Necromantic Myth

Chapter 286: Sun track (12/30)

  Chapter 286 Sun Tracks (1230)

  Liu Zhi and the others still underestimated the power of the sandstorm. When they hid, the sandstorm of death would blow here.

  Even if they are hiding under the sand dunes, they can hear the sound of ghost crying and wolf howling above their heads.

Liu Zhi’s Eye of the Sky was still on the sand dunes, where they monitored everything. They saw that the sandstorm was endless, blowing away the sand on the sand dune layer by layer, and brought it from a distance. The sand was scattered.

  See the kobold mummies, called the Setter Guard by Amanit, going back and forth in the sandstorm.

  Seeing that almost the entire desert is covered by this sandstorm, I don’t even know when the sandstorm will stop.

  "We will wait another two hours. If the sandstorm outside does not stop, we will dig out from the ground and drag it down. When we get to Heliopolis, Evelyn has also been resurrected."

Looking at this situation, Liu Zhi finally made a decision. The reason why he had to wait for two hours was because Amanite said that the book of gods would change every night at 12 o'clock. Liu Zhi wanted to see it. Now, is there any sun magic that will appear next to be used to restrain the sandstorm in front of you?

  Two hours passed in a flash. When Liu Zhi opened the Book of God's Metaphor-The Sun, his eyes lit up.

  Amanite, who was watching from the side, was also a little surprised. She recognized the words on it and at the same time recognized what kind of magic it was.

"The trail of the sun, this is a directional magic that imitates the scene after the sun carriage initiates an assault. This magic is used to break through the encirclement. It can knock off enemies that are blocking, or it can be left behind. The flames prevent the enemy from chasing. The most important thing is that you can feel warmth and encouragement when you step on the flames of the sun."

  Yagiji glanced at the number of pages required for this magic, and knew that it was also a large-scale magic like a solar storm.

  He asked, "How far can this magic go?"

   "Look at everyone's magic power. Generally speaking, the stronger the magic power, the farther you can go."

"it is good."

  Yiu Zhi didn't say much, picked up "The Book of God's Metaphors-The Sun" and read it.

   Soon a hint was given in his property bar.

【Ding! Fully read part of "The Book of God's Metaphors-The Sun", and successfully master the magic-sun track. 】

  [Sun Track Level 1: Release a sun carriage to start a charge, ignite the carriage track behind you, and follow the track to get out of the siege. 】

  Looking at his own experience, Liu Zhi took a deep breath, and stood up when he lifted the death rod, "Let’s get ready to go. This is our only chance. If we don’t succeed, we will be trapped here."

   After talking, Liu Zhi gave a wink at the Lady Fangming Spider. The Lady Fangming Spider pulled the web down, and several of them were exposed to the sandstorm.

  The sandstorm at this time was not as strong as it was at the beginning, but the Seth Guards in the sandstorm were still full of fierceness. When they saw Ryuzhi appear, they quickly surrounded them.

  But Liu Zhi lifted the death rod, and the sun crystal on the rod radiated a dazzling light, and then Liu Zhi pushed his hand forward.

   "The sun's trail, charge me!"

  Under Ryuzhi's order, an ancient Egyptian carriage made of sunlight appeared in front of everyone. The carriage was about twice the size of a normal carriage, and the wheels were full of burning flames.

  A eagle-headed man with a spear stood on the carriage, and controlled the carriage to rush towards Heliopolis.

  At the place where the carriage rushed, all the Setter guards or sandstorms were knocked away, and the place where the carriage drove over had a flame like sunlight.

  Liu Zhi looked at the flames on the ground and then shouted loudly: "Run along."

   Saying that Liu Zhi put on the death rod, and ran down in the direction of the carriage.

  But the carriage charged so fast, it disappeared in front of Yanagi and the others in the blink of an eye, leaving only the tracks left by the two carriage wheels still burning there.

  At this time, Liu Zhi finally understood, why this trick is not called a sun carriage or something, but a sun trail. It is impossible for a normal person to catch up with that carriage.

  Although the carriage is gone, the sun's trajectory is still there, and the sandstorm cannot blow in, and the kobold mummies of the Setter Guard are even burned into black ashes when they touch the flame on the trajectory.

  Yagiji and the others are not affected in any way. Even the undead like Vidnina will be fine when they encounter the flames.

Regarding this point, Armanet’s explanation is that this magic was released by Ryuuji, using his own magic power. They are under Ryuuji's, and the magic power is common, so Vidnina will naturally not be affected. The influence of magic.

  After they ran to the end of the track, Ryuzhi would stop to rest and meditate, replenish the magic power, and then release a new sun trajectory forward.

  After rushing three times, they finally rushed out of the area covered by the sandstorm and entered a relatively flat sand.

  After arriving here, Liu Zhi noticed that Heliopolis, who had been leading the way in front of them, had actually become a little materialized.

"Are we coming." Looking at Heliopolis, Ryuzhi and the others slowed down. Even if they were extraordinary, they couldn't stand running like this. They just wanted to get to Heri quickly. Opolis goes.

  Amanette glanced at the shadow of Heliopolis, "It has materialized, we are almost there."

   "That's good, then let's take a rest and leave, hurry up, otherwise, that Evelyn will be resurrected."

  The others were too tired, especially Nick who came with Alex and waited for him. They just came to count the number of people. They were almost exhausted when they ran down the road.

  They took a good rest and moved the legs that were about to be broken. Only then did they stand up in twos and threes and head towards Heliopolis.

  Just as Amanite said, they were almost there, and after about an hour, they could already see the ruins outside the city of Heliopolis.

  Here, Liu Zhi saw a lot of land stained black with blood, and saw some weapons that normal people could hardly use.

  He felt that everything here seemed to have experienced a war.

Amanite explained: "In my age, the gods lived together with humans. The gods were about three to four meters high. Generally speaking, the stronger the gods, the taller their heights. There should have been a experience here. God fight."

   "The leader is Apollo, look, that is Apollo's arrow." At this time, Alex pointed to a place and said.

  Yagiji and the others looked in the direction Alex was pointing. There was a golden arrow stuck at the top of a certain building. The style of the arrow was so familiar to them.

  (End of this chapter)

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