Necromantic Myth

Chapter 318: Start the war (28/30)

  Chapter 318 War begins (2830)

  As Nasha launched an attack, Liu Zhi noticed that the murloc troops in the sea were directly divided into three parts and started to move in different directions.

The biggest one is naturally rushing towards the wall of the Hades, but Liu Zhi also discovered that their combat effectiveness is obviously not very strong. In this group of murlocs, there are only two regular troops, and all the rest are It is a skirmisher, there are about 500 people in total.

In addition, there is a small group of three hundred skirmishers led by a regular squadron. It is heading towards Toga’s body. Although Rusty Bone is guarding there with some skeleton soldiers at this time, Liu Zhi is not optimistic about their combat power over there.

The last wave is the remaining regular army with the remaining skirmishers. Although they don’t seem to be much in number, they have the strongest combat power. Their direction is very simple. They go up the ocean against the current and enter the palace of Hades. In the sea on the side.

  There are only dead lake murlocs and corpse soul naga guards, which can be regarded as a position with relatively weak defense. Besides, there is no wall on this side, it is reasonable that murlocs would choose here as a breakthrough.

  However, those murlocs also underestimated the abilities of Nessa. As a murloc of heroic potential, with the blessing of Abyss Demon Reef, he has the confidence to control everything on the entire sea.

  When the fish people rushed over here, Nasha already knew what the other side was thinking.

  It can be seen from the murlocs rushing here this time, all rushing over are the kind of rapid reaction force.

  The murlocs of the three squadrons all went into battle lightly, and the murlocs of the two squadrons contained a squadron of cavalry.

  Ryuzhi also noticed the situation here. At this time, there were even more detailed icons on his small map.

  Among the murlocs who are going to kill in from the sea area of ​​the Hades along the sea, are a squadron of shark cavalry and a squadron of murloc swordsmen. They are all faster troops.

Among the arms of the next three groups, there are a group of spearmen, a group of harpooners, and a group of underwater crossbowmen. It can be seen that they have already considered all possible situations. .

  As for the skirmishers, there is no special display on the side of Ryuzhi, but as far as Ryuzhi observes, the weapons they hold are mostly swords, spears and the like, and they are not beyond the level of normal people's imagination.

  It can be seen that their goal this time is very clear. The quick troops kill the murlocs guarding the sea area of ​​the Hades, and the rest of the troops have entered the city.

   Thinking of this, Ryuzhi immediately issued an order, "Nasa, you are free to play, the Naga Corps of Souls will attack."

This time, Ryuzhi can be regarded as having lost his blood. Except for Vidnina, who was guarding him, all the corpse soul naga were released, including the arms that regrown arms. Soul Naga and two black prophets.

  After the two black prophets entered the sea, they quickly swam towards the Demon Reef of the Abyss.

When    got there, before he got up from the water, the black prophet was stopped by a few spiritual murlocs.

   "What are you doing here."

Looking at these spiritual murlocs, the Black Prophet did not speak. The dead lake murlocs under Liu Zhi had fewer spiritual murlocs, so Liu Zhi just let them learn by themselves, and did not allow Nasha to transform into a professional. Therefore, there is still no legal system in the dead lake murloc professionals under Nasha.

It is for this reason that the two black prophets are full of self-confidence. They dragged away the spiritual dead lake murlocs. "You have no legal profession. It is very difficult to control this abyssal demon reef. Let's help. You, let us guide the direction."

  A few Dead Lake murlocs still want to stop, but Nasha said over there: "Let them come up, you come and learn, you will control this place in the future."

  This sentence surprised the two black prophets a little, but he did not expect that Nesha would become more and more heroic.

  But they still remembered Ryuzhi's arrangement. After going to the Abyss Demon Reef, they began to take the initiative to control this powerful building.

  Abyss Demon’s Reef is a sea control type. With the help of the black prophet, Nasha only feels that he has a better understanding of everything in the sea.

  Many times before, Nasha could only rely on himself to guess, but now it is different. He can see the direction of the enemy's progress, and can feel where the waves are best to push the enemy back.

  Such a discovery made Nasha's eyes bright, he raised his hands and acted according to his own thoughts.

  Under the control of Nessa, a big wave was set off in this sea area.

  The big wave pushed forward, and it happened to be in the middle of the shark cavalry rushing towards this side.

The shark cavalry in the hands of the murloc. The cavalry are not the giant sharks that they don’t know how many times they have been magnified. They are riding small sharks that are one person long. These sharks don’t have mechanized parts like the murlocs. , The murloc can't do anything on the shark's back.

  They can only lie on the back of the shark and move forward rapidly at the speed of the shark.

   And this big wave came one by one, the wave directly pushed them back, trying to push them back into the sea of ​​space.

The murlocs were angry right now. When they came, they had already made a plan. The reason they were sent out was because they wanted to rush to the sea of ​​Hades quickly, for the fish behind. The troops opened the way.

  As soon as they slow down, the murlocs behind will naturally slow down, but Liu Zhi will not give them any chance.

  At this time, Liu Zhi has passed the death rod to communicate with the Eye of Horus in the sky.

At this time, he is looking for the most critical point of the enemy. He has already seen that the murloc who came here this time is the standard configuration of a hero, which means that the battle situation in front of him is actually a murloc hero. Directed.

  What Ryuzhi needs is to make the whole battle chaotic so that he can find the location of the murloc hero.

  And the place where chaos is most likely to form is naturally in the sea area of ​​Hades.

  The opponent's hero's goal has not been achieved. There will definitely be a new order. Following this, Ryuzhi can find a way to find the hero's location.

  But Liu Zhi found that the murloc hero was quite cautious. Even if he did not achieve his goal, he did not change the battle plan at will. He watched the shark cavalry pushed to the end by the waves without giving a new order.

  However, at this time, Nessa noticed a different situation in the sea.

  (End of this chapter)

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