, but the direction must be reversed. Look at these three points. The entrance of the Kings on our side is the entrance. The position where we are now is the gate. The Valley of the Kings on the Cairo side is Exit, only go down this road, when we get to Cairo, we can see Heliopolis hidden behind Cairo.

  Otherwise, Cairo is Cairo, and we will never be close to Heliopolis, the home of the gods. "

   "Then what are we going to do now? By the way, if we go to that Heliopolis, will the temple in Cairo still be there?"

   "I can open the passage now, and then we can set off. As for the temple in Cairo, I really don't know. I think the current Heliopolis should have been destroyed."

  Looking at Amanite's helpless look, Ryuzhi and the others also knew Amanite's mentality. After all, she was the prince of Egypt before, and Egypt became like this, and she was somewhat unhappy in her heart.

  At this moment, Gina’s mentor stood up and said, “Are you done? Now the position is known, then we rush over, what are we waiting for here.”

  Yuzhi nodded, and turned to look at Amanite, "Then you can handle it. Let's find Evelyn and talk about it first."

Amana nodded characteristically, and then entered the Horus temple in the city that had not been dealt with. There, Amanet prayed softly. Under the power of Horus, everyone had a kind of self-likeness. Some feeling of dizziness.

   Then there seemed to be a city on the northeast horizon.

   "That's Heliopolis. That city will always guide us in front of us. As long as we look up, we will see where the city is. If we follow along, we won't get lost."

  However, none of the people on the field ran around. They could see that the situation in front of them was the same thing. It was the road to the kingdom of God. If they set foot on it with their strength, it was still too far away.

After hesitating for a while, Liu Zhi finally said, "Go, what's to be afraid of, Heliopolis is right in front of him, but he gave up here, that's nothing."

  When Ryuzhi said this, Vidnina, Spinning Spiderwoman, and another corpse soul Naga who had just grown his arms appeared behind him.

  Alex also wants to understand. This is a challenge and an opportunity for him. If he can really go to Heliopolis, then he will have the opportunity to challenge the road of Olympus.

  Gina’s mentor also raised her head, her eyes filled with determination and excitement. She also saw how much benefit this trip would be to her.

"Then let's go, remember that after embarking on this road, time and space have no effect. We cannot hesitate. There is only one opportunity. We must enter Heliopolis, otherwise we will even have the opportunity to retreat. nothing."

  (End of this chapter)

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