Necromantic Myth

Chapter 287: Arrived (for subscription)

  Chapter 287 Arrived (for subscription)

   Fierce battlefield.

After turning around the city of Heliopolis, Liu Zhi and the others had this judgment in their hearts. The city in front of them was clearly a magnified version of the city in ancient Egypt. It should have been a lush and vibrant city. It was a dead silence.

  If it weren't for the fact that the city was originally inhabited by some gods or demigods, there would be no resentful spirits left behind after their deaths. At this time, the sky over the city should be covered by a cloud.

   Even so, Liu Zhi and the others can see that the previous battle was fierce.

  You can still see some weapons on the ground from time to time, but Liu Zhi and the others just took a look, and they didn't have any thoughts to deal with this.

  At this time, under the leadership of Amanite, they quickly moved in one direction. According to their guess, the other party had almost begun to resurrect Evelyn.

The location   Amanite took was the southeast corner of Heliopolis. According to the legend, there was a fountain of darkness there, and it was the entrance of the Hades and the others by boat into Heliopolis.

  Resurrection here, the most perfect resurrection can be achieved with the least amount of magic.

  After all, Evelyn is just an ordinary person, and there is no blood of the gods and devil on his body, so he will not be affected at all, and he does not need to be mummified if he wants to be resurrected like the Pharaoh.

  So Richard and the others had much less preparation. When Yuji and the others entered Heliopolis, the bald high priest was ready to resurrect Evelyn.

  The so-called preparation here is actually very simple, that is, Evelyn was cleaned, the wounds on his body were treated, and he was placed on a platform in front of the fountain, where a large number of mummies of priests who were summoned were chanting spells.

Originally, they were going to recite here for three days and three nights, but on the one hand, they were in a hurry, and on the other hand, they didn’t know who the **** of the gods they prayed for, so they only planned to recite for a day or so as a ceremony. .

As for the high priest himself, he is still preparing some things there. After all, he is not long after being resurrected, his mana is still in the process of recovering, and he plans to do two things at once to bring his love back to life. come out.

  It was precisely for this reason that time was delayed. When they were preparing for the formal ceremony, Liu Zhi just rushed over.

   "It's down here." When he reached the ground, Yanagi no longer needed Amanite to lead the way. He could already feel the extremely dense underworld. ,

  Yagiji's voice was not loud, but it also attracted the attention of Richard who had been guarding outside.

After    became a vampire, Richard’s five senses became stronger. As soon as he heard Liu Zhi’s voice, a murderous aura instantly appeared in his eyes.

   "High Priest, someone is coming, I'll go out and take care of it."

  The bald high priest turned his head and glanced at Richard, and saw the killing intent in his eyes, and he was a little clear, "Are you the ones who chased you?"

   "Yes, I didn't expect that they would still chase over, but the high priest, don't worry, they won't be able to fight in with me."

  After talking, Richard put on his little revolver and walked out.

Since he became the hand of a vampire, his little revolver has also changed. The ordinary-looking gun turned into blood red. The bullets fired are also powered by blood, and the vampire’s teeth act as a bullet. Bullets.

  After the bullet is shot out, in addition to the anti-Newton operation of turning in the air, it also has the effect of sucking blood and returning blood.

  This is why Richard is confident that one person will block everyone.

But Richard did not expect that after Liu Zhi entered here, their team quickly changed. In order to preserve the magic power, Liu Zhi did not summon too many undeads. There were only Spinning Spider Girl and Vader beside him. Nina and the other corpse soul Naga, plus Amanite, now they followed Liu Zhi and rushed to the middle of the team.

This time, Gina’s mentor rushed in front of her. Her strength and combat ability were much stronger than Gina. She held a small round shield and a spear, and just rushed forward. At that speed, it was as if riding on a war horse.

  And Alex led Nick to the end. On the one hand, Alex's ability is suitable for the backcourt. On the other hand, it is also because Nick and they are too weak.

  Nick's strength is almost better than that of the Skeleton Soldiers. If they really want to fight, they are protected by Ryuzhi.

  As they rushed down, Richard also happened to rush up. When he saw the figure rushing down, Richard didn't even want to raise his hand with three shots.

After three shots, Richard did not look at the effect of his attack. He rolled on the ground and made an evasive action. Then he made up three shots. He didn’t know where he learned this set. , Can actually do such a boring thing to such a standard.

  However, Richard did not hit anyone with his shot. Gina's mentor who rushed in the front directly blocked six bullets with a shield.

   Under the influence of the Holy Light, those bullets turned to ashes on the spot, and they didn't hit anyone at all.

On the contrary, such an attack made Liu Zhi and the others discover Richard’s weakness. He is a standard training shooter. He learned the kind of rapid fire. Precision and rate of fire are his pursuits. This is why he is in The reason for winning in a certain Olympic competition.

  But his weakness is also in this regard.

  Even if he joined the army later and learned various things, he couldn’t change his style. When he attacked, he ignored nearby enemies.

  Think about it, he was in the arena when he was learning the gun, and the arena was not a place where the western cowboys were quick to shoot a gun. He didn't need to guard against enemy attacks at all.

  So his various dodge actions are quite blunt and mechanical, and people can see his details at a glance.

  At this time, Alex’s eyes lit up, "It turns out to be a laurel crown, it just so happens that I am also a laurel crown, Sandro, let me do this battle.

   "You?" Yanagi looked at Alex with some worry.

   "Don't worry, I am a decathlon crown. I am very confident about this, and I also know how to deal with a crown."

   "Well, I will leave it to you here. I will rush down first. Don't worry, I will give you a head."

   After speaking, Liu Zhi followed the crowd and bypassed Richard and rushed down quickly.

  Richard certainly didn't want them to rush down. Just as he was about to stop Yuji and them, a spear with lightning flew towards his chest.

  (End of this chapter)

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