Necromantic Myth

Chapter 299: VIP rewards

  Chapter 299 VIP rewards

After driving the carriage around in the palace, Liu Zhi put the carriage away. The best thing about this thing is that it can be summoned from his palace at any time, and then taken back at any time. No need to consider parking issues.

  Before returning to the pile of things, Liu Zhi picked up another model from the ground. It was a reward from the VIP mission. It was also the last architectural design drawing among these good things.

  The model that looked like an upside-down pyramid was picked up by Ryuji. When he held it in his hand, he could also see various passages and secret rooms inside.

  [Design of Tomb Raider's tomb chamber: Basic building in the City of the Dead, with a level upper limit of 5, which can be used 3 times in total. After collecting enough materials, you can build a tomb robber's chamber in the underground passage of the City of the Dead and upgrade it twice. 】

[Tomb Raider’s Tomb Chamber: To attract tomb raiders through burial objects, and the organs will kill them into vicious structures that guard the undead. At level 1, poison, flying arrows, and ground stabbing organs can be arranged, and the guards of the tomb can be trained every week. 9-11 people (the more treasures in the tomb, the faster the training speed)]

  Liu Zhi took a closer look at the situation of this building. The institutions in this building are random and change automatically once a week. At the same time, Liu Zhi can put some gold coins in it in the past to attract tomb robbers.

  From this point of view, it’s a bit interesting. The most important thing is that the scope of the tomb guard is not just the tomb robber’s tomb chamber, but can also be used as a guard of the city and underground passage guards.

   "Okay, this is a good harvest. Build it first."

At this moment, a web of spider silk bounced over, and then the Spinning Spider Girl jumped in front of Liu Zhi, "This is a good thing. Can this be handled by me? I have an idea. I want to be here. There are spiders in it, I feel that this thing can be done, you see..."

Fangming Spider Girl quickly talked about her plan, and it can be heard that her plan turned out to be the entire underground passage with the tomb robber’s tomb as the core to form an underground city. The residents of this city will guard The tomb of the undead and the underworld spider are the main ones.

Listening to the thoughts of the Spinning Spider Girl, Liu Zhi couldn't help but think of his request for level 2 to level 3 in the underworld ecosphere. He nodded affirmatively, and then said, "I can agree to your request, but there is one thing, it can’t be the only one. Spiders, I also need creatures that can coexist with spiders or influence the existence of spiders."

  As a druid, the Spinner Spiderwoman naturally has a variety of inspirations and ideas, otherwise she would not have made the spore-cobweb system that Liu Zhi was also amazed by.

   Now, under Liu Zhi’s forced request, the inspiration of the Spider-Maid Spinning Spider Woman is bursts of inspiration. When she was about to say something, Liu Zhi raised her hand and said, "Go and deal with it."

   Spinning Spider Girl affirmatively pointed her head, and after saying where to put the tomb robber's tomb, she quickly left.

  According to the request of Fangming Spider Girl, Liu Zhi placed the core of the tomb robber's tomb in the depths of the tunnel.

  At the same time, he also threw some of the gold collected from the underground palace into the tomb robber's tomb.

After finishing all this, Liu Zhi turned his gaze to other things. It was a pale golden statue of an undead servant, but Liu Zhi was a little confused. Is this time because he had been in Egypt for too long and how he came out? The two undead servants are all ancient Egyptian-style mummies.

The one in front of me is also a mummy, but compared to the mummy scholar, the one in front of me is obviously different. His model looks like a coffin for a mummy. The real mummy is only a wrapper sticking out of the coffin. Bandaged hand.

  【Dead Servant: Mummy Teacher】

  【Occupation: Warlock】

  【Level: Level 1】

[Skills: Destruction (using sandstorms and other destruction magic, with super attack and destructive power), demon (obtaining the power of demonized creatures, including but not limited to eagles, cats, kobolds, etc.), curse (using mummies) Curse to attack the enemy)]

  【Explanation: This is a mummy who was awakened, but his power is strong enough. 】

  At this moment, an Egyptian-style coffin appeared in front of Ryuzhi. The coffin appeared to be a human figure, with an ordinary human figure painted on it, and it did not look like a pharaoh.

  While Liu Zhi was studying the coffin, the coffin suddenly opened, and a bandaged arm came out from it.

  Then the mummy instructor walked out. He didn't take anything in his hand, but he had a bronze mask on his face.

  After standing in front of Ryuzhi, he just nodded and said nothing cool.

  Liu Zhi glanced up and down at the mummy instructor, and found that the mummy was not tall and had a big skeleton. If it weren’t because the body had shrunk, he was obviously a strong man.

   So he asked: "What do you know?"

   "Research." The mummy instructor said calmly, "I can also fight, but I prefer to conduct research on spells under your hands."

  Yagiji thought for a while, “I don’t have a magic tower yet. If you do research, you can only research on your own. Everything will be done after my magic tower is built.”

"Yes." The mummy instructor agreed after thinking about it. At the same time, he also agreed to Liu Zhi's request. If Liu Zhi needs it, he will go out to cooperate with Liu Zhi in the fight, and teach a mage when he is free. How to fight.

After that, Liu Zhi's gaze shifted from the mummy instructor to another item. This was the first time Liu Zhi saw the quest props. Looking at the thing in front of him, Liu Zhi couldn't help but feel a little puzzled, the quest props. This has several meanings.

  【Gem Hunting Machine Design Drawing: According to the principle of the design drawing, a gem hunting machine can be built, modulated, modified and even magically modified. 】

  【Gem Hunting Machine: It is similar to the radar and other props, which can detect the location and situation of gems within a certain range. 】

Liu Zhi looked at the pile of blueprints in front of him. He didn’t know what to say. This was the machine he used on the Zeus to explore the entire ship’s gems. It was a very good tool for finding gems. But the problem is that the gem knowledge that Liu Zhi has seen has reached the legendary level, and he can see much more information than this machine with his eyes.

  What's the point if you let Liu Zhihua work hard to build such a machine?

   Shaking his head helplessly, Liu Zhi was going to put these drawings away, and find a time to sell this thing.

  Before that, some of the last things have become the focus of Liu Zhi's research.

  (End of this chapter)

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