Necromantic Myth

Chapter 305: Burning Blade City (21/30)

  Chapter 305 Fire Blade City (2130)

  Fire Blade City, one of the eleven novice cities under the seven major cities of the Logan A plane, located on the only river in the entire red soil wilderness.

Compared to the main city-level city, the Burning Blade City is not very big. The entire city is about ten times the size of Liuzhi Ming Palace. However, this city is built on a hillside, with a 70-meter-high wall, giving Liuzhi a place. Kind of the feeling of looking at skyscrapers.

  The whole city is built of red clay stones, plus the bones and animal skins of various powerful creatures. Before you get close to Fireblade City, you can hear the sound of drums coming from the city.

  The drum sound seemed to be struck according to a rhythm, and Liu Zhi's blood boiled.

When Ryuzhi approached the wall of Burning Blade City, a group of strong men with green skin surrounded him. They led some wolves and walked in front of Ryuzhi, "The carriage cannot enter the city. There is a parking spot over there, you You can park your car there. These wolves are very smart. You just tell him where you want to go and they can take you there. No money is needed. You just have to ask them to eat some meat."

   "Are you going to ride wolves in?" Liu Zhi glanced at these wolves curiously. There was nothing for him to change his mounts. For some reason, Liu Zhi always felt that these green-skinned men had a stronger business atmosphere.

"Neither." The leader shook his hands repeatedly, "But this city is relatively large, and you are here for the first time. We are not afraid that you can't find the place to go. It's different with this wolf. Wherever you want to go, the wolf will take you there."

  Yagiji wanted to say something, he heard a voice behind him, "Bring me a wolf."

The voice was quite heavy, and it sounded like thunder. Liu Zhi turned his head and saw that a giant more than three meters tall was walking behind him. The giant was wrapped in heavy armor and was riding on a large giant. On the elephant's back, when he was talking, he jumped off the elephant, and then he heard a thump, and the ground shook.

  But the green-skinned men didn't have any accidents, they found a huge wolf who stood taller than Liu Zhi from behind and dragged it out.

  Although the three-meter-high giant rides on the back of this wolf, with both legs hanging down to the ground, the wolf doesn’t care at all, but can easily run into the city.

  Looking at everything in front of him, Liu Zhi was convinced. These strong green-skinned men can achieve this level in this industry. They can make some money as well as their ability.

   "Okay, bring me two wolves." Liu Zhi pointed to Vidnina, who was still behind him. At this time, Letots had disappeared in the shadow of Liu Zhi.

  The brawny green-skinned man quickly found a wolf for Liu Zhi, but the situation on Vidnina’s side was not easy to handle, but they were able to do this kind of business and naturally had various preparations.

  After a while, a wolf with a relatively long tail was found, "This is a wolf specially for snakes. It is guaranteed that it will not fall down."

Liu Zhi smiled, and then gave the brawny green-skinned man some gold coins. They were all unused gold coins left in Liu Zhi's last world. The brawny green-skinned men were also very happy. One of them even happily Saying: "Time is..."

  Before he finished speaking, his companions covered his mouth and dragged him down. Several other strong green-skinned men quickly blocked his position to prevent Liu Zhi from seeing his fate.

  As for the internal affairs of the brawny green-skinned man, Liu Zhi didn't want to take care of it.

  He got on the mount, thought for a moment, and said to the wolf: "Go to the place where the players gather, I have something to sell."

  The horse was quite clever. Although Liu Zhi was a little unclear about what he said, the wolf immediately ran and rushed into the city with Liu Zhi.

After entering the city, Liu Zhi noticed that the city in front of him was divided into five areas. There was a bank directly opposite the gate, and auction houses and taverns were next to the bank. You could see that this was where the players entered. The most important place to find after the city.

The wolf did not take Liu Zhi to the bank, but ran along the path behind the bank. After bypassing the bank, the wolf ran in one direction. Liu Zhi noticed that there were many shops on the side of the road. These shops Selling all kinds of weapons and equipment, there are leather making and selling herbs, and alchemy huts.

It can be seen that these buildings are all functional buildings. The shop assistants standing inside are all NPCs with certain abilities. There are also some players in the shop helping out. Sometimes they look up and see the willow carried by the wolf. Zhi ran past the store, often with a glimmer of disdain in his eyes.

After bypassing a big tree, they ran into a dark purple passage. The entrance of the passage was supported by some huge bones. When the wolf ran down the passage, Liu Zhi I felt a smell of flame coming from below this passage.

At this time, the wolf also stopped. Liu Zhi noticed that at the end of the passage, there was a huge pothole, which had been dug into the belly of the mountain, except for some green skins whose skin had begun to change to black. In addition to the strong man acting as a guard there, there are still a large number of players setting up a stall on the ground.

  Those players used their own way to illuminate the stalls in front of them. They did not yell at each other or walk back and forth, just silently showing the things on their stalls.

  As for the price, true or false of the thing, it depends on everyone's ability.

  Seeing this, Liu Zhi flashed a thought in his mind.

   "Ghost City."

On the contrary, Liu Zhi would understand this kind of stalls that are difficult to distinguish between true and false. Zhicheng saw the auction house outside, but the things there are more expensive, and when the good things are put on it, countless people are staring at them. Up.

  Although Liu Zhi has more than 10,000 currency in his hands, it is impossible to say that he is really rich.

  So if you want to buy good things, naturally you still have to come to this black market.

For sellers, the auction house deducts as much as 30% of the handling fee, and they have not been able to sell fakes. It’s good like this, whether it is obtained in the game or made by yourself, as long as it is placed in the booth .

  As for whether the buyer understands or not, it depends on the ability of each buyer.

  So such a ghost city is getting bigger and bigger in this Burning Blade City, and in the end it even became one of the relatively concentrated areas of Burning Blade City.

  Ryuzhi went around in the ghost market, and he found that the ghost market did not have any special distribution. The stalls here depend on the sequence of the players' coming here and their own thoughts.

Liu Zhi has seen that beside a stall selling Warcraft meat, there is a stall that specializes in selling handmade tailored clothes. The two stall owners can see clearly even in the dark. .

  (End of this chapter)

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