Necromantic Myth

Chapter 293: Toga's Sleep (15/30)

  Chapter 293 Sleep of Toga (1530)

   took the green-skinned roasted little lizard and sandwiched it in the cut cactus flesh, and Liu Zhi put the thing in his mouth casually.

  Under this bite, the dry smell of the lizard was completely absorbed by the cactus meat, but it tasted a strange salty taste, chewing a few more bites, it was also very chewy.

   "It tastes good."

  Yiuzhi took another bite of most of the food, raised his hand and said.

   "Really, old Jack has this ability. It seems that no one likes it. By the way, did you come here by passing by or staying for a long time."

At this time, Liu Zhi also knew that this green skin should be called Old Jack. He picked up the cactus liquid aside, poured some into his mouth, and said: "I want to find a place to rest. , The pace in the game is too fast, and some things are not suitable to be done in the game."

Looking at Liu Zhi’s expression that you understand, Old Jack slapped his thigh and said, “Yes, why don’t I understand? I almost became a player. If it weren’t for an arrow in my knee, I’m jumping in the game now. Yes, but if you want to live here for a long time, then there are some things I have to make clear to you. The land here is not for nothing, and it is said that it is rented in a common currency."

  For this news, Liu Zhi was taken aback. He thought about it and asked, “I didn’t tell you before, I’m the kind of city guardian player, but I have a city in my hands.”

  "It’s okay. Don’t talk about a city. Even if it’s a plane, we can let it go. We just have to pay rent."

  Looking at the confident look of old Jack, Liu Zhi couldn’t help asking, “Oh, then how should I rent this land.”

"As for this land, the price of land with veins and without veins is different, and the price with dangerous and non-dangerous prices are also different. The price of resources is not as good as the price without resources. The most expensive land is naturally the land with veins and resources but not dangerous. , I told you secretly, we have such a good place here."

  While talking about the old Jack, he blinked, as if you gave me some favor, I would tell you the secret news secretly.

  But for this, Liu Zhi didn't want to believe that. He put the rest of the food in his hand into his mouth, chewed it up, and didn't speak.

  Looking at this situation, old Jack was a little helpless, "I don’t want you to be more, just give 100 common currency, I promise to find a good place for you."

   "I'm not afraid to tell you, I am a necromancer, my city is to be built in the underworld, a good place in the real world, I can't use it." Liu Zhi said a suitable reason for rejection.

  But when Old Jack heard it, he smiled there and said, "Necromancer, we also often come to Necromancer. If I help you find it, I will definitely find a good position. Have you heard of Black Pearl?"

  "Black Pearl?" Liu Zhi thought for a while, wondering if Old Jack was talking about a certain ghost ship. Although he was a little green, his name was Jack. Maybe it could really be involved.

   "Yes, it's the black pearl. I have a very good position in my hand. It is the legend, a place that is visible and invisible, a position that the real tombkeeper never sees, and the location of the black pearl."

Hearing that what Old Jack said was not the black pearl he thought, Liu Zhi was not interested. He was about to stand up and leave. At this time, Old Jack quickly said, "Don't go, I can make it cheaper. My currency is 50%, or 30 is fine."

  At this moment, Liu Zhi turned around and stared at Old Jack and said, "Can you tell me, why are you so anxious to sell this land?"

   When asked by Liu Zhi, Old Jack was also a little embarrassed, “That’s because we discovered this land together. Of course, whoever sells it will divide it a bit more.”

   "A few people discovered it together. Didn't I rent the land, and there will be others to grab it?" Liu Zhi calmly said a possibility.

   "No, it won't." Old Jack said hurriedly, "Everything will be recorded, and Burning Blade City will protect your legal rights."

  Looking at the look of old Jack, Liu Zhi didn't believe it so much. He smiled and stared at old Jack, "I always feel as if there is something that I haven't explained clearly."

Listening to Ryuzhi's words, old Jack was also a little speechless. He threw the empty glass in his hand to the ground, as if he had made some decision and said: "Well, I'm not afraid to tell you that this place is on the plane. Between the gaps, the ground is very large, and it connects the underworld. It is definitely a good place for you, but there is a problem here, and that is the riddle before.

At that time, several people went to search together, and found a place called the Tomb Keeper Skeleton Rock. The two eyeballs of the Skull Rock were the passages to the place, the black pearls, but, we took the black pearls When we brought it back, someone robbed it on the road, so even if we handed it in, there was no way to rent it to normal people.

  Did you know that we had many brothers dead at the time. If this thing falls into our hands, how can I confess to those dead brothers? "

Speaking of this, there is no need for Old Jack to continue. Liu Zhi already understands the situation here. There are two entrances to that place. In other words, if Liu Zhi rents out, he is likely to be attacked by others. .

  However, Liu Zhi did not leave here. Old Jack said all the problems here, and Liu Zhi became interested in this land.

  "Is there a map there?"

  "Yes, yes, yes." Seeing that Liu Zhi became interested, Old Jack repeatedly promised people. He quickly took out a piece of parchment paper on which was painted exactly the shape of the space.

  It can be seen from the map that in the middle of this space, there is a huge turtle shape. Liu Zhi pointed to this and asked, "This is?"

"Oh, I forgot to tell you. This space was originally the cemetery of this turtle called Toga. This place was originally called Toga’s Sleep, but don’t worry. Toga has been dead for a long time and his soul is gone. Now, here and this place can be used to build a city. There is a logging yard in this location. This is a stone mine, and this is a crystal mine. The output is not low."

  Maybe it was worried that Liu Zhi was dissatisfied with this space, Old Jack quickly explained it.

  However, Liu Zhi's attention was still on the image of the sea turtle in the center. Finally, he said, "The body of Toga, can you dispose of it?"

   "Of course, what else do you rent here? Renting a mine will not allow people to mine. There is no reason."

  Old Jack said that, Liu Zhi was a little moved. He thought for a while and finally asked, "How much do you plan to ask for?"

  (End of this chapter)

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