Necromantic Myth

Chapter 291: game over

  Chapter 291 Game Over

【Ding! Read "The Book of Divine Metaphors-Death" carefully, and successfully master the magic-the trade between life and death, quicksand traps, bone spears, and reverse sandstorms. 】

  【Deal of Life and Death Level 1: The death of one or several people is exchanged for the resurrection of another person. The more people who invest, the more memories will be left after the resurrection. 】

  [Quicksand Trap Level 1: Arrange a quicksand area covering an area of ​​ten square meters. As long as someone steps in, they will be dragged into the quicksand by the undead under the quicksand and will never be able to leave. 】

  【Bone Spear Level 1: Release a bone spear that will automatically guide and inject three attributes into the spear before casting (Poison, Penetration, Self-detonation, Fire, Ice, etc.)】

  【Reverse Sandstorm Level 1: A sandstorm covering an area of ​​no more than ten square meters is formed. All people who enter the sandstorm area will be attacked by the piercing sandstorm. 】

After learning these magics, Liu Zhi hesitantly glanced at the Mingquan in front of him. Finally, he took a bottle and filled it with some spring water from the Mingquan. The fact was that Amanite and others returned to his own with a beacon in the starry sky. In the palace.

  It’s strange to say that the moment Liu Zhi returned to the Hades, the two divine metaphors he was carrying turned into a mercury-like liquid in front of him, and disappeared when they merged into the ground.

  Liu Zhi was stunned for a moment, and then he realized that he wanted to be the true master of Shen Yu Shou, but found that Liu Zhi had already benefited, and he took the book back.

   Then Liu Zhi noticed that the eyes of the devil he had retrieved and the spring water of the Mingquan he had brought back had all become without any power effect, and it looked like an ordinary ring and ordinary spring water.

If Liu Zhi has time, he can naturally go and see what is going on, but he has no time at all now. He in the Hades said to Amanite: "You protect yourself, we are leaving. ."

   Then Liu Zhi sat down in the center of the Hades, and he chose to quit.

  As Liu Zhi made a choice, a string of new messages popped up.

   [Reminder: Player's basic task-the Ring of the Iron Fast family is completed, and a basic gift pack will be obtained. 】

   [Reminder: Player's basic mission-Iron Fast's ring (follow-up) is completed, and a follow-up mission gift pack will be obtained. 】

   [Reminder: VIP mission-the adventure squad on board is completed, score A, and get an A-level VIP package. 】

  【Hint: Supplementary task 1-Roasted scarabs are completed, kill scarabs in total (3711/100) and get a level 37 supplementary package. 】

   [Reminder: Supplementary task 2-Completion in the wind, the power of the sandstorm is terrifying, and you will get a level 20 supplementary package. 】

  【Hint: Supplementary task 3-Complete the iron fist of justice, get a painting of justice, and a supplementary package for level 1. 】

[Reminder: The player’s total game score is 197 points (basic task 30 points + follow-up 30 points, VIP task 50 points, supplementary task 1 rewards 47 points, supplementary task 2 rewards 30 points, supplementary task 3 rewards 10 points), and the total evaluation is A level 】

  【The player has quit the game and is now connecting to the Burning Blade City of Logan Aplane...】

  Luoganger A Plane Burning Blade City? What kind of plane and what kind of city would it be? Is it just as Fu Tai said, a neutral, public plane city?

  With this thought, Liu Zhi and his Hades slowly disappeared into the air.

  At this moment, a white-haired man in a blood-colored nobleman's clothes appeared here from Heliopolis.

  Standing in this land of gods that had experienced the battle of gods, there was no shock on the man's face. At this time, his eyes were full of tension and annoyance.

  He just stood here and smelled it lightly, then found a direction and rushed forward.

   His movements were not big, his body flashed like a **** light, and after a while, he came to the place where the bald high priest resurrected Evelyn.

  It’s just that all he saw at this time was the corpses of the bald high priest and Richard. As for the corpse of Evelyn, which he cared most about, only the remnant of the head was left.

Looking at the corpse being randomly thrown on the ground, the man roared, and a lot of blood poured out on his body. In the next instant, this building that had not been destroyed for thousands of years was directly destroyed, including the bald head. The corpses of the priest and Richard were all buried underground.

  Only Evelyn’s body was taken away by the man.

In the next period of time, on the other side of the Mediterranean Sea, the Holy Roman Empire was also turbulent. I don’t know what nerves the piercing father had made. The good blood boss didn’t do it, and even ran to the main temple of Europa Zeus before the battle of God began To challenge.

  As a result, the main priest present used a lightning spear to electrocute half of his body.

  However, this piercing prince also killed half of the guards and one-third of the priests in the main temple of Zeus. It can be said that one person has played the prestige of the blood.

  Suppressed by the angry Zeus, the Olympus battle that was about to start, used the power of the king to launch twelve main gods to attack Duke Piercing, and almost the entire continent of Europa was plunged into war.

  Some small families were destroyed, and a large number of provinces were involved in the war.

The identity of Liu Zhi in this world, the Ironfast family, is one of the small families that were destroyed. However, there are rumors that the Ironfast family was destroyed not because of the war between the blood family and the gods. It is because they have recovered their heirloom, the eye of the devil from the magic lamp.

In the battle against the blood race, an organization called the Holy Light emerged. They have the power to restrain the blood race. Because of this, with the support of the twelve main gods, they soon established in various cities in the Europa continent. Set up your own temple.

The overseas provinces suppressed by the Holy Roman Empire also took this opportunity to become independent, especially the Egyptian provinces. Horus, who had gathered a lot of power for a long time, sneaked into the Europa continent and defeated Apollo during the blood war. Taking away the power of the sun in Apollo's hands, and taking the initiative to take refuge in Zeus, to support Zeus as the **** king, and to fight against the conditions of the blood race, in exchange for the rule of Egypt.

When Horus regained the throne of the sun god, a woman who claimed to be Cleopatra VII stood up. She had the ability to wake up all the pharaohs in the Valley of the Kings. With the support of the pharaohs, this woman The woman became the queen of Egypt.

  And this battle is also known as the Pharaoh’s choice in Egyptian history. Since then, Egypt has split from the Holy Roman Empire and Heliopolis has been rebuilt.

  But no one knows how many players participated in these events and how many players fell.

  (End of this chapter)

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