Necromantic Myth

Chapter 294: Negotiations before the transaction (16/30)

  Chapter 294 Negotiations before the transaction (1630)

"At least 1,000 common currency." Old Jack made a look that absolutely no bargaining is allowed, but soon his face changed, "Don't worry, we signed a three-year contract here, and the 1,000 common currency rent is so big. Three years in the local area, if you go to inquire about it, there is no such good thing in the entire Burning Blade City."

  Three years? Liu Zhi calculated it in his mind, and felt that it was reasonable. As for what to do after three years, Liu Zhi didn't worry at all. If he couldn't get better in three years, it would be a ghost.

At this time, Old Jack said again: "By the way, you have to give me the agency fee. This 1,000 is divided among a lot of people, plus the dead brothers, I can't get much, so you have to give me the agency fee. ."

  "Let's check it out first." Liu Zhi did not immediately agree.

  Old Jack nodded when he heard it, "Yes, I'll take you over, you walk here."

Under the leadership of Old Jack, Ryuzhi followed out of the valley. Soon they walked around to the beach behind the valley. In the distance, Ryuzhi saw a huge rock that looked like a skull. Soak in the sea water.

  But the rock was obviously a bit weird. The surface of the rock was covered with moss. One eye had eyeballs, while the other eye was empty and there was nothing.

Walking to the Skeleton Rock, Old Jack said cautiously: "We thought there was a passage or something under this rock, but in the end many brothers died underneath, and finally a clever man cracked the riddle, or not. Know how much to die."

  Looking at the Skull Rock in front of him, Liu Zhi did not speak.

Liu Zhi’s attitude frightened old Jack. He thought it was going to be pornographic, so he quickly explained, "I said you don’t have to worry about it. We are all guards in Burning Blade City, and our identity is okay. Yes, and this kind of small space can’t be taken care of by Fireblade City. After all, this thing can’t be transported back to the city, so throw it to our brothers to make some extra money. We really don’t lie to you, the price we want is already It’s the lowest. If you enter Fireblade City, you may not even be able to rent a building with 1,000 currency."

"I know." Liu Zhi answered calmly. In fact, he also understood that this is a small piece of land on the periphery of the city. It is almost impossible to sell at a high price. The guards of the teleportation point take it for processing, which is regarded as a reward for the guards.

The more calm Liu Zhi is, the more disturbed the old Jack's heart is. He is afraid that this deal will be bad. You must know that there are a few players who came here to see the venue before, but finally I saw the environment here and heard that there is another one. After the entrance was out of control, they all gave up here.

  If you drag it like this, this space may really be smashed into your hands.

And Fireblade City doesn’t care if this space is in the hands of the guards. They assume that the guards are very satisfied with this space, so the next time when this corner space is allocated, they will jump over these guards and arrange them. Those guards who did not earn.

  So the old Jack bit his teeth at this time, "If you order this, we can guarantee that the patrol points will be spread to this side, you must know..."

  The old Jack hadn’t finished speaking, he saw that Liu Zhi had jumped to the top of Skull Rock, standing on the Skull Rock and looking at the sea, Liu Zhi frowned slightly, "This is a smuggling channel."

When asked by Ryuzhi, Old Jack was also a little embarrassed, "The route from Burning Blade City to Adarei City is nearby. Some things that are prohibited by human cities will be sent in through here, but you can rest assured, Bloodsail Pirates It's just a group of small green-skinned fleets. They have no combat effectiveness. They just make coolies."

   Liu Zhi's heart moved. He knew more or less Old Jack's attitude towards the so-called bloodsail pirates. It seemed that their patrol team had some connection with these bloodsail pirates.

After understanding this, Liu Zhi said directly: "Okay, I have two requirements, one you must help me find the other entrance, and at least let me know who took the other entrance. Then there is to introduce me to the people of Bloodsail Pirates."

  For the two requirements of Liu Zhi, Old Jack understood a little bit but was a little puzzled. He understood the first one. After all, this space has two entrances. If you don't control the other entrance in your hands, no one will feel comfortable developing this space.

  Be aware that these players are all going to enter the game. If their home is stolen when they enter the game, then who should make sense.

  So Old Jack understands this request of Liu Zhi very well, but he doesn't quite understand the other request.

   "Why do you want to contact the people of Xuefan, they are not so good to communicate."

   "I am a shipbuilder, extraordinary." Liu Zhi said triumphantly. Seeing his confident look, everyone would believe that Liu Zhi has the ability to build ships.

Old Jack was stunned for a moment to react. He was about to say that transcendent ships were nothing, but then he thought of a possibility. Bloodsail pirates are a smuggling group. They cannot be in Burning Blade City or other cities. Supplemented by ships.

  Don’t talk about Legendary ships in their hands. There are not many Transcendent ships. If there is a Transcendent shipbuilder willing to help them, they will definitely be happy to communicate with them.

  However, those shipbuilders live in Burning Blade City one by one, and even if they want to contact, the people of Blood Sail can’t get in touch. Besides, even if they get in touch, there is no shipyard, how do they build ships.

  On the contrary, the space in front of Ryuzhi is on the seashore. If he really wants to build a ship, many things will become quite convenient.

  The old Jack, who wanted to understand, immediately agreed, saying that he was willing to help contact the Bloodsail Pirates, but whether he could succeed, it would depend on Liu Zhi's ability.

  Ryuzhi didn't say anything any more at this time, he just jumped off the Skeleton Rock, "How should I trade?"

   "Oh, I have already called someone. When you give him the money, he will give you a marker. The process is very simple and it will be handled soon."

  Old Jack explained and looked around. After a while, a group of green skins like him came from nearby, and it could be seen that they were the team members who had found this space.

  Old Jack stepped forward to explain to them, and one of them nodded to Liu Zhi.

  Later Jack took a banner from them and sent it to Liu Zhi.

  Liu Zhi opened the banner and saw that there was a burning long knife on it.

  "This is the logo of Burning Blade City. Just hang this flag on the Skull Rock. There are 1050 common currencies in total, thank you!"

  (End of this chapter)

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