Necromantic Myth

Chapter 298: Palace and carriage (18/30)

  Chapter 298 Palace and the carriage (1830)

This time Liu Zhi didn’t save this bone-buried desert for the New Year. He had enough resources and flesh and blood. He just lifted his hand and a piece of bone-covered desert appeared on the edge of the mass grave. Under the sun, he would occasionally Some bones or corpses crawled out of the sand and wandered hard in the desert.

It can be seen that there should also be the same control panel as the mass grave in the Bone Burial Desert, but it is not the time for Liu Zhi to deal with it. At this time, he turned his head and looked at the 37 level supplementary package flying out. s things.

These things are obtained from the fire-roasted scarabs. Everything is related to the scarabs. The resources of 37 units are gems that resemble scarabs. The 37 pieces of equipment are equipped with palm lengths and scarabs. Magic wand.

Naturally, these wands do not have +1, +2, +3, but according to the scarab color above, they have the effect of strengthening flames, ice, and poisonous magic. They are the most common among the skeleton wizards under Liu Zhi. Good equipment.

   In addition to these things, the professional equipment and professional props placed in front of Ryuzhi are also good things.

  It's like the palace beside him looks full of Egyptian style, like the palace with a scarab engraved on the door.

[Design of the Scarab Secret Hall: The key building of the Undead City, the upper limit is level 7, which can be used 7 times in total. After collecting enough materials, the Scarab Secret Hall of the Undead City Council (palace) can be established at the designated key node location, and Upgrade it 6 times. 】

[Scarab Secret Hall (super large building): Egyptian-style council hall (palace), after construction, can control the entire undead city, corresponding to levels 1 to 7 (mansions, villages, villages, villages, towns, towns, cities) )level. 】

Regarding the level of cities, Ryuzhi has studied in the southern swamp plane. Except for those special city circles, the largest cities are the capital-level cities, like the previously destroyed Alda-Mali My City. Existence at the capital level.

As far as the area of ​​the palace in front of Liu Zhi is concerned, he can easily upgrade to the town level. If he wants to upgrade to a city, he needs to expand his own area, and then big cities and cities in the future. There are other requirements in the circle.

But this is also a good thing. At least with the Scarab Secret Hall, even if Liu Zhi has his own residence, he will also have a place to deal with the affairs of the Hades. It will not be like before, he will run whenever he thinks of it. Go to the corresponding location before you can deal with it.

  For this, Liu Zhi is still very satisfied. He has long wanted to have a palace of his own. Now that this thing is in hand, Liu Zhi will not let it go.

  He picked up the Scarab Secret Hall, and was about to put it in the place where he had left it in the Council Chamber.

As a result, a very embarrassing thing happened. Ryuzhi was surprised to find that compared to other buildings, this Scarab Secret Hall consumes too much. In addition to the normal resources nearly ten times the normal, he wanted to build this The Scarab Secret Hall actually needs ten units of gems.

  Fortunately, there are some gems in Liu Zhi's harvest this time, or he really can't come up with so many resources.

  But this is only the first level of the mansion, and after that, the number of gems required for each level upgrade is increasing, and instantly Ryuzhi feels pressure on his face.

Of course, Liu Zhi built the Scarab Secret Hall. Just as Liu Zhi thought, the entire Scarab Secret Hall occupies about a quarter of the entire Hades. This huge and simple palace. , Leaning against the iceberg, facing the main entrance of the palace wall.

  In front of the palace is a shadow wall with a huge scarab beetle carved on the wall.

The entire palace is divided into four parts, the main and auxiliary buildings. The main building is about ten meters behind the scarab wall. As long as you bypass the Scarab Secret Hall, you can go up the steps on the two floors. , Then transfer to the main step in the middle.

  The gate of the main building is inlaid with a huge gem, which is carved into a scarab.

  The entire main building is a hall covering an area of ​​700 square meters. The hall is empty. Only the deepest part of the hall is a throne in ancient Egyptian style. There is nothing else.

  There is a small door on both sides of the main hall and behind the throne, which is a passage leading to the three auxiliary buildings.

  The auxiliary building behind the main hall is the residence of Liu Zhi, a small room of 200 square meters, where Liu Zhi can freely make various decorations.

The auxiliary building on the left is the administrative building. After this building, all the architectural drawings in Liu Zhi's hand will be automatically collected here, and the quantity of various resources will also be placed here, so that Liu Zhi can not use it. Go out and build the Hades.

  At the same time, it also controls the external transactions of the Hades, the various mines and so on. It can be said that the construction of the Hades depends on this.

  The auxiliary building on the right is the military building. In this building, there is a big map. Ryuzhi can control the dispatch of the troops of the formation and go to the designated location for designated tasks.

  As for those skirmishers who have not been successfully organized, there is no way to direct them through here.

  After the Scarab Secret Hall was built, Liu Zhi did not rush in. At this time, his eyes fell on another thing.

  It was a model of a carriage, but the style of the carriage resembled the style of the ancient Egyptian sun god. What made Ryuji speechless the most was that it was not a horse, but a group of beetles.

[Sun carriage (mount): This is a mount that imitates the sun **** carriage. It is pulled forward by 37 scarabs. It can move at a speed of 200 kilometers per hour. It can move freely between the underworld and the real world (not temporarily Flying, temporarily unable to move on the water surface, temporarily unable to dive)]

  Looking at the situation in front of him, Liu Zhi was also a little speechless. He felt that he was less and less like a necromancer. How could his style lean more and more toward the sun god.

  However, he still released the carriage. The moment the carriage appeared, Liu Zhi only felt a flash of golden light in front of him.

   Then a carriage that could stand three or one person appeared in front of him.

In front of the carriage, a scarab with a human head size that looks like a gem is crawling freely in front of the carriage. The bodies of these scarabs are entangled with a golden thread like light, and the other end of the light is connected. Right in front of the carriage.

Fortunately, the style of the carriage is not the same as the style of ancient Egypt, but full of undead spirit. At least on the armrests on the edge of the carriage is a skull-style carving, although under the golden decoration, it does not look very harmonious. But people will never mistake the identity of the owner of the carriage.

  (End of this chapter)

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