Necromantic Myth

Chapter 289: Evelyn Variation (13/30)

  Chapter 289 Evelyn Variation (1330)

The third magic released by the bald high priest is a kind of magic like a sandstorm, but this sandstorm is different from the previous sandstorm that covered almost the entire desert. This sandstorm is not big, it seems that you can only use it at most. Three or five people were enveloped in it.

But the power of this sandstorm is not small at all. Everyone can see that there are fist-sized stones, broken skulls and the like hidden in the sandstorm. As long as they are hit by this thing, they will suffer serious injuries if they die. .

  If Gina’s mentor had a buckler in her hand, she might be able to block the blow and rush forward, but she had no such opportunity right now.

  At this moment, a lightning ball wrapped around the wind blade flew out, and it happened to fly into the sandstorm.

   Then a lot of wind blades flew around, consuming the energy of the sandstorm.

   Taking this opportunity, Gina’s mentor took a step forward, her movements were full of momentum, and she looked like a heavy cavalry charging.

The bald high priest did not expect that his move would be broken. At this time, he didn't have much preparation. Faced with the stabbing blow of Gina's teacher, the bald high priest stepped back and retreated to the stone. The platform is there.

  Then the bald high priest lifted Evelyn's body up and used Evelyn's body to block the blow of Gina's mentor.

  At this moment, a spear flew from a distance, and at the same time a voice came from his ear.

   "Emmerhotep's family, go to hell."

It was Amanite who threw this spear. She didn’t want to shoot. But when she saw the bald high priest, she couldn’t help but think of the high priest beside her father thousands of years ago. It was the father of this bald high priest.

  If it weren't for his action, perhaps Egypt would fall into the hands of Amanit, and she would not have been trapped in the underworld for more than three thousand years.

  Although Amanite kept saying that she had let go, there was still no way to take back this bit of hatred in her heart. After seeing the high priest of the Emerhotep family, she couldn't help throwing the spear with all her strength.

   After the spear was thrown, Amanite just dropped a stone in his heart and sat directly on the ground, regardless of the fact that the battle was not over.

Fortunately, Liu Zhi did not let the bald high priest go. When he came down, he saw the situation in front of him. Gina's mentor was restrained. Although he would not be killed, he wanted to kill the bald high priest. Not that convenient.

  That's why Liu Zhi took the initiative and was ready to take people up to besiege.

  I didn't expect Amanite to throw his spear.

This spear has a certain attribute. Even if the bald high priest dodges backwards, the spear is still pierced on his body, but it does not nail the bald high priest to the ground as Amanite thought. .

  But this is enough for Gina's mentor. She has rushed to a position not far in front of the bald high priest, and without magical barriers, her charge happened to hit the bald high priest.

   Under this collision, the bald-headed high priest was knocked up, the whole person was knocked into the air, and then hit the ground heavily.

  As for the body of Evelyn, who was first thrown by the bald high priest onto Gina's mentor, it had been knocked into the black spring water nearby, and it was about to sink.

  But Gina’s tutor ignored this. When she turned her backhand, the spear pierced the body of the bald high priest. It could be seen that she wanted to kill the bald high priest.

  At this time, Liu Zhi discovered that the situation was not right. A large number of black lines appeared on the body of Evelyn who was thrown into the black spring water. The lines were very similar to the tattoos on Armanet's body and face.

  In this case, Amanite explained that he was affected by the erosion of the underworld, leaving his mark on the underworld.

  If she is unwilling to do anything at this time, it is very likely that she will directly transform into a powerful undead.

  So Liu Zhi didn't even think about it. When he rushed over there, a bolt of lightning struck Evelyn's corpse directly, trying to prevent the influence of the breath of the underworld.

  But with such a blow, Evelyn opened his eyes instead. With a loud roar, he jumped out of the black spring and rushed towards Liu Zhi.

  Videnina has been following behind Liu Zhi. Seeing this, a dodge stood in front of Liu Zhi, and at the same time the four long swords slashed towards Evelyn from all angles.

Although    has become an undead, Evelyn is nothing more than a gem hunter. She does not have any offensive combat power. She rushed to Ryuuji, just instinctive habit.

  When facing Vednina, Evelyn didn't even think about it, and instinctively raised his hand, trying to block Vednina's long sword with his hand.

  Why is Vednina's long sword so easy to block? In order to strengthen the lethality of the long sword, Vednina usually covers the long sword with a wind blade.

  This sword went down, and Evelyn’s arm was chopped off.

   Just when Ryuzhi thought Evelyn was dead, something that surprised Ryuuji happened. Evelyn's body, including the arm that had been chopped off, turned into dust, and then changed back to its original appearance.

   Evelyn was also angry this time, she yelled and wanted to bypass Vidnina and attack Ryuuji.

  But Vednina dragged Evelyn forcibly and prevented her from passing like this.

From the battle here, Ryuzhi can also see that Evelyn does not seem to have any weaknesses, but in fact, there is no lethality. Her biggest feature is that she can't kill no matter how badly it is cut. , Rolling on the ground, it will return to the original body.

Enemies like    are the most annoying. Although Vidnina can hold her alone, what Ryuuji wants is to kill Evelyn.

   What makes Ryuzhi speechless the most is that Vednina has clearly cut Evelyn seven or eight times, but Evelyn always rushes to Ryuzhi no matter what.

  This anomaly made Liu Zhi a weird thought flashed in his heart. He thought for a moment, took out the ring of the main mission, the Eye of the Devil, and at the same time kept a close eye on Evelyn's every move.

   Just as he had guessed, when the Eye of the Demon God was taken out, Evelyn’s eyes were all focused on the Eye of the Demon God.

  Understanding what this happened, Liu Zhi suddenly stretched the eyes of the Demon God forward. After attracting Evelyn’s eyes, he raised his hand and threw the Demon God’s eyes far away.

  The moment Ryuuji made this action, Evelyn rushed out like a dog chasing a stick.

  But Ryuzhi moved at this moment. He appeared behind Evelyn, the death rod in his hand turned over, like a spear, and pierced the back of Evelyn’s head.

  (End of this chapter)

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