Necromantic Myth

Chapter 316: Preparation before the war

  Chapter 316 Pre-war preparations

Looking at the murloc corpse being dragged into the Hades, Liu Zhi's expression became serious. These murlocs have all been modified, their arms have begun to mechanize, and their chests are all nailed to the size of a thumb. An energy source like a circle.

  All of these energy sources directly penetrated into the heart of the murlocs. It can be seen that this thing represents the source of these murlocs' vitality.

   "Machine Murloc."

Looking at the situation of these murlocs, Liu Zhi instantly remembered the situation he had heard about in Burning Blade City. This should be one of the two largest murlocs in the vicinity, and I don’t know if they were drawn over, or I've been eyeing this a long time ago.

   But no matter what, Liu Zhi believes that this mechanical murloc will not be willing to fail like this. After these worker-like murlocs are easily killed, the next wave of regular troops will come here.

  While preparing his men for battle, Ryuzhi carried some of the corpses of the murloc to study.

  He noticed that the weaponized murlocs are gradually transforming their bodies. The energy of the heart is the foundation, and then the arms are often transformed, which should strengthen their strength.

   Then there are positions such as eyes. At the same time, some soldiers will modify their faces to at least protect their weaknesses, the murlocs.

  As for their skins, they have not undergone extensive transformation at all. I think it is because on the one hand, the whole body transformation requires too much energy, and on the other hand, the focus of their transformation is to strengthen their own combat power, not on defense.

   Moulding the slime on the murloc's corpse, Liu Zhi was finally relieved.

   "Fortunately, there is still a chance."

  After throwing the murloc corpse aside, a thought flashed in Liu Zhi's mind. No matter how these guys are changed, they are still considered to be murlocs. Some of the treatment methods he researched against murlocs can still be used now.

Ryuzhi thought for a moment, beckoned, and called Letoz and Amanite over, "There will be regular murlocs coming over soon, we need to prepare, Amanite, I have a list here. You ask Letoz to take you to Fireblade City to buy these things and send them directly."

  Amanet knew that only she could do this, and no one else could do it, so she nodded and agreed.

  Next, Liu Zhi took out all the list of materials he needed, and at the same time released the sun carriage.

  Then Liu Zhi ordered the Spider-girl Fangming to prepare some alchemy potions, and he himself went to make poisons against the murlocs.

  But before that, Ryuzhi still sent Nasha and the others out first.

In the previous battle, Nessa and Dead Lake murlocs did not play much role. Although there are already many professionals in Dead Lake murlocs, their number is still not large, and there is no way to form a corresponding combat power. .

  In addition, almost all of the murloc eggs that Liu Zhi survived have hatched, and the murlocs in the Dead Lake have not yet reached their reproductive period. Even if the murlocs in Liu Zhi's hands are used up, they lose less.

  So when dealing with the blood sail pirates before, Liu Zhi will focus on the mermaid egg.

  On the one hand because the murloc eggs are cheaper here, on the other hand, it is also because he needs to supplement the murloc.

At the moment, the temporary supplement is definitely not in a hurry. Liu Zhi thought of another method. He had people remove all the energy sources from these weaponized murlocs, and that could be sent to Burning Blade City to serve as It is used to prove that the task is turned in.

After   , Liu Zhi asked people to throw the murloc’s body into the mass grave and the bone-buried desert. He wanted to see if he could transform into new undead through these two places.

   Even if it doesn’t work, this can also provide some flesh and blood for the mass graves and the bone-buried desert, spawning new skeleton soldiers and other troops.

Unexpectedly, there are some small changes in such a refresh. This is quite a surprise to Liu Zhi. You must know that the batch of war horse corpses that Liu Zhi grabbed before was thrown into the mass grave, and he wanted to transform into a skeleton horse. Things like that, but failed in the end, Liu Zhi thought these murlocs were the same.

Unexpectedly, after these murlocs were thrown in, they had obvious gains. There was a ghost murloc from the mass grave. It is a kind of ghost-like murloc creature that can swim in the water, but there is no type conversion. The effect is of little use except that it looks scary.

In the Bone-Buried Desert, there appeared a kind of murloc. It looked like dried salted fish. It seemed very incompetent. But what is surprising is that this kind of murloc can actually be found in the Bone-Buried Desert. Here is transformed into a class of troops called murloc mummies.

  This makes Liu Zhi somewhat unknown.

In fact, if Amanite were there, he would tell Ryuzhi that in ancient Egypt, the gods did not fly in the sky or run on the ground. There were also some existences swimming in the water, such as the **** with the head of a crocodile, he There are also their own mummies.

  So this thing is like the kobold mummies that appeared before, they are all normal units.

  But Liu Zhi didn't know this. Liu Zhi only knew that the existence of these murloc mummies was of great help to him.

  He simply had all the murloc corpses thrown into the bone-buried desert, and he did his best to transform the murloc mummies.

  As for the blacksmith's shop, which has not been fully activated for a long time, also fully activated to make equipment for these murloc mummies.

  Since these murlocs were already dead, Liu Zhi didn't give them armor or anything, so he gave them a spear.

  At the same time, due to the characteristics of the mummies, they couldn't get into the water, so Liu Zhi arranged them to patrol the city. As for the undead troops that could get into the water, they all pushed to the beach.

Although it was delayed because of the transformation of murloc mummies, Liu Zhi did not forget his own affairs. When he was free, he made all-out efforts to make poisons against murlocs. A large part of these poisons were placed in murloc mummies. Body.

  As for the murlocs in the dead lake in the water, Ryuzhi has notified Nasha and told them to do what they can. Don’t just fight all the murlocs out for the sake of fighting.

  Although Liu Zhi knows that the underworld ecosystem that has been upgraded will not be downgraded, but if he wants to add enough Dead Lake murlocs, Liu Zhi has to spend a lot of effort.

  Nasha also knew about this situation. This time he had made up his mind and stayed on the Abyss Demon Reef, controlling the water and lightning, and he stopped participating in the battle outside.

  When Amanite and the others came back, Yanagi noticed that the enemy murloc finally appeared.

  (End of this chapter)

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