Necromantic Myth

Chapter 315: Murloc Attack

  Chapter 315 Attack of the octopus

  In the end, neither side was too entangled in some things, so Liu Zhi took a copy of the ship construction blueprint and left.

  The drawing is not a big ship, but a single-masted double-decker boat, but the hull will be more flexible and the materials used are not much. I think it is the design used by the pirates to encircle the enemy's wolves tactics.

[Sloop production plan: used to make sloops. This is a siege type vessel used by fur seals. The length of the vessel is about 25 meters. It requires a relatively small number of sailors and requires shipbuilding skills above level 1 to make it. , If the shipbuilding skill reaches an extraordinary level, it will be possible to build an extraordinary ship that ignores the direction of the wind and the waves. If the shipbuilding skill reaches the legendary level, it will be possible to build ships that dive into the sea and move short distances. There is no mythical version of this ship. 】

  However, what Liu Zhi cares about is not this, but that he finally sees the employment conditions of the shipbuilder.

  [Deputy shipbuilder employment standards (shipbuilding skills level 1, master 3 ship production plans, operate 10 ships)]

  "There is only one kind of boat production plan left. I hope there are some good boats, so I will have some inspiration in doing it."

Liu Zhi is right. For the shipbuilder, the most important thing is actually inspiration. When inspiration comes, the ship built will always have some weird changes, such as more attributes that shouldn’t appear on the ship. Category.

There are many extraordinary or legendary ships that were inspired by shipbuilders, and when they were inspired, they often did not build their favorite ships, so sometimes I saw one or two extraordinary fishing boats. Don’t be surprised.

  This time, thanks to the help of the zombie shipbuilder and the fact that the ship is actually very simple, Yanagi simply sailed two ships at the same time.

It is for this reason that more than half of Liu Zhi’s thoughts have been placed on these two boats in the past few days. As for the affairs of the Hades, he has not managed the affairs of Hades in detail for some time. Now Liu Zhi In the early morning of Zhichutian, the palace will be arranged, and the daily arrangements will be processed every night. Half of the remaining time is spent on practice and meditation, and the other half is spent on these two boats.

  And Liu Zhi's men also knew that Liu Zhi's focus during this period, and did not specifically come to trouble Liu Zhi, so that Liu Zhi can have more research to rest and build ships.

But today, when Liu Zhi finished his daily meditation and swordsmanship practice and was ready to take a look at his boat, the accident happened suddenly. He felt that there was something more in his palace, and the place where he appeared was closer. The location of the center of the Hades.

If it is in the dream forest, Ryuzhi may not worry. These days there will be a wave or two of natural creatures coming here every day. Some of them just pass by and take a rest, while others are dying and want to find a quiet place to enter. Sleep.

  However, those natural creatures will be restrained, and they will not leave the dream forest without the consent of Liu Zhi, or joining the palace of Liu Zhi.

  The situation in front of him was clearly something wrong. Liu Zhi raised his head and notified Letoz, while injecting his mental power into his eyes in the sky, and searched there.

  Soon Liu Zhi found out what was wrong. At this time, there were several murlocs discussing something in the middle of the Hades.

There are also murlocs in Liuzhi Palace, but those Dead Lake murlocs are accustomed to staying in their own territory by the sea, and they rarely go to the center of the Palace. After all, this is a slate type, and they don’t like it.的地型。 Type of land.

  So Ryuzhi almost immediately discovered that these murlocs were not right.

  He immediately issued the order and mobilized troops from nearby to surround the murlocs.

  At this moment, the murlocs suddenly made an action. These murlocs were spliced ​​together, and when they pulled out of the space, a large group of murlocs rushed out of the space they had pulled apart.

  Those murlocs are holding various tools made of metal, and they look like they are here to dig something.

  Liu Zhi understood in an instant that this was his own space was invaded, and in all likelihood, this was done by someone who took away the other eye of Skull Rock.

  Riuzhi raised the death rod, set the power of the Eye of Horus, shot a wave of arrows at the Murloc, and began to call the troops to prepare for the challenge.

  Under that wave of arrow rain, the murlocs were all shot dead on the spot before they could react.

  However, the number of murlocs this time is not a lot, and they are not the only entry point. At this time, a large number of murlocs appeared on the surface of the space.

  Liu Zhi snorted, "All the dead lake murlocs attacked, and the corpse soul naga troops attacked, patrolling the sea and killing all the enemies on the sea."

While ordering, Liu Zhi walked into the military building. If he was in the middle of the palace, he could not see the situation clearly, but in the military building, the map of the palace was a small map, and he could mobilize troops to go there at any time. Fight.

  As for Liu Zhi himself, there is no need for him to go there. They are all in his city. If all this requires him to take action personally, it means that the pros are too powerful and his subordinates can no longer withstand it.

This wave of murlocs are coming quickly and in large numbers, but their strength is not very high. There are about a thousand of them, but there may be a hundred and eighty of them, and the rest are all miners or similar. Occupation, holding various digging tools in hand, it seems that I want to come here to dig something.

  They didn't have much combat power. Liu Zhi's subordinates were stronger in number and combat power than them, and there was a special command. Under their siege, they quickly killed the murloc.

  But Ryuzhi was not at ease. Not only did he send his men to patrol the city to check if there were any fish that slipped through the net, he also actively meditated, using the divine eyes of the feather goddess in the sky to observe everything in the palace.

  After scanning three times, Liu Zhi was sure that all the enemies had been killed.

At this time, he had time to check what is the situation of these murlocs. From the situation just now, it can be seen that those murlocs have a way to enter Toga’s sleep. If they don’t handle it well, they won’t be in the next wave. These workers are likely to be powerful murloc troops.

And at this moment, in the sea some distance from this side, a murloc with half of his body was holding a stone ball larger than his head and said, "Leader, the manpower we sent in has been destroyed. "

   "Then send it again."

   "But those workers are not well trained."

   "Are you stupid, the workers are destroyed, there must be enemies inside, send regular troops, don't give them any chance."

  (End of this chapter)

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