Necromantic Myth

Chapter 297: Professional equipment (17/30)

  Chapter 297 Professional Equipment (1730)

The oil painting in front of Ryuji is depicting the fact that Ryuji killed Evelyn in the spring of Heliopolis. In the oil painting, Evelyn has black tattoos all over his body. There are countless ghosts flying out of the spring.

  And Liu Zhi held up the death rod, with the sun's rays flashing on it, hitting her head from behind Evelyn.

  The action is full of imagination, very in line with the requirements of the mission, defeating an evil enemy, this justice scene will forever be recorded by the oil painting.

  Of course, if it were just like this, Liu Zhi would not be so excited. At this time, what he valued was a small line under the oil painting.

[Oil painting, the iron fist of justice, is an oil painting that records the justice of the city lord’s past. This oil painting inspires the morale of the residents in the city. Put the oil painting in the building such as the council hall, and all the residents, soldiers, and professionals born in the city. +1】

Such an attribute is enough for Liu Zhi. With this oil painting, it is equivalent to the undead trained in the mass graves, assassin’s secret caves, and the Royal Ecological Researcher in his city. It is level 2.

   also represents the dead lake murlocs, spiders, and corpse dogs, as long as they are trained to be a professional, they will immediately be level 2.

  How important this is to a city, Liu Zhi doesn't need to think about it.

  There is such an oil painting, not to mention that this time there is a treasure chest, even if it is not given to the treasure chest, Liu Zhi will recognize it.

  It is precisely for this reason that Liu Zhi immediately looked at the things that came out of the Level 1 Replenishment Pack.

He found that this supplementary package was really interesting. The things he opened were actually related to his fight with Evelyn. Random resources gave a gem, and random weapons gave a +1 revolver. You can see if If Evelyn became the boss at the time, this was generally the case.

  The same is true for professional equipment and professional props. What appeared to the professional props was a model of a mummy wearing weird clothes. He was holding a magnifying glass in his hand and a jar of mummies in front of him.

  【Dead Servant: Mummy Scholar】

  【Occupation: Archaeologist】

  【Level: Level 1】

  [Skills: Archeology (through the analysis of antiques to find out historical events), knowledge (can identify various antiques), search (it is easier to find good things when searching the battlefield)]

   [Explanation: As an archaeologist, this mummy scholar has been thinking about a question, who is he, where he came from, and where he is going. 】

When Liu Zhi was in a daze, a mummy who was a little shorter than him climbed out of the ground. Holding a magnifying glass, he stood beside Liu Zhi, looked up and down at the oil painting by Liu Zhi’s feet, and finally said. One sentence.

   "This is a good thing."

  For such an undead servant, Liu Zhi was also a little surprised. He directly asked, "What will you do?"

Unexpectedly, the mummy scholar said immediately: "I am an administrative staff, and I have no combat effectiveness, but I am best at digging graves and tombs. I am also familiar with various institutions. What if I am digging a grave? Don’t worry about it at all."

  Liu Zhi heard it, okay, he understood. It seems that the archaeologist and the tomb thief are on the same track.

  Now Liu Zhi didn't have any interest in the mummy scholar. He turned his gaze to another thing, which was a fist-sized jar with a black liquid like mercury.

  【Netherspring Spring Water: 10 gallons of spring water from the Netherspring can open a new Netherspring in the middle of the city and increase the concentration of the city's ghost energy. 】

  Looking at the information in front of him, Liu Zhi understood that this was the Mingquan spring water he wanted to bring back. Unexpectedly, he turned around, and finally this thing fell into his own hands.

  The same thing he didn't expect was that the function of this thing turned out to be like this. Put these springs into the fountain in the middle of the city, and the fountain would become a new kind of ghost fountain?

  With this thought, Liu Zhi couldn't help turning his gaze to the center of the city.

  Finally, he suppressed the idea of ​​experimenting immediately, and turned his gaze to the rest.

  The closest thing to him is the items flying out of the level 20 booster pack. Like the level 1 booster pack, the items here correspond to the situation of the mission at the time. The resources of the 20 units are all sulfur that looks like yellow sand.

And the 20 random weapons are all the weapons held by the mummies of the Seth Guard kobold that Liu Zhi saw in the sandstorm, such as double-headed battle axe, machete, spear, etc. .

  The most important thing is that most of these weapons have a +1 effect, and several of them have reached the level of +2 or +3.

  But these are not important. The weapons are used by Liu Zhi's troops, and there is no direct connection with the improvement of Liu Zhi's strength. What really impresses Liu Zhi is the professional equipment and professional props.

  This is the first time Liu Zhi has seen real professional equipment. It is a cloak that looks like a pile of yellow sand. When you pick it up, you will feel like a powerful sandstorm is enveloped in the cloak.

  【Death Sandstorm (cloak)】

  【Level: D】

  【Equipment requirements: Strength 4.0, Spirit 9.0】

  [Feature 1: All wind abilities +1, wind attack effect increased by 50%]

  [Feature 2: Use sandstorms to hide yourself, the effect of long-range attacks is reduced by 30%]

  [Explanation: This is a cloak formed by the power of death, but the origin of the cloak is sandstorm]

Liu Zhi shook the death sandstorm cloak and put it on his body like this. Then he felt a strong wind as if trying to blow him up, endless yellow sand rushed towards his face, it felt like he was walking at the beginning. The same in a sandstorm.

  This feeling lasted for about three minutes before stopping. At the last moment, Ryuzhi felt the sandstorm fall on his shoulders and became a part of his body.

  Walking a few steps in the death sandstorm, Liu Zhi found that when he walked around, there would always be a breeze. The yellow sand rolled up by the breeze followed him, as if it were a layer of protection.

   "It turns out that this is the effect of the player's equipment. I feel it for the first time."

  While talking, Ryuzhi picked up another thing. It was a professional prop, a model that looked like a sand dune. The most important thing was that there seemed to be some corpses crawling under the dune.

  【Bone-buried desert design drawing: The basic building of the city of the dead, the upper limit is level 3, and the number of uses is 3 times. After collecting enough materials, you can build a bone-buried desert at the designated location and upgrade it twice. 】

  [Bone Burying Desert: According to the level and the number of corpses dropped, 10-50 skeletons or corpses or mummies can be produced every week, with 5-7 corresponding units. 】

  Looking at the model in front of him, Liu Zhi sighed.

  "Another building similar to a mass grave."

  (End of this chapter)

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