Necromantic Myth

Chapter 306: Conflict (22/30)

  Chapter 306 Conflict (2230)

  Ryuzhi walked in this ghost city with Vidnina. The light from the sun crystal on his death rod allowed him to clearly see the goods on each stall.

  Yiuzhi had already calculated what he wanted in his heart, so it was relatively simple to find it. He just glanced at things like bottles, jars, and monsters.

  But for the design drawings of various buildings, Liu Zhi will pay more attention.

  It is precisely for this reason that Ryuzhi and Vidnina were spotted.

  Several players with green skins were holding the news that was just delivered to their hands, and they negotiated a few words there, and then walked towards Liu Zhi.

As soon as they moved, Vidnina reacted. She put her arm on the long sword, propped up her body and looked around. As soon as Ryuzhi saw Vidnina's reaction, he immediately maximized the light of the sun crystal. , Saw the green-skinned players who wanted to surround him.

  Yagiji stared at them, and said with a cold face: "What does this mean, want to touch porcelain?"

  Those green-skinned players did not expect that Liu Zhi would directly point out this matter, and the most important thing is that Liu Zhi still has such a powerful light ability, exposing them to the eyes of everyone.

They all took a few steps back in embarrassment. One of the players smiled and said, "No, I just saw you want something. I want you to come over and talk about it. We happen to have some inconvenient things. good stuff."

  But his voice is getting smaller and smaller. Here are all players fighting from the game. Who hasn't seen some human spirits yet.

  This is the kind of routine that some old players don’t want to play.

  When I was blinded by the black light, I pulled you to the corner and said that I just dug a good thing, and now I sell you at a cheaper price.

   Regardless of whether you pay the money or not, you will fall into a trap if you are dragged to the corner. In such a dark place, when no one sees it, even if you make sense, you can’t make it clear.

  The green-skinned players used this method, but they did not make little money.

But it’s okay to do things like this in the dark. It’s definitely not possible to put them in the sun. Ryuzhi’s death rod almost illuminates half of the cave. All the players noticed this. Let these green people Leather players do not advance or retreat.

  Fortunately, at this time, several green-skinned players with clearly better equipment came over and said, “Okay, okay, let’s all spread out, there’s nothing wrong here, everyone don’t watch.”

  Liu Zhi frowned. The actions of these people made Liu Zhi's perception of these green skins worse.

Then the green-skinned player who drove the person away turned his head and smiled at Liu Zhi: "I'm sorry, they have something to do with the above. As long as it is not a big mistake, the above will open one eye and close one eye. "

As for the explanation of the green-skinned player, Liu Zhi was also willing to believe it, but it did not mean that he would forgive him. He snorted and said nothing. He closed the light from the death staff and ignored the player. , Just walked towards the other stalls.

The player has no other choice. He is just a staff member and not the lord of the city. It is considered good if he can come over and explain. Is it possible that he will let him give up his own interests to compensate Liu Zhi, it is impossible. Things.

  Ryuzhi is naturally not the kind of person who can bear it, so the only chance for the two sides to resolve this matter peacefully is thus bubbled in front of them.

  When Ryuzhi walked to other places, the shameless green-skinned players lowered their heads and walked into the nearby corner.

  One of the players took a heavy sip, "What is it? I really think of myself as a character. I don't look at how many players are in this city. He really thought he could get mixed up."

   "That is, we kindly gave him a chance. He didn't know how to thank us, and he treated us as bad guys. It looked down on us."

  The green-skinned players were talking to each other, and it could be seen that they didn’t think they had done anything wrong.

  In the end, one of the green-skinned players said: "Thousands of weird things, all weird to that kid, how about we give him a cruelty?"

   "How cruel, look at that kid's eyes, there are not many things we can jam him."

   "Do you want to let him know the fountain of power in the city, if he knows the effect of the fountain of power, he will definitely be moved."

"Are you kidding? There is a ban in the city. This fountain of power can be obtained by all players through quests. It is not available to players of the city guardian type. Ordinary players can drink the fountain of power by themselves. For the city guardian players, you know How many troops are behind him, we just have a sip of strength, have we drunk the points we still have?"

   "Okay, what do you say?"

   "I have an idea, don't you think he is carrying a naga, how about you say we cheated him to that?"

  Hearing these words, the scene instantly became quiet.

  After a while, all the green-skinned people were startled, "Yes, why didn’t I think of it."

   "That is, don't those murlocs want to unify the ocean and build a murloc empire? Just send him over."

"That’s right, there are more and more murlocs. Last time I went to the beach to catch a fish, I also met a wave of murlocs. The most annoying thing is that these murlocs fought one by one, which hurt me I haven't gone to the beach now."

"You’re right. Those murlocs are almost the only family now. The lobster people on the beach are about to be exterminated. I guess the naga in the deep sea is almost the same. That guy brought a naga, and we took him It’s also an idea to lie to the past. Now what we have to consider is how to lie to him."

"It's not easy. Have you found out what he has been observing? His goal is various functional buildings, but who owns these things, those big guilds, and their guild residences have not yet been built. Okay, where will these functional buildings be released? Those on the market are all useless things. As long as a task is directed to the sea, do you think he will go?"

"Yeah, we can do this. Isn’t it just exchange the head of the submarine murloc? I am familiar with the mercenary guild, and I change it in the taskbar. I don’t believe that he is indifferent. Let him see the power of the Murloc Sea."

  "But what if those big guilds are tempted?" At this time, someone put forward another opinion.

   "So what, the big guild will naturally grab it. If they fight, I think that kid won't live for too long."

  (End of this chapter)

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