Necromantic Myth

Chapter 308: Mercenary Guild

  Chapter 308 Mercenary Guild

"Sorry, you are a little late. We have all sold out the functional buildings with better quality. The rest are some buildings of poor quality. Of course there are some of better quality, but that They are all treasures of the town, and we may not sell them at high prices."

  In the building shop in Fireblade City, Liu Zhi sighed helplessly while looking at a green-skinned but a little thin man.

  This is the third construction store that Liu Zhi has come over, but he has not found a suitable functional building whether it is a large store or a small store.

The reasons for those construction shops are very simple. They take time to make architectural design drawings, and these items are all sought-after items. The better ones were taken away by Burning Blade City. The medium ones have a lot of guilds. Waiting there, the guild residence also needs a functional building.

  So for an outsider like Ryuzhi, he didn't raise the production and place an order in the construction shop. Where do you ask the construction shop to find the architectural design drawings for him.

  But for some reason, Liu Zhi always felt as if someone was calculating him and didn't want him to buy architectural drawings.

Seeing that this is the last construction store, Liu Zhi couldn't help but ask, "Then if I want functional architectural drawings, where should I find them?"

  The thin and weak man hesitated for a while, and finally said, “You can go to the mercenary guild to check it out. Sometimes there will be some building blueprints for reward tasks.”

  Liu Zhi glanced at the man, and found that when he said this, the man's eyes seemed a little evasive.

  Ryuzhi wanted to ask, but for no reason, he finally shook his head and left the building shop with Vidnina.

  At this time, Letoz appeared behind Ryuzhi and whispered: "We seem to be being watched. After we came out of the ghost market, we were followed all the way."

   "It's the guys I met in the ghost city. It's okay. If we don't mess around in this city, we won't have any problems. When we get out of the city, it depends on our own abilities."

  Liu Zhi snorted coldly and looked in the direction indicated by Letoz's eyes, and found that there were several green-skinned men over there when he turned his gaze, they quickly hid in a nearby stall.

   "Let's go, let's go to the mercenary guild to have a look, I want to see, they have prepared me something good."

The mercenary guild is considered a second-level building in Fireblade City. It was built a little behind the tavern. For the players, this is a relatively good position. After receiving the task in this mercenary guild, turn around. Enough people can be recruited in the tavern to go out and do tasks together.

  From this point of view, Burning Blade City is considered a lot for the players.

  Entered the Mercenary Guild, Liu Zhi found that the number of players here was significantly higher, but the level had declined.

  Before in the ghost market, Liu Zhi could see some level 5 or higher players shopping or setting up stalls there from time to time, but here, most of the players he saw were level 1 and 2.

This situation makes Liu Zhi feel a little surprised, but somewhat reasonable. Generally speaking, players who have reached level 5 or above will either go to the main city or have a higher status here. What tasks they want to do is basically You don't need to come here to pick you up, someone will send you the task directly.

  As for players above level 10, if they want to come to Burning Blade City, they are all simple and simple, and they will not be watched like monkeys in the mercenary guild.

  Ryuzhi just glanced at the situation in the guild and focused on the task wall.

  There are a lot of parchment papers on the task wall with various tasks written on them.

  A lot of players are surrounded here, just like lottery players who are analyzing trends in a lottery station, where they analyze which tasks and which tasks can be taken together, and then they will be done together.

  Yagiji was squeezed away from the outside, and there was no way to see what was inside.

   Just when Liu Zhi was a little embarrassed, a young lady at the front desk of the Mercenary Guild waved to Liu Zhi.

  The young lady is okay, if it weren’t for her green skin, she might be a big beauty.

  Ryuzhi walked over with some curiosity and asked, "What's the matter?"

   "No, I think you are a newcomer, haven't you loaded the task terminal?"

  Yiu Zhi turned his head to the side for a moment, and finally shook his head.

"That is an artifact specially made by our Burning Blade City. Everyone can apply for one. So as long as you are still within the scope of Burning Blade City, we have released some key missions and regional missions. Received, don't need to be like now, you can't squeeze in.

  Of course, this can only receive large tasks, some small tasks you still have to come to the mercenary guild to receive, in addition, the task terminal only has the function of receiving tasks, if you want to hand in tasks, you must also come by yourself. "

  Ms. Sister said as she took out a box and placed it in front of Liu Zhi.

  Liu Zhi is also someone who has seen the big market. How could he be bought by such a small favor.

  He smiled, “I haven’t finished my own work. How can I finish some tasks? By the way, I came here to ask if there are any task rewards for functional building design drawings.”

  Seeing Liu Zhi not picking up the box she took out, the young lady was also a little embarrassed, but she was also quite capable. She put the box away calmly, and actively helped Liu Zhi check it.

Finally, she said embarrassedly: "Recently, there have been a few rewards for designing functional buildings. I have chosen two for you. One is for the design of the salted fish tavern. Don’t look at this pub called salted fish Look down on this tavern. This tavern is blessed. There is a 10% chance of attracting idle heroes, which is higher than the normal 7% chance.

The other is this. Have you seen it? Pearl Bank. The biggest feature of this bank is not to have the storage function unique to normal banks, but to make a kind of pearl currency to serve as the private currency in your territory. After all, come here to buy the function. The buildings are all big guilds with their own territories. They cannot always use DKP to calculate when they fight BOSS. It is not a dead financial staff.

  So they will design their own private currency for communication within the guild. You think so too. Think about it. If someone else takes a gold coin, you use a pearl. That's a lot of face. "

  Liu Zhi did not speak, he picked up the task list that the young lady had turned out, and asked with some confusion.

   "Why are you dealing with murlocs?"

  (End of this chapter)

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