Necromantic Myth

Chapter 311: Assault

  Chapter 311 Attack

  I'm very courageous.

  Looking at the murlocs who wanted to encircle him, a hint of disdain flashed in Liu Zhi's mind. In his first game, the murlocs were almost turned into salted fish killers. These murlocs were really not enough for him to kill.

  Is it possible that these murlocs came to die for the sake of their unhappiness today?

   Thinking of this, Liu Zhi put his hand on the thin thorn sword, raised his left hand so that he pointed at the murloc.

   "Flash burst!"

  Murlocs are also humans. They also have eyes. Under the action of the flash, most creatures will be affected except for the blind and cavemen.

  Those murlocs who were rushing forward immediately collided with each other and rolled on the ground.

  Such a good opportunity, Ryuzhi will naturally not miss it. He put the thin stabbing sword on the death staff, and the two long swords of Vednina were also put on the shelf.

  There are three wind blades hovering incessantly on the tip of each sword.

At this time, Liu Zhi could already use his strong mental power to suppress the wind blade on the top of the death rod. After the gem on the tip of the death rod was automatically replaced from the sun crystal to the lightning coral, Liu Zhi moved his hand. The previous push.

  Under this impetus, the wind blade of Jiu Dao flew towards the Murloc with thunder and lightning.

   After releasing the thunder and lightning wind blade, Vidnina controlled the carriage and went in the other direction.

  At this time, Liu Zhi did not control the size of the lightning wind blade ball. After the thing was released, the biggest problem was that the wind blade would explode.

  So Vidnina calculated all this quite accurately, and took Ryuji with a carriage to go outside the range of Windblade's influence.

  When the carriage went around, the wind blade exploded. Liu Zhi watched the thunder and lightning flash by, and countless wind blade fragments cut in all directions.

  Those murlocs that rolled on the ground were cut directly, some of the murlocs that were closer were cut into pieces on the spot, and some of the murlocs that were farther away were also seriously injured.

  When Vidnina stopped the carriage, there was no sound from the Murloc.

Liu Zhi thought for a moment, pointed at the murloc, and let Vidnina control the carriage. He wanted to see what the origin of the murloc came to attack him this time. The next time he goes out to raid , And will not find the wrong object.

   Coming to the side of the murloc's corpse, Liu Zhi only took a look and judged that the murloc was a freshwater type.

  There are actually more types of murlocs, including freshwater, saltwater, and mixed types. Of course, if you are not a scholar who specializes in this, there is generally no way to distinguish them.

  The reason why Liu Zhi can know the origin of these murlocs at a glance is entirely because he kills more murlocs, and he has got a piece of fish knowledge.

Picking up a murloc corpse with his hand, Liu Zhi frowned slightly. This murloc is obviously semi-professional, and his muscle ratio has changed slightly. This is the murloc's. Judging from the corpse, he can easily become a soldier after a period of training.

  And Liu Zhi remembered very clearly that this murloc was in the middle of the team at first, obviously he was the kind of cannon fodder who was not taken seriously.

  If this is the case for all murlocs, then the potential of this murloc clan will need to be reassessed.

"Could it be possible that the murlocs in this world have any special strengthening methods?" Liu Zhi whispered, and casually threw the murloc's body aside, "Letoz, you followed the murlocs. Go and take a look at the place. If you find their village, you will report back. If they are in the water, then forget it."

  Letoz nodded, jumped out of the carriage and disappeared to the side of the road.

Then Ryuzhi thought for a while, and did not call the cadaver truck. The guy was working on the corpse of the turtle Toga. He didn’t have time to come over for a while, so he simply released some skeleton trucks and took them personally. The murloc's body was thrown into the cart, and then he jumped into the cart again.

  Because of some skeleton transport trucks behind them, Liu Zhi and the others slowed down a lot. Originally, it only took less than half an hour to travel. They walked for a full hour and a half before returning to the beach.

  At this time, the sky was slowly getting dark. Liu Zhi used his death rod as a torch to illuminate the road ahead. As for the skeleton transporter following, those things didn't need any lighting.

  But at this time, Liu Zhi noticed that there seemed to be a figure shaking in the place where the death rod could not be illuminated by the light.

   "Who is there."

  Liu Zhi roared. At this time, his hand was already pressed on the thin thorn sword. If the opponent did not return, Liu Zhi would directly take the next step.

  At this time, Old Jack’s voice rang, "Don’t do it yet, it’s me, Old Jack."

  Liu Zhi noticed that Old Jack was looking around carefully, and Liu Zhi was a little curious, "Old Jack, why are you here?"

  "Aren’t you going to contact the Bloodsail Pirates? I’ve helped people pass the message. They said that after three days is the tide, they can pass through here safely, so I made an appointment with you in the South China Sea at the Big Rock Reef in three days."

  Liu Zhi has only been here for a few days. How does he know where the South China Sea is and where the big rock is.

  Fortunately, Old Jack also saw the situation of Ryuji. He took a map to Ryuji, which showed how to get from Skeleton Rock to Big Rock.

  Looking at the chart full of data in his hand, Liu Zhi couldn't help but snorted. The blood-sail pirates were all mixed up like this, and they looked down on people.

  What kind of map is this? This is clearly a test for Liu Zhi.

  In addition to testing Yuji's familiarity with the charts, it also tests her shipbuilding level, because several vortices are marked on the edge of the big rock.

  If Ryuzhi ran directly over the water through the sailor’s extraordinary ability, those who believed in the blood-sail pirates would leave when they saw Ryuuji, and would not give him any chance to build a ship.

   Thinking of this, Liu Zhi laughed instead, “It turns out to be like this, I understand it roughly, okay, when will it be three days from now?”

  "After three days, they will stay in that position. You can go there any time you are free."

   "Okay, then I will thank you first."

  Old Jack smiled and was about to leave, but at this moment, Liu Zhi suddenly asked.

   "Well, there is one thing I want to ask. I went to Fireblade City today and found that many people have green skins. Can you tell me what's going on?"

   "This is what you are talking about. Actually, this is the price paid to gain strength."

  (End of this chapter)

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