Necromantic Myth

Chapter 295: Space at hand

  Chapter 295 Space is available

  After paying the money, Old Jack stepped aside and walked out from among the green-skinned guys, helping Ryuzhi to insert the banner of Burning Blade City on the Skeleton Rock.

  At the moment the banner was inserted, Liu Zhi only felt that the eyes of Skull Rock in front of him flashed with black light, as if a passage was opened in front of him.

Liu Zhi turned his head and looked around. Old Jack said, "Don't worry, this is normal. It's just a confirmation. As long as it's confirmed, only you and your subordinates can enter and exit within three years. Other people I can't get in."

  Yiu Zhi nodded, stretched out his hand and pressed it in the passage, and then he only felt as if he was forcibly pulled into a space.

  When everything stabilized, he found that the sky had turned to pitch black somehow, and some weird red eyes were blinking in the sky.

After taking a breath, Liu Zhi knew that this was not the underworld. It smelled of decayed corpses and had a strong yin, but there was no sense of order in the underworld. It seemed that the corpse had not been processed yet. Keng, even the mass graves in Liu Zhiming Palace are better than here.

  Liu Zhi raised the death rod, and the sun crystal on it glowed brightly, illuminating everything in front of him.

Under the light of the sun's crystal, Ryuzhi discovered that everything here was similar to the coast where Skeleton Rock was found before. It was a square-shaped open space with a length of fifteen or six kilometers each. At least half of the open space was sea water. The waves are constantly washing some corals or shells to the shore.

A sea turtle the size of a Hades is lying on the ground. The body of the sea turtle has decayed. A large number of white-bone birds with wings are hovering beside the sea turtle. The red eyes are from these white-bone birds. .

Half of this turtle's body was soaked in the sea water, and his lower body had been soaked up a lot. Yanagi noticed that on the turtle's hind legs, there were some red monsters sucking on the turtle's body. liquid.

As for the turtle’s eyes are gone, at the same time Liu Zhi noticed that there was a huge wound on the left side of the turtle’s body, which can be seen. The wound directly tore off most of the turtle’s shell, body and internal organs. , Which also caused the death of sea turtles.

Just taking a look at the situation in this space, Liu Zhi understood in his heart that this space should be the place where the turtle called Toga usually rests. For some reason, he was bigger than him. The giant beast was bitten, and although it finally escaped, it died in its own space.

  Because there was no one to deal with the corpse after death, the radiating yin and rotten aura finally broke through the boundary between the underworld and reality, attracting some creatures in the underworld.

  If you drag it like this, this place may become a fulcrum in the underworld. For normal people, it is a place like a haunted house in a ghost domain.

If it is an ordinary person, there may be no way to deal with the situation at hand, but Liu Zhi is in the southern swamp plane, and I don’t know how many times he has dealt with this kind of thing. It can be said that the entire southern swamp plane exists for the underworld invasion of the real world. of.

  Liu Zhi just glanced around, and found the place where the breath of the underworld came from, which was a little bit to the right of the turtle's corpse.

  Holding the death rod, Liu Zhi walked over like this, and he wondered if it could be used as a base for his city.

   Just when he nodded in satisfaction and was about to put the Hades down, his eyes suddenly lit up.

  Liu Zhi squatted down and looked up on the sand. After a while, he saw some small footprints on the ground.

   "Someone has been here."

  Liu Zhi glanced at the location where the footprints appeared, and already had a judgment in his heart. The black pearl that had been stolen before should have been activated, but Liu Zhi was not sure, and those people were going to do something with it.

  Thinking for a while, Liu Zhi didn't come up with a reason in the end, but he was not the kind of hesitant person. On the contrary, after making sure that someone was eyeing this place, Liu Zhi even took the initiative.

He walked around in this clearing, and glanced at the shore because of space reasons, some messy trees growing and the logging yard that almost stopped work, glanced at the stone mine facing the coral reef, and then glanced at it. The crystal mine, which was almost completely immersed in the sea, had some thoughts in his mind.

  But before those thoughts unfold, Liu Zhi still needs to deal with this space. At least the bones in the sky and the strange bugs on the legs of the turtle must be dealt with.

  Thinking this way, Liu Zhi stood on the right side of the turtle, where the footprints had been found before, and released Hades.

  As the Hades landed here, the space shook slightly. The sea in Hades was connected to the sea in this space, and the gold objects that were mixed with the corpses were washed into the sea.

Then under the control of Ryuzhi, the sun transformed by the Eye of Horus rose from the range of the Hades, rising higher and higher, and finally hung high on the top of the space, lighting up the dark space. Let Liu Zhi be able to see the entire space clearly.

  It was precisely because of the rising of the sun that Liu Zhi, the bone-bone birds hovering next to the turtle corpse screamed. They even rushed towards Liu Zhi, as if they wanted to kill Liu Zhi.

  Yagiji didn't even look at them, and said to Mander, "Mander, I have something to do. You can deal with these guys. After I have handled the things here, I will clean up this space."

  For the defense of the city, Mander’s job was naturally Mander’s job. He transferred a large number of skeleton shooters, together with the gargoyle troops, and fought the bone birds on the wall.

  Those bone birds do not have any powerful combat effectiveness. Although they can fly in the sky, the real attack methods are relatively simple, that is, claw attacks and beak attacks. Both attacks can be done only when they are close to the enemy.

But as long as they fly down, they will be hit by the skeleton shooter, and the skeleton mage trained by Yuji these days has also joined the battle. The skeleton mage who has not yet formed a team is fighting around by themselves, but they The attack power is relatively strong, whether it is fireball or ice archery, it is harmful to those bone birds.

But all this is not the end. When a ceremonial skeleton discovered that a bone bird could replace a flying eagle, the situation changed. The ceremonial skeletons who have undergone training in the Hades but have not yet become the young eagle warrior Carrying his own weapon, he fumbled out of the city. Their goal was only one, the bone bird that was still hovering over the turtle and did not come.

  (End of this chapter)

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