Necromantic Myth

Chapter 285: Dead sandstorm (11/30)

  Chapter 285 Death Sandstorm (1130)

  When Ryuzhi and the others set foot on the passage to Heliopolis, in the desert near Cairo, Richard was holding the body of Evelyn and following a man in black robes.

  At this time, Richard has changed his appearance. His eyes are red, and there are still vampire fangs around his mouth. From his appearance, he knows that he was forcibly transformed into a vampire.

  The black-robed man in front of him is a bald head with bronze skin, and many weird lines are painted on his skin.

  He is looking up at the sky at this time.

  Princess Richard, who was holding Evelyn’s body, couldn’t help but raised her head, “High Priest, what happened?”

"Someone opened the way into Heliopolis. It seems that they are chasing it, but they are also stupid. After so many years, they still go the old way. It's okay. I can stop them for a while, and then we will be on our way. ."

  "High priest, please rest assured, as long as you can resurrect Evelyn, "Book of Parables-Death" is yours."

  "The book of gods and parables is not important to me." The bald high priest sighed, "I only decided on your love story. Forget it, I will stop them."

  Speaking, the bald-headed high priest took out the black "Book of Gods-Death" from his sleeve, and read the spell "The sky is blue" on the spine of the book.

  Then the bald high priest opened the book of divine metaphors in front of him, pointed to the next few pages and said: "It seems that they are not lucky. They happened to encounter the spell that suits me, sandstorm, anger, death, get up!"

  In the curse of the bald high priest, Richard saw the previous black kobold mummy appear on the sand in front of them.

  Then the bald high priest lifted his hand, and a large amount of yellow sand rolled up these black kobold mummies, forming a huge sand screen.

  At this time, the bald high priest's mana was almost consumed, but he still tried to lift his hand up and push forward forcefully, "Go, death sandstorm!"

  Under the guidance of the bald high priest, these yellow sands with the kobold mummies turned into huge sandstorms and rushed out into the desert.

  After finishing all this, the bald high priest was relieved, "Okay, let's go first."

  Richard looked at the bald high priest and couldn’t help saying: "High priest, just now..."

"Don’t want to kill them, you can only hold them for a day or two at most. Heliopolis is there. You can see it by looking up. As long as you don’t get tired, you can go forward. No one will get lost. There is no way to kill them, but for us, two days are enough."

   After finishing talking about the bald-headed high priest, he walked forward, and at the same time said calmly: "We still have some way to go, you hurry up to keep up, don't get lost."

At this time, Ryuzhi and the others are walking in the desert. The desert leading to Heliopolis is larger than the real desert. The sunlight is always fixed at noon, if not for their own level. , Maybe they all died after walking for an hour or two.

  But even so, they walked quite embarrassingly. Only Amanite was used to life in the desert. While walking in front of him, he explained how to walk forward safely in the desert.

  At this moment, Liu Zhi's nose twitched, and he seemed to smell something.

  Liu Zhi raised his head in a puzzled manner, just to find that a thick black line appeared at the junction of the desert and the sky.

  Before Ryuzhi could react, Amanette yelled loudly, "Attention everyone, there is a sandstorm."

  Everyone gathered around here, looking towards the black line that Ryuzhi saw, Alex asked even more, “Are there many sandstorms before?”

"Sandstorms are very common, but they have never appeared on this road, because sandstorms are not in Horus's domain, they are in Seth's domain." Amanette said hurriedly, "Someone is on this road. Means were moved on the road, and the sandstorm was directed at us."

   "How long do you estimate the sandstorm in the past can reach our side?" Liu Zhi asked solemnly.

  "From the distance, it takes about three hours."

  Liu Zhi thought for a while, then changed hands and took out the "Book of Divine Metaphors-The Sun", "Now is the time to use this."

  Liu Zhi pointed to the words on the book of gods and recited the spells of the Eye of the Sky one by one.

   Then a prompt popped up on his property bar.

【Ding! Read part of "The Book of Gods-The Sun" and successfully master the magic-the eye of the sky. 】

  [Sky Eye Level 1: Release an eye that appears in the sky, and can observe all movements in the designated position, including all details. 】

After learning this, Liu Zhi stretched out his hand and pointed at the sky. A sky-blue eye appeared in the air. Then the eye moved quickly towards the sandstorm in the direction that Liu Zhi was pushing, and everyone present Looking at the scene in front of me, watching that eyes get closer and closer to the sandstorm.

   Soon they saw the scope of the sandstorm, and saw the kobold mummy ready to charge in the sandstorm.

  At this time, Amanite couldn’t help but screamed, “It’s the death sandstorm, that’s the big move in "The Book of Legends-Death". It seems that those people have discovered that we are going to Heliopolis."

  "Is there a way to crack it?" Liu Zhi is more concerned about this.

   "There should be some powerful magic in "The Book of Gods-The Sun", but..."

  Yagiji understands what Amanite said is just what he meant. There is a magic that can deal with this trick in "Book of Gods-The Sun", but it is definitely not the solar storm in front of him.

   Thinking of this, Liu Zhi raised his head to calculate the time, and then said: “How did the death sandstorm attack, or what did the sandstorm blow people away?”

   "Blow people up through the sandstorm, and then the Setter Guards inside will attack the people in the sandstorm. They can move freely in the sandstorm, but we can't."

Liu Zhi thought for a while, and quickly made a decision, "We dig a hole and hide ourselves under the sand dune. Come here, Spinning Spider Girl, and use the spider silk to build the sand pit stronger. We can't face it directly. Sandstorm, it should be okay to hide."

Liu Zhi’s idea was recognized by everyone. With the help of a large number of undead who Liu Zhi invited, they soon dug a big hole under the sand. The whole big hole was fixed by the spider web of the Spinning Spider Girl, and they also constructed it. He had several escape passages, ready to welcome this death sandstorm under the sand dunes.

  (End of this chapter)

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