Necromantic Myth

Chapter 309: Murloc Empire (23/30)

  Chapter 309 The Empire of the Octopus (2330)

   "The murloc is the enemy of the Burning Blade City at this stage, or the murloc is the enemy of the Logan's Plane." Miss Ryuzhi was not surprised at all, but she explained it seriously.

It turns out that on the Logan A plane, the murlocs are the number one enemy of all the kingdoms. This entire plane is divided into seven parts by the sea. The seven main cities are connected to each other, but there is not much hostility. It is because The sea is really too big, so big that every country cannot carry out a large-scale troop deployment.

And in the sea, there are naturally various creatures, such as henna, murlocs, lobstermen, and aquatic goblins are relatively common creatures, and some have even established their own on the bottom of the sea. city.

I don’t know when, the murlocs actually began to beat the dream of annexing and unifying the sea and establishing a murloc empire. When the seven major cities discovered that the situation was not right, the murlocs had already occupied more than half of the sea. Had to flee to a deeper ocean, and the Lobster Man was almost wiped out.

Since occupying more than half of the ocean, the murlocs have begun to do various things. The murlocs reproduce in the sea at the fastest speed. They don’t need any plans. They will go directly to the shore after a wave of growth. Just give it away.

During this period of time, there were too many murlocs on the coastline near Burning Blade City. The high-level staff of Burning Blade City had headaches every day. In addition to issuing more missions to kill the murlocs, the senior management began to study the various foods of the murlocs. Dharma, such as murloc egg soup, grilled murloc, etc., have become the main food for the residents of Fireblade City.

But even so, the number of murlocs has not decreased much. On the seaside of Fireblade City, there are two relatively large murloc clans, one is called the mechanical murloc, the leader of the mechanical shark mad scales, they should be affected a bit. With the influence of the game, the body has become a semi-mechanized existence, for example, the eyes have become light bulbs, or the scales on the body have become gears.

Their own fighting ability is similar to that of normal murlocs, but they have the ability to mechanize various combat equipment. I heard that in their clan, there is a huge shark 100 meters long. The body of that shark is half. Already mechanized, their elite troops live on this shark as a base.

  Even the nickname of their leader, Kuanglin, came from this.

The other murlocs are called bloodbone murlocs. They are also called the bloodbone trash kings. They don’t have the powerful and weird ability to mechanically transform murlocs. Their greatest ability is to pick up trash from the bottom of the sea, such as sunken ships. .

  Their leader is called the Ghost Ship Fang. He has a ghost ship decorated with many corpses. No one knows how big the ship is. Everyone who has seen the ship has become an ornament on the ship.

The two tasks that Liu Zhi saw were aimed at these two murloc clans. The requirement was to collect the core components of the weaponized murloc and the **** bones of the blood-bone murloc. Each of these murlocs had only one. For the mercenary guild, the calculation is based on the amount.

  Of course, if you can kill the opponent's professional, the price will be higher.

  If anyone has the ability to kill the mechanical shark scales or the ghost ship fangs, then they can get a lot of good things right away.

The two functional buildings shown by the young lady are rewards for this month’s mission. There is no need to kill two BOSS. As long as you kill enough murlocs that month and get enough mercenary points, you can redeem them. These two architectural design drawings.

  Liu Zhi looked at the explanation in front of him, and did not rush to agree, but asked casually.

  "What if I meet murlocs who are not these two clans? Is there a reward for killing them?"

"As long as they are the murlocs of the Murloc Empire, they all have rewards, but the rewards for those murlocs will be lower, because you can't come up with the corresponding proof. By the way, there are still people collecting murloc eggs. This task is also possible. Do it together."

  "What's the price of murloc eggs now?" Liu Zhi asked casually.

  "One silver coin, you can eat a grilled murloc egg on the side of the road for about the same price. If the charge is expensive, we will lose, right."

  "What about murloc corpses? A large number of corpses should be of no use, I think grilled murlocs, and murloc sausages don’t seem to use much murloc meat."

   "Most of them are eaten by the wolves, and a small part will be used as experimental materials."

  At this time, Liu Zhi seems to have found a good opportunity, "If I collect murloc eggs and murlocs in batches, will there be any discount?"

  "How much do you want in batches?" Miss sister didn't care much at first, but when she heard that Liu Zhi wanted batches of murloc eggs, she couldn't help but get nervous.

  "At least 10,000 murloc eggs, and I want live eggs. For murlocs, only the carcass is needed. The edible meat can be removed, but the price will be lower."

  Ms. Sister also had some doubts about Liu Zhi's request. She looked at Liu Zhi for a moment, "In this case, I can post tasks, but you must tell me what you want to do."

   "I am a necromancer, I took the task of killing the murloc, and naturally I need some undead who can move freely underwater, right."

  Liu Zhi’s statement is quite reasonable, so reasonable that the young lady can't find a reason to refute it.

  She made a note of Ryuzhi's request, and then asked: "After collecting these things, where are we going to send them?"

   "Just outside the valley teleportation formation, I will arrange for people to go there and take away the murloc eggs and corpses every day."

  Ms. Sister thought for a moment and knew where Liu Zhi was talking about. She nodded to show that she understood.

Then Liu Zhi asked some more questions. This time, Liu Zhi asked no longer just the number of murlocs. He was more concerned about the inheritance of the murloc clan. Although there are two big clans at the seaside of Burning Blade City, But there are also more small clans.

  These small clans also have corresponding inheritances, such as tide controllers, crab shepherds, etc., which are exclusive occupations for some murlocs.

  Liu Zhi noticed that in these small clans, there is also a kind of stone slab or totem pole specially used for inheritance, which records various murloc professions.

  "These are good things. If you fight these little clans, will there be any rewards?"

Regarding Liu Zhi’s question, Miss Sister also hesitated. She wanted to say that these little clans didn’t have any rewards, but if you just asked someone to ask about it, you could ask them clearly. In the end, she could only say: "These little clans also have corresponding Rewards, but not in the two previous tasks."

  After hearing this, Liu Zhi nodded his head gently. After putting down the funds for the mercenary guild to help release the mission, Liu Zhi turned and left with Vidnina.

  (End of this chapter)

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