Necromantic Myth

Chapter 321: Battle on the Wall (29/30)

  Chapter 321 Battle on the Wall (2930)

  In response to Nasha’s reaction, Liu Zhi couldn't help but snorted, and then he seemed to see some weird threads wrapped around Nasha’s body, as if to prove something.

  A closer look, Liu Zhi saw a sign appeared on Nasha’s head, which was a manifestation of becoming a hero.

  【Main battle hero Nasha·Raide·King of the Dead Lake】

  【Occupation: Shaman】

  【Level: Level 1】

[Abilities: Fist of Thunder (control current to strengthen double fists to attack), Wave Surge (control wave effect), King of Murlocs (Armor of Murlocs +1), Body of Meditating (50% maintenance for fatal injuries) 1 point of life immortality, and can be restored from the undead magic)]

  【Explanation: Nasha, the king of the murlocs of the Dead Lake, has lived in the underworld since he was a child, and controlled everything in the underworld. It is precisely for this reason that he has mastered the power of lightning and waves. 】

  This is it?

  Ryuzhi glanced at Nasha's situation, and looked at it a little more uncertainly, and finally found that Nasha had really become a hero.

"It seems that your last blow made you jump out successfully. You did a good job." Looking at Nasha, who could hardly move, Liu Zhi couldn't help but smile. Then he held the death staff and faced Nasha. With a wave of Sha, the Spirit Gathering Thaumaturgy pulled up Nasha's life.

  Of course, Nasha's burnt hands, Liu Zhi didn't have time to pay attention to it for the time being, so he could only let Nasha deal with it by himself.

  For this, Nasha didn't care at all. After adding some vitality, Nasha stood up, wanted to say something, but didn't know what to do at this time.

"You can gather your troops. As a hero, you can start to form your own corps. All of these will depend on your own efforts. In addition, you will find a way to deal with the murlocs that are still left in the sea. Although powerful, the enemy murlocs are not so easy to die."

  Nasha then reacted, he nodded repeatedly, and under the protection of his heroic guard, swam towards the Demon Reef of the Abyss.

  After the matter here was handed over to Nasha, Liu Zhi appeared on the wall of the city. At this time, the battle on Mander's side was almost over.

  Since the murlocs attacking the city are just a feint attack, the main force is placed on the side of the Hades, so the murlocs who come here do not have any main battle force, and their regular troops are manchu murlocs from two brigades.

  One of the murlocs is obviously larger than the average murloc, and the height has changed from 1.3 meters for normal murlocs to nearly two meters.

The murloc’s limbs are full of thick muscles, and the surface of the body is also equipped with something like a power source. The most important thing is that they hold a weapon like a broken city cone and rely on a strong impact to hit the city wall. This It is a murloc specially designed for siege.

  The other murlocs are a little shorter, only close to two meters tall. They don’t have any weapons, and their arms become something like a ballista. At the same time, they have a large number of shells on their backs.

  As for the rest is the skirmish cannon fodder.

  When these murlocs rushed up, Mander quickly made a judgment. Among the enemies in front of him, the kind of ballista talent was the key. The shells they ejected were small, but they would explode.

  Although the power of the cannonball is not great, it is a damage to the city wall.

Mander knew immediately how to deal with the situation in front of him. As long as the siege murlocs could not rush to the wall, they were a kind of useless waste, so when he found the enemy coming, Mander called immediately Some of the skirmishers in the palace came over.

  Mand called Skeleton Archer and Skeleton Mage.

  For the long-range troops in the Hades, Mander knows quite well, even at which angle they stand and how much the range can be increased, Mander is very clear.

   After all, Mande was turning around the wall every day, it was like his palm.

   The skeleton shooter was mobilized because Mander wanted to kill the murloc ballistas in the first place.

  "You are optimistic, it is those murlocs with ballistas in their hands that strike accurately, and you don’t need to deal with the others."

  After arranging the task for the skeleton shooter, Mander began to arrange the task for the skeleton mage again. Ryuzhi’s skeleton mage’s troop dispatch rate is not high, and the attributes are random, only 6 per day.

The most important thing is that these skeleton mages sound tall and tall, but they actually belong to the bottom-level troop. They are a 60-man brigade full of troops. In addition, the classification of fireball and ice archery appears randomly. Now Liu Zhi hasn't collected enough troops from the full legal system.

  So these skeleton mages stood on the wall, it was a mess.

  Mander can only let those skeleton wizards who have been assigned the wand weapon to stand in front and deal with it according to his ideas.

  The target of the skeleton mage who can use fireball is also the murloc ballista, but unlike the skeleton archer, they attack the cannonball on the back of the murloc.

  The kind of shell is thrown out after being lit with fire, so fireball can definitely detonate the bomb.

The target of the Skeleton Mage who can use Frost Archery is the Murloc Breakers. Although Mander is not worried about the impact of these Breakers, he does not let the enemy get close to the walls. That is Mander’s instinct. Frost Archery has the ability to slow down. The effect is best used to deal with this kind of enemy that relies on speed to collide.

  Under such effective targeting, Mander easily controlled the situation. The skirmish murlocs behind, in such chaos, could not even touch the sides of the city wall.

After the murloc ballistas only launched three attacks, they all went into a misfire. They were either nailed to the ground by the skeleton shooter, or they were detonated by the fireball technique of the skeleton mage.

  The murlocs were nothing good. After they were hit by the Frostbolt, their movement speed obviously slowed down, and they were killed before they rushed to the wall.

  A few rushed to the edge of the moat, and they were also entangled by a large number of cobwebs. Not to mention the broken city, it can be said that they can't even get close to the wall.

Without the help and protection of the two regular troops, ordinary murloc skirmishers would not be able to form combat power at all. In addition, at this time, the opposing hero’s mechanical murloc was killed by Liu Zhi. In the chaos, Mander made a full blow, sweeping all the murlocs, and cleared all the murloc troops before Liu Zhi rushed to the city wall.

  This is the real reason why the battle here is almost over when Ryuzhi rushes to the wall.

  (End of this chapter)

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