Necromantic Myth

Chapter 310: Druid’s Guide (24/30)

  Chapter 310 Druid’s Guide (2430)

  After leaving the mercenary guild, Liu Zhi snorted heavily, murloc? I'm really blind, I won't be able to see such obvious traps.

   Liu Zhi complained about the IQ problems of the people who laid the trap, and at the same time secretly reminded himself that after returning home, he would manage his territory properly and never leave his city for half a step before reaching a certain combat strength.

  If this is the case, then he needs to take care of some things.

  Thinking about it, Liu Zhi turned his head and passed to the nearby herbal shop. In the herbal shop, in addition to all kinds of herbs, there are a lot of seeds for sale.

  Those seeds are the rarest herbal seeds, they also have more common grains, and of course some common weeds.

Liu Zhi’s underworld ecosphere still has three vacancies left unfilled. He plans to take a look here to see if there is anything he can use. Even if it doesn’t work, he’ll say hello first, and buy it when he needs it. One batch passed.

   Entering the herbal shop, Liu Zhi took a deep breath, and he felt a breath full of nature hit his face.

  Before he could speak, an old tauren inside said: "You have the smell of sunshine, rain and harvest. I like you very much."

  Looking at the cow man who was taller than himself, he said with some embarrassment: "But I also smell of death."

   "This is normal, even in the four seasons, there is still a winter."

Regarding this situation, Liu Zhi did not know what to say, and before he could speak, the tauren aunt said: "You must be a druid, you are right here when you come to me. There is the best volcanic mud, and this, have you seen it, oak seeds."

  Liu Zhixiu gave the tauren aunt a glance, your eyes, don’t you see my so obvious Necromancer style, the layer of yellow sand that surrounds me, you are a bee.

  But under the introduction of Aunt Tauren, Liu Zhi listened slowly and even asked some questions about the ecosystem.

  Aunt Tauren nodded, and I knew that you were engaging in an ecosystem, and helped Liu Zhi explain it there.

"Ecosphere, in fact, you think of the ecosphere too simple. The ecosphere is an integrated environment. From soil to air, to sunshine and rain, every change will be affected. We druids can use it. Our own power forms an ecosystem, but how big of the world can our magic power alone support, so the best way to build an ecosystem is to follow the trend.

  For example, in this piece of land in front of you, the wind brings water and vapor from the sea, but why there is little rainfall here and the land hardly grows anything? We need to study this to see if there is any influence on the arrival of rain. "

After talking for a long time, Aunt Tauren seemed a little bit unsatisfied, but seeing Liu Zhi was already a little confused, she didn't say much anymore, just took a book wrapped in leaves and said, "Take it back and read it. I know you are not the kind of druid who is close to nature, but it doesn't matter, as long as you have the heart to create your own ecosystem, nature will bless you."

When Liu Zhi came back to his senses, he found that Vidnina was holding large bags and small bags, all kinds of soil and seeds. Looking at the ones he was carrying, Liu Zhi smiled helplessly. , What's the matter, is it possible to meet the kind of clerk who can fool you?

  But it was the tauren aunt who reminded Liu Zhi, he seemed to have the potential to be a druid.

  Would you like to try it? Looking at the packages in Vednina's hands, he didn't have any decision in his mind for a while.

  After leaving Fireblade City, Liu Zhi returned the wolf. He noticed that the brawny green-skinned men were feeding the wolf with the corpses of some murlocs.

   Seeing Liu Zhi's curious eyes, the strong green-skinned men gave him a white look, "What are you looking at? I haven't seen a wolf eating anything."

Liu Zhi was stunned. He remembered that when he came out, he bought some meat from these brawny green-skinned men. Although the meat did not look very good, it was obviously cut from some wild beasts. , At the level of Liu Zhi, you can still feel a touch of magic on it.

  He was still there at the time, feeling that these wolves ate better than himself.

  In a blink of an eye, it turned into a murloc body.

  However, these are always the business of the brawny green-skinned men, Liu Zhi didn't ask much, just glanced at the murloc bodies, and left like this.

  When Ryuzhi and the others left, the strong green-skinned men gathered together tremblingly and discussed with each other.

   "How is it, has anyone found out, will money be deducted?"

  "It shouldn't be there. You see our size is already so big. It's no different from the normal people here. Don't worry, it's okay."

  Those green-skinned guys, Liu Zhi didn't mind at all, he forgot in a blink of an eye. After leaving Burning Blade City, Liu Zhi directly released the carriage and swiftly moved towards that space.

  At this time, Letols also appeared on the carriage, and Ryuuji gave the carriage to Vidnina to control, where she listened to what Letots had heard.

   "It has been confirmed that the murloc matter is true. There are too many murlocs nearby, but there is a problem with the mercenary guild only having murloc missions. They are trying to lead us to the sea."

   "It seems this is true, so what are their reasons for doing this?"

   "It seems that the murlocs have a hostile attitude towards all the forces entering the sea. They should be trying to lead us into the sea and let the murlocs kill us."

   "It's so beautiful to think, and I don't know what those people think. The idea is too naive. You said how they survived the game before."

Liu Zhi shook his head. After listening to the news that Letotz had heard, Liu Zhi had already planned it. No matter who came this time, it would be useless. He planned to stay in his own space and develop his own city first. stand up.

  After all, Toga's body in that space has not been processed yet, so it must take some time.

  Furthermore, Liu Zhi has also found the reason for not going out. He brought back so many seeds, and it must be justified to study the planting of plants in his own palace.

  As for the hands and feet of those guys, Liu Zhi doesn't care. He has the ability to kill murlocs for the next year.

  Liu Zhi didn't believe it anymore, there would be so many murlocs on the beach to kill him.

  At this moment, Videnina, who was driving, suddenly stood upright, holding the long sword on her waist with her free hands, and Liu Zhi saw that a group of murlocs on the nearby river seemed to be watching him.

  (End of this chapter)

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