Necromantic Myth

Chapter 307: exchange

  Chapter 307 Exchange

At this time, Liu Zhi didn’t even know that someone was calculating him. When he was visiting the ghost market, he also paid attention to the situation of those players from time to time. At this time, he discovered a situation. , Among the remaining players, some of their hands or bodies have a weird green pattern.

  It can be seen that there are some secrets hidden in the city that Liu Zhi does not know.

   All this has nothing to do with Liu Zhi. He knew what he wanted, and soon Liu Zhi found his goal.

  It was the booth of a girl who looked a little weak. The girl seemed to have no thoughts about her booth. After putting things on a piece of cloth, she shrank into the darkness.

   But Liu Zhi has noticed that among those things, there is something that looks like a tree bonsai.

  For this kind of model things, Liu Zhi is quite reflective, whether it is a servant of the dead or the design drawings of the building are like this model.

  So Ryuzhi couldn't help but glanced more.

  At this point of view, Liu Zhi paid more attention. He has handled many architectural design drawings, so he knows that there are some things in the design drawings that are hidden in the details.

  This bonsai in front of me is like this. It looks like two small pine trees are growing on each other, but Ryuzhi is not paying attention to this, but the slate seat under the pine tree, and some things like small grass and small flowers.

   "What is this?" Liu Zhi asked curiously.

  At this time, the girl hiding in the dark slowly stood up, "You can't ask in the ghost city, you can only look at your own eyesight."

  When she said this, the girl seemed to be a little unwilling. It can be seen that she has suffered a lot in this matter.

  Ryuzhi thought for a while, but did not ask the girl why she used such a tone, but directly asked: "How much is this?"

   "Ten thousand general currency, or one piece of equipment above Grade C."

  Ryuzhi was not scared by the price of 10,000 general currency, but asked with some confusion, "Now C-level equipment is so expensive?"

"Something happened during this period of time. Player equipment prices have been raised. Now the average C-level equipment costs about 8,000. I only need one C-level equipment because this is a ghost market and I don’t have to pay 30% of the transaction fee ."

Liu Zhi glanced at the girl, and he was a little unsure whether the girl was lying to him. You must know that Liu Zhi now has only a little more than ten thousand funds. If this is the case, his wealth status in this city may be still Go down a little bit.

  The girl ignored Liu Zhi, seeing that Liu Zhi hesitated there, she actually sat back again.

  At this moment, Liu Zhi's heart suddenly moved, and when he stretched out his hand, a glove appeared in his hand.

  This glove looks like it is made of human hand leather. There are some weird patterns on the glove. After holding it in the hand, this thing immediately attracted the girl's attention. The girl stood up and took a look at Liu Zhi.

   "I promise that this is a C-level equipment. As for the attributes, it can only depend on my own eyesight."

The girl didn’t feel dissatisfied with Liu Zhi’s words. She just glanced at the glove in Liu Zhi’s hand, confirmed that the thing was C-level equipment, and nodded gently, while at her booth. A blue light flashed.

Ryuzhi naturally felt the blue light fluctuations. At this time, he understood why those players put things directly in the booths. It seems that although this is a spontaneously organized ghost market, the city is still targeting the players. Certain protection.

  Yuzhi thought while holding up the bonsai he was fond of.

  At this time, there is no such a long-overdue sentence in the movie, "Can you sell that thing to me." Such a **** plot.

  Yiuzhi smoothly saw the attributes of the bonsai.

  【Dreamland Forest Design Drawing: Forest City is an advanced building with an upper limit of level 7. It can be used 7 times in total. After collecting enough materials, you can build a dream forest in a designated location and upgrade it 6 times. 】

  【Dream Forest: Establish a mysterious forest and automatically attract some natural creatures every day. Some of these creatures are willing to stay, and some will leave after leaving some items. 】

  [Description: Dream forest needs to be built in a city with pure natural atmosphere. If the attributes are incompatible, the dream forest will mutate and produce bad effects. The problem of attribute incompatibility can be dealt with through magical modification or free mutation. 】

  Looking at the message in front of him, Liu Zhi frowned involuntarily.

  At this time, the girl said: "This is a good thing, but the shepherd on my side doesn't like the natural creatures in the dream, or I wouldn't sell it."

  Liu Zhi glanced at the young girl, and found that there seemed to be some green leaves on her dress. It could be seen that she should be using the power of nature.

  Ryuzhi thought for a while, "Then do you have any way to change this attribute?"

   "I heard that there is an architect in Fireblade City who can change the properties of a building, but what properties do you plan to change?"

This question made Liu Zhi stunned for a moment. He was about to say that it was changed to the undead attribute, but he found that the death attribute of the feather snake he absorbed only took up a quarter, and the rest was the sun, the harvest, and the rain. , No matter which direction and nature can correspond.

   Thinking of this, Liu Zhi couldn't help but waved his hand, "Forget it, this is fine."

  Speaking, Ryuzhi put away the design drawing of Dream Forest.

After buying things, Ryuzhi didn't plan to go shopping in the ghost market anymore. He also understood from the situation just now that the prices of the goods are a bit high now, and the ghost market is a place to look at. If you find it like before Good things are okay, if one is not careful, Liu Zhi will lose.

  So Ryuzhi simply asked the architect’s store where he planned to go there first to see if there are any simpler functional buildings for sale.

  It is necessary to know that there are still a lot of bad things in Liuzhi city. At least one formal city wall and gate are needed. In addition, taverns and markets are necessary buildings in the city. In addition, Liuzhi also needs recycling stations, banks and so on.

Although these are inconspicuous, they are all indispensable buildings for a city. From Amanite, Ryuuji knows that to build a city, you can’t just build buildings for training troops. Those buildings are just superficial and can really stabilize the entire city. Yes, it is actually a functional building.

  In these functional buildings, there is only one resource that the player needs to grasp.

  (End of this chapter)

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