Necromantic Myth

Chapter 317: Murloc Regular Army (27/30)

  Chapter 317 Octopus Regular Army (2730)

Since the last time he sent someone in, he was directly sent to the palace of Liuzhi, so Liuzhi strengthened the management of the palace. Although Letoz went out to buy things, on the street, the assassin’s secret The assassins, thieves and spies trained by the cave are still monitoring any corner where enemies may appear.

  So when a new enemy appeared, Liu Zhi received the news immediately.

This time, the regular army from the weaponized murlocs came out, and the two teams (10 people) of the assassin troops were directly transmitted to the Hades. They were somewhat unified in style, but each had different enhancements. One of them was a team of 10 assassins. The muscles of the legs were strengthened so that they could jump back and forth at high places. The other unit strengthened the arm. They cut off the arm directly and replaced it with a venom injector that looked like a bell barrel.

When    appeared in the Hades, Liu Zhi reached two red light spots on the small map of the military building, which represented that the enemy's team had entered the city.

  These murlocs didn't seem to have any plans to hide themselves. They just glanced at the surrounding situation and rushed towards the Scarab Secret Hall.

  As soon as he saw this, Liu Zhi snorted. He had arranged everything a long time ago. On the way, he put down the murloc mummies he had just made, and they would block these murloc assassins for themselves.

  As for the assassins and spies under Liu Zhi, they are still monitoring the situation in the entire Hades at this time.

  At this moment, Amanit came back with all the materials that Ryuuji needed.

There are a lot of quicklime in these materials, which were developed by Yanagi before and specifically aimed at murlocs. Not to mention normal murlocs. Even the dead lake murlocs in the hands of Liuzhi will be affected, maybe only The ghost murlocs that have become ghosts or the mummies that have been transformed into mummies are not affected by quicklime.

Yanagi looked at the situation in his military building. When Amanette came back, Yanagi just asked Amanite to send the quicklime to Mander, and all the remaining materials were brought to the Scarab Secret. Come here from the hall.

On the way here, Amanite looked at the murloc mummies with some surprise. She didn’t expect to go out by herself during this time. There were so many more troops in Ryuzhi’s city, and they were still Egyptian in style. Arms.

Amanite also noticed that these murloc mummies are not very powerful. They fought with the two teams of assassin forces, and there was no chance of winning at all. The spears in their hands could not even stab the murloc assassins. If it weren't for the poison that they used against the murlocs, how much damage they had at this time.

Amanite thought for a while, and finally rushed out with a spear. With the help of Amanite, the murloc assassins were beaten back one by one, but they did not disappear, they died more than a dozen. After the famous assassin, the remaining assassins ran around in the palace.

  The troops that Liu Zhi stayed in the Hades had no way to catch up with them. This situation made Liu Zhi speechless, and finally mobilized the patrol troops in the city to stop them.

  And taking this opportunity, Amanat also found Ryuji.

   "The murloc mummies outside of you are doing very well, but their combat effectiveness is too weak, or you can leave these mummies to me to deal with."

   "Yes, just leave it to you, you can group them together, and I will notify you when there is a task."

   "Okay." Amanette agreed decisively.

After talking about Armanet, she was ready to run out to take over the mummified troops, but at this moment, she seemed to think of something, "By the way, when I came back just now, I heard a news, it seems that there is one in Fireblade City. The guild was dispatched to attack the murlocs, I don’t know if this news is of any use to you.

   "It should be useful." Liu Zhi thought for a while and said, "If they happen to be aimed at the robot merman, then the pressure on our side will be less."

  Although he said this, Liu Zhi still didn't think that the murloc would let him go. It could be seen that the other party had been preparing for this for a long time, and he shouldn't give up temporarily.

  At this moment, Liu Zhi's map flashed for a while, and Liu Zhi's eyes lit up: "It's finally here."

Speaking of Ryuzhi, he headed to the second floor of the military building. The structure of the Scarab Secret Hall is only one floor. However, there are stairs in the military building and the administration building to go up to the top platform, and you can see the outside from there. Case.

  At this time, Liu Zhi stood on the roof platform, and easily saw the situation on the sea outside the palace.

  A unit of about 300 people appeared on the sea. From their team, it should be a regular army composed of four battalions (60 people) and three squadrons (30 people).

  Behind this regular army, there was a bustling straggler with a number of nearly a thousand people. They were not organized and looked quite chaotic, and Liu Zhi could not see their precise number from their situation.

  But what attracted Yanagi's attention most was the banner they set up in the sea. It was a blue flag decorated with seaweed and painted with a metal shark with an open mouth.

   "Mechanical shark? It seems that he is very fond of this place."

Liu Zhi glanced at the place where the murlocs had swam over, and a thought flashed in his mind. The regular army was here to fight the Hades, and among the nearly a thousand skirmishers, only half would be sent as cannon fodder, and the rest would go. Toga's corpse is over there.

  I don’t know how this idea came about, but Liu Zhi believed it decisively.

"Amanite, take the mummy you just gave you, and what troops do you want? They will go to Toga's corpse. You can deal with them. Even if you can't beat them, you have to drag them to me and wait until I am here. The battle is over."

  Hearing that Armanet had also discovered the murloc's ideas, she understood that if the battlefield was opened right now, she was the only one under Ryuzhi could do it.

   "I see, don't worry, it was just cannon fodder, we won."

   Speaking of Amanette, he speeded up his departure. Seeing Amanite running away, Ryuzhi couldn't help but figure out that he wanted to strengthen the traffic problem inside and outside the city.

At this time, Nasha also discovered the plan to weaponize the murloc. Standing on the altar of the abyss demon's reef, Nasha raised his hands and pressed them on the altar, and then a lightning flashed from Nasha's The body was uploaded, turned into an electric dragon, and hit the weaponized murloc who was swimming in the sea, firing the first shot of the battle.

  (End of this chapter)

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