Necromantic Myth

Chapter 292: First entry plane

  Chapter 292 The First Entry

Logan A plane is a more famous neutral plane in the interplanetary game. This plane was originally part of the game. It was famous because a player named Logan A played through it alone, and finally changed its name. Here.

  At the same time, because that Logan A did not have the idea of ​​swallowing this plane, this plane went through a process of abandonment and rebirth, and finally became a gathering place for neutral players.

Burning Blade City is just one of the eleven novice cities under the seven major cities of the Logan'a Plane. All players who enter the Logan'a Plane but have not got the right to reside in the major cities will be there. These novices are'born' in the city.

When    was teleported here, Liu Zhi saw a red patch, surrounded by huge red rocks, and even the soil on the ground was a vermilion red.

  The location where he stood was a huge circle made up of fragments, which can be seen from the same size circle nearby. These teleportation arrays for players to enter and exit the game are not uncommon on this plane.

  Because of this original difficulty, no one urged Liu Zhi to leave quickly, so that Liu Zhi had time to look around.

After a glance, Liu Zhi found that he seemed to be in a valley at this time. He didn't know if it was because of the dryness of the sky or because of the barren land. There weren't any big trees nearby. Instead, he was in a nearby valley. There are some cacti that are nearly two meters high.

  It can be seen that these cacti have been trained to a certain extent and have become an economic crop.

The Yanagi who came out of the game, because he gave up the name of Sandre Eid, he did not change back to the original Sandre Eid, who was nearly two meters tall and thin, instead he used Sandre. · Ironfast looks like an ancient Egyptian with black hair and black eyes. He has healthy muscles all over his body and wears a white robe.

At the same time, on his right index finger, there is an extra ruby ​​ring, which is the identity of the Iron Fast family, the Eye of the Demon God, but this ring has no magic power of the six jewels of the magic lamp. But it is used as an identification certificate.

   At this moment, a voice rang, "The one standing over there, please report your identity. Don’t read it indiscriminately. It’s you."

Liu Zhi looked in the direction of the sound and found a strong man with a green skin of 1.8 meters tall and a shoulder width of 1.4 meters looking at him. The strong man’s chin was protruding forward, and his pair of fangs moved fast against him. It grows to the eyes.

However, on his body, he was wearing a white shirt and a black suit, and it looked a lot like that. If he hadn't held a browned lizard in his hand, perhaps Yanagi would treat Fen as a cultural person. .

  "Are you calling me?" Liu Zhi pointed to himself.

   "Yes, I just arrived at the Logan A plane. Come here to register. You don't need to record all the information, but the name, level and occupation must match the number."

  Ryuzhi glanced at his attribute column and nodded gently.

[Name: Liu Zhi (interplanetary game Galactic Cantilever Plane V4 player, the fourth natural disaster homecoming group No. 9) / Sandru (Sandru Ironfast: Interplanetary game southern swamp plane ordinary Player)]

  [Occupation: Necromancer (no occupation/Necromancer: City Guardian)]

  [Level: Level 2 (Meditation reaches level 3, two special skills will be upgraded after level 3)]

  【Magic Power: 320/320】

  【Title: Ide I】

  [Deputy: Extraordinary Sailor Level 1, Apprentice Poison Apothecary Level 3]

  [Attributes: Strength 6.3, Agility 6.1, Constitution 7.1, Spirit 18.3]

[Active Skills: Sailor Basic Swordsmanship Level 4, Sail Control Skills Level 4, Dark Night Swordsmanship Level 1, Z-shaped Secret Sword Level 1, Eternal Night Sword Curtain Level 1, Indigo Wind Chasing Swordsmanship Level 2 Tool making level 4, star falling level 4, star beacon level 1, shipbuilding level 4, alien mount riding level 1, sky eye level 1, sun trail level 1]

[Professional Skills: Spiritualism Level 2, Rasha's Eye, Meditation Level 2, Vampiric Touch, Level 1, Nature Breath, Meditation Level 1, Spirit Gathering Thaumaturgy Level 1, Life and Death Trade Level 1, Quicksand Trap 1 Level 1, Reverse Storm Level 1, Bone Spear Level 1]

[Passive skills: magic knowledge level 3, undead knowledge level 4, basic science level 3, basic language level 3, fish knowledge level 1, jungle survival knowledge level 4, toxicity knowledge level 3, cooking knowledge level 2, and botany 3 Level, Herbalism Knowledge Level 2, Architecture Knowledge Level 1, Mystery Knowledge Level 4, Gems Knowledge Level 9, Divine Metaphor Knowledge Level 1, Desert Survival Knowledge Level 1, Mount Management Knowledge Level 1, Water Source Search Level 1, Starry Sky Positioning level 1...]

  【Advanced Skills: Urban Planning Level 1】

[Special Skills: Lord of Hades Level 1, Underworld Ecosystem Level 2 (Treebound Spirit Aquatic Plant-Murloc System Level 2, Treebound Spirit Snake Skeleton Wood-Corpse Dog System Level 1, Treebound Spirit Spores-Spider Web System 1 Level), Underworld Shuttle Level 1】

  【Training knowledge: rothide cannibal wolf level 1, Storm murloc level 1, Eagle warrior level 1]

  【Experience: 7326】

   "Shandru Ironfast, Level 2 Necromancer, player of the Fourth Scourge Returning Home."

  "Okay, wait for me to record it." The green-skinned guy took out a notebook and prepared to record, but he scratched his head, "Well, how do Sandro spell it."

  Ryuzhi looked at this guy with a bit of speechlessness, and finally reached out and took the notebook, "Forget it, I will fill it out by myself."

  "Okay, I'll leave it to you. I know that people like you are reliable. Come and write it yourself. By the way, when you finish writing it, come over. Old Jack has good things for you."

  After finishing talking, the green-skinned guy threw the notebook in front of Yanagi and left like this.

  For this situation, Liu Zhi was also a little dazed. He looked at the green skin who had left with a little speechless, and finally wrote down his name in the book.

  In the next moment, Ryuzhi felt as if some fluctuation had swept over him, and then he found that he had put a small red hook behind his name, profession, and level.

   "It seems that this plane is not without defense, at least in terms of name, occupation and level, it can still be found out."

  Ryuzhi thought this way, while holding this little notebook, he left the stone circle and walked to the side of the green skin before.

The dry green skin of the lizard was being re-roasted and said, "Come here, put the book over there, come and eat a little. There is not much food here. The only one who wants to eat meat is this little lizard. If you don’t eat meat, Eat the fruit of that cactus as you like, and after eating, let’s talk about other things."

  (End of this chapter)

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