Necromantic Myth

Chapter 288: face

  Chapter 288 Face

After bypassing Richard, Liu Zhi and the others rushed down for a certain distance. At this time, Liu Zhi had noticed that a large amount of black fog began to rise around. The black fog was the same as the gray fog outside the Hades. The extremely thick underworld is manifested.

  The most important thing is that in this black fog, Liu Zhi saw some kobold mummies and some priest-type mummies.

  The number of these enemies is not large, but the strength is stronger than the previous ones that Liu Zhi has encountered. Looking at the situation in front of him, Liu Zhi yelled, "You go first. I will handle it here."

Gina’s mentor also knew that she was the only person to face the high priest. She certainly couldn’t be dragged here, so she lowered her head and hid her upper body under the round shield, covering her body with a layer. Bai Guang just rushed down like this.

  And Liu Zhi took out his weapon and rushed into the black mist with his men.

  The strength of these mummies is very strong, so naturally there are not many.

  Yagiji met the two alone, and he could automatically switch the gems on the death rod, and naturally after setting off a hot laser, he received a flash of lightning.

  At the same time, his right hand did not stop, and the wind blade on the thin stabbing sword easily cut through the bodies of some mummies.

It’s just that the wind blade doesn’t seem to be so powerful against the mummy. The mummy’s body is made of yellow sand. After the wind blade is cut, it will reunite again. It’s not at all like the burning light and lightning that can hurt these. mummy.

  So after discovering this situation, Liu Zhi simply put away the thin stabbing sword and smashed it at the mummies while holding the death staff.

Although there are no skills, the hardness of the death rod is there, and when Liu Zhi takes the shot, the death rod will definitely carry the power of the sun or lightning. Often when hit, the mummy will be severely injured. , You can kill a mummy in two clicks.

The one who has the same record as Ryuzhi is Amanite. Her spear has a must-have effect, and her spear skill is super strong. When fighting the mummies, she almost blocked the three mummies alone. The picture can be seen. She may not be the strongest, but she must be the most visual.

  When Liu Zhi and the others blocked the mummy, Gina’s mentor had already rushed to the bottom.

  As soon as she entered here, she saw a large number of priest mummies praying there, and a bald high priest was turning over a black book in front of a black spring like mercury.

   Seeing Mentor Gina come in, the bald high priest frowned. He closed the black book on his hand and said to the priest mummy under his hand: "Kill her."

  The priest mummies stopped praying, and rushed towards the Gina teacher with their weapons.

  For group battles, Paladins are the least afraid of them. They are afraid of the kind of enemies that hit and run. After all, the problem of Paladins’ short legs is not a matter of a day or two.

  Now these people are coming around, but it is a good thing for Gina Mentor. When the mummy rushed in front of her, she yelled.


   Then a group of flames spread around her centered on her. The flame contained a powerful and violent power, and instantly wrapped all the mummies in.

  In the next instant, all the mummies turned into countless fire spots and disappeared in front of Gina's mentor.

  Seeing this situation, the bald high priest's face also became dignified. He felt that Gina's tutor was about the same strength as himself, except that he was from the remote law system, and Gina's tutor was from the melee law system.

  So you can't let her get close.

  The bald high priest reacted quickly, turning the black book in his hand to the third side, pointing to the text on it, and chanting a spell.

After Gina’s mentor destroyed the mummies, he also discovered the actions of the bald high priest. Although he didn’t know what magic he planned to use, her usual combat training with the mage gave her an instinct. When the mage chanted the spell, She wanted to rush to the back of the wizard and knock the wizard out.

   Even if she knew she couldn’t do this, she would rush there.

   But this time the bald high priest did not let Gina's mentor do this. When she rushed forward, the bald high priest pointed to the ground.

   "Quicksand Trap."

  This is another magic newly born in "The Book of Gods-Death". Under this magic, a pool of quicksand appeared in front of the bald high priest.

At first, Gina’s tutor wanted to run up the quicksand through his experience of walking in the desert, but unexpectedly, as soon as she stepped on the quicksand, the mummy’s arm stretched out from under the quicksand and grabbed it. I want to drag her down.

This situation shocked Gina’s mentor, but she immediately released another sacrifice. This sacrifice burned the ground, and Gina’s mentor also took this opportunity to step on the ground. The burning quicksand rushed towards the bald high priest.

  However, the bald high priest's combat experience is also considered rich. After releasing the quicksand trap, he immediately followed another magic.

  What was released this time was something like a bone spear. After the spear was released, the bald high priest pointed at the spear and said something.

   "Penetration, toxic, self-detonation, go!"

  The bald high priest spoke, and the spear flew out like this.

  Gina’s mentor reacted quickly, holding the buckler above his head, and quickly flashing to the side, while the spear in his hand was ready to attack.

  But this spear has the ability to automatically track. No matter how Gina's mentor dodges, the spear will always point at her automatically, and the speed has not slowed down at all.

  In desperation, Gina’s mentor could only use his buckler to block a blow from this spear.

  But she just raised the buckler, the spear pierced her buckler, and the tip of the spear even pierced in front of her.

  Fortunately, Gina's mentor is still very powerful. She pushed the buckler forward to counteract the force of the spear pierced by the spear, and did not let the spear pierce her face.

  But in the next instant, Gina's mentor raised his hand and threw the buckler out.

Because just now she saw that the spear pierced on the buckler began to turn green and bigger. The moment it was thrown out, the spear exploded, and countless green smoke emanated from the place where the spear exploded, towards Ji Na's mentor swarmed over there.

  Gina’s mentor did not wait for the bald high priest to release the third move, she raised her spear and jumped towards the bald high priest.

  The bald high priest also prepared the third magic at this time, and raised his hand and released it to Gina's mentor.

  (End of this chapter)

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