Necromantic Myth

Chapter 304: Ryuji's change

  Chapter 304 The Change of Liu Zhi

  One day passed in a blink of an eye. All day yesterday, Liu Zhi stayed in front of the turtles.

  All the bone-bone birds and strange bugs on the turtles were disposed of, and the remaining parts were not dangerous. Liu Zhi commanded and shot from the place where the turtle was fatally injured, cutting the blood and muscles into small pieces and transporting them away.

  As for the muscles, collaterals and internal organs, because they have not been processed there yet, Liu Zhi has no arrangements for the time being.

  It was because the young eagle samurai and the others had taken the skull away, so Yanagi simply asked someone to transport the turtle’s brain back.

  It can be said that the cadaver truck ran quite slowly, and then the whole turtle brain was carefully transported back.

After    was transported back, the brain was thrown into the center of Hades, and it has not been processed yet.

Instead, it was the flesh and blood of sea turtles. They were sent to mass graves and bone-buried deserts. They were quickly digested and became part of the source of energy supplemented by these two sources.

  At this time, Liu Zhi was standing at the huge heart of the turtle. He held the death rod and irradiated the wound on the heart with the sun crystal there.

  After a day of research, Liu Zhi has already checked the turtle's condition. He should have encountered a shark-like creature, bitten off by less than six minutes, and escaped here to die silently.

   Judging from the wound on his body, the shark only took a bite and then left, so most of the turtle's body was preserved relatively intact.

  It is also for this reason that Liu Zhi feels strange, because no matter from the size of the sea turtle in front of him, or from the fact that this sea turtle occupies such a space, this should be a capable beast.

  But Liu Zhi studied here for a day yesterday, but he didn't find any monsters on the turtle.

  Don’t talk about the magical powers of Warcraft, even the muscles have not been strengthened by magic. This gives people a feeling that it is not that the turtles have become bigger, but that their players have become smaller.

  Looking at Liu Zhi's dignified look, Amanite asked, "How is the investigation?"

  Ryuzhi shook his head, "It's not a monster, this thing should have no wisdom. If it weren't for this guy's size, I would think it was an ordinary turtle."

  Amanite thought for a while and said, "I remember that in our time, the size of the gods was beyond normal people's imagination. Do you think this turtle was raised by gods."

   "I don't know, I don't want to worry about it, let me send the flesh and blood of this turtle back." Liu Zhi thought for a while, pointing to the rusty bones and they arranged.

According to Liu Zhi’s calculations, it takes about ten to fifteen days for the turtles here to initially transport the flesh and blood outside. As for the shells, bones and internal organs of the turtles, it will take more time to process them. .

  So Ryuzhi simply set up a transfer station here, and arranged two teams of skeleton soldiers and a team of skeleton shooters to guard here.

  According to Liu Zhi’s arrangement, most of the transfer stations are laborers like zombie miners. Their job is very simple. They collect blood, cut the muscles into small pieces, and stack them here.

After   , there will be a transportation team to transport these things back to Hades.

  As for the handling after arriving in Hades, then they don’t need to take care of it.

  This is a relatively simple and experience-enhancing job. When Liu Zhi was preparing to arrange the guardian of the transfer station, Rusty Bone jumped out by itself.

  Liu Zhi thought for a while, and finally agreed to Rusty Bone's idea, and even left a 30-man Golden Skeleton Army for Rusty Bone.

  When he returned to the city, Amanite said: "You seem to value the skeleton soldier called Rustbone?"

  "He is the existence of my subordinates who have the opportunity to become a hero. No matter what, I always have to try more. If there is an extra hero, then many things do not require me to intervene."

"You are doing it right. You have to leave it to your hands. Actually, I think you only have one person who can use it. I just want to say. If you only want to be a city lord, your arrangement is enough. Yes, but if you want to be a king, or even a **** king, you are not enough.

  You need to have at least two or three cities that you can use. Each city has its own development direction.

  When you are fighting, each city must be able to support at least one army for you, and you must have twice as many troops from these cities in hand. "

Listening to what Amanite said, Liu Zhi nodded silently there, and he compared the things Amanite said with his own research, and judged what he was missing. .

When he returned to the Palace of Hades with a large group of troops, Ryuzhi said, "Amanite, I need to take a look inside Fireblade City. You are guarding the Palace of Hades. If there is an invasion of foreign enemies, the battle inside this space , It’s up to you to handle it."

  Amanite was not surprised by Liu Zhi's reaction. If Liu Zhi has not changed a bit after talking so much, she may need to consider whether it is a reasonable choice to follow Liu Zhi.

When Liu Zhi went to Burning Blade City this time, he naturally went to inquire about the news. Naturally, there was no need to bring too many manpower. Therefore, in addition to Vednina, who had been protecting Liu Zhi, he also kept up with him in his carriage. The assassin Letots who would ask for news.

  Poor Letots has just taken over the Assassin’s Secret Cave, and has not yet started to formally train the Assassin, so he is dragged out by Liu Zhi.

  On the way to Burning Blade City after leaving the space, Letots took this opportunity to talk to Liu Zhi about the role of the Assassin’s Secret Cave.

  As the assassin training base in the main city of Ryuzhi, Letoz believes that they have no enemies worthy of assassination. So the current work of the Assassin’s Secret Cave should be placed on inquiries about intelligence and counterintelligence.

  These are not the development direction of Letoz. He thinks that Ryuzhi may need to recruit another spy and a thieves mentor.

Just like when he enters the Assassin’s Secret Cave, there will be an additional list of assassins. If a spy instructor is recruited to be placed in the Assassin’s Secret Cave, Liu Zhi can get detailed data on nearby cities, and if a thief instructor is put in, then Whenever an enemy assassin enters the Hades, it will be displayed directly on the map.

  For Letoz's suggestion, Ryuji nodded affirmatively, and took out the notebook to write it down. In this notebook, Ryuuji had already written down quite a lot of things, which were missing from his Hades.

  This time I went to Burning Blade City, Liu Zhi went to find these. I hope Burning Blade City, a neutral player city, has what Liu Zhi needs.

  (End of this chapter)

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