Necromantic Myth

Chapter 322: Blocking (30/30)

  Chapter 322 Blocking (3030)

  Compared to the battle between the Hades and the city wall, the battle on Toga's corpse was obviously more intense.

Amanite is not a hero. The troops under her are all temporarily transformed murloc mummies. Those mummies were just made, and even the weapons in her hand were temporarily slapped. There is no such kind of organization to bring them together. Good take.

  The most important thing is that they will be relatively far away from Toga's corpse. Although Amanit set out with the troops in the first time, they still failed to catch up with the first wave of the fish people's offensive.

  When that wave of murlocs attacked, they were still guarded by the skeleton soldiers who had stayed here with Liu Zhi with Rusty bones.

  Due to the relative importance of Toga’s corpse, Ryuzhi left two groups of normal skeleton soldiers, one group of skeleton shooters, and 30 golden skeletons.

  All the troops here are not organized, but the numbers are in place. They usually patrol here and accept the dispatch of Rusty bones.

  Even if murlocs attacked Hades, Ryuzhi never thought of bringing these troops back.

  It is precisely because of this caution that he bought time for Liu Zhi.

When the murlocs in the sea diverged, Rusty Bone had already discovered that the situation was wrong. Although he was not a hero, he was not a fool. He did not rush into the sea directly, but took up his own view of Toga's corpse. Familiar, chose a more obvious position as the main battlefield.

Rusty bone also knows that he doesn’t have much power. The total number of troops in his hand is two hundred people. Among them, there are only 60 skeleton shooters in the long-range unit, and 30 golden skeletons in the defense unit. Skeleton soldiers are just ordinary troops, and it may be a one-to-one exchange ratio with Murloc.

  So before the arrival of reinforcements, the rust bones cannot be completely destroyed, he must control the battlefield in his own hands.

   So when the murlocs rushed to the shore, Rustbone stood on a nearby stone with the sword and shield, and knocked loudly.

   "Fish people, look at this place."

  The murlocs that came over were the weakest among the three groups of murlocs. There was only one regular army of 30 squadrons, plus more than 300 skirmishers.

  But they have already surpassed Rustbone’s troops in number, and the regular army in their hands is also the most troublesome unit of Rustbone.

  The size of these murlocs is definitely not as high as those of the murlocs, but they are full of 30 people, which shows their strength.

When this kind of murloc stepped on the shore, there would be some water currents under their feet. Those water currents would naturally hover around them, and those water currents would eventually appear on the weapons in their hands. It can be seen that this water current has an improvement. Murloc movement speed, strengthen the role of their weapons and equipment.

  The enemy is very strong.

A thought flashed through Rusty Bone's heart, but he was not afraid of it at all. No matter how strong the murlocs are, all the skeleton soldiers under him are level 2. Although they did not form a full-strength unit, their combat power must be. Improved.

  Even if the enemy in front of you is very powerful, he can stop it.

  While thinking, Rustbone raised the long sword in his hand, "The archer shoots, the murlocs behind the target, all the golden skeletons stand up for me to block the enemy's charge."

  Yes, it's the enemy's charge.

After discovering that there was an enemy on the shore, the 30 weird murlocs launched a charge. The water under their feet seemed to be sprayed out by high pressure, pushing them forward, and the weapons in their hands were in this impact. Under the circumstances, it will play a great role.

  Don't let the enemy rush through your own line of defense. Rusty bones who understood this immediately took the golden skull to get in the front.

All the golden skulls were also affected by the oil painting, and they became level 2. In addition, Rust bones did not relax their control over the golden skulls during this period. They were there every day to find ways to strengthen the golden skulls. At this time, they stood alone. Coming out, it was like putting down a high golden wall in front of the enemy.

  At this time, the murlocs have entered the high-speed charge stage, even if the front is really a wall, they can't stop.

  In the next instant, the two sides collided together. On the spot, seven golden skeletons were knocked to the ground by the murlocs. Under the pressure of the water, they turned into golden cakes.

But the remaining golden skulls withstood the impact of the murlocs. Those murlocs who failed to charge were instantly dizzy. At this time, the golden skulls did not miss such a good opportunity. They lifted the shield in their hands. He beat the murloc back a few steps.

  Unfortunately, the water currents on the murlocs seem to have wisdom. Before the murlocs can control them, the flowing water will automatically go up to protect the murloc's body.

  But the Golden Skull set is trained. After their shield strikes, they will immediately add a chain hammer attack.

  Although the shield attack failed to stun the murloc, the chain hammer behind it was different. The chain hammers of the Golden Skeleton under Rustbone were all the largest mace hammers, and the weight reached an astonishing ten kilograms.

  Normally speaking, if this thing hits a person’s head, it will have the same effect as a stone hitting a watermelon. The red and white ones are directly a big explosion.

  It took a lot of hard work for the rust bones to make these golden skeletons learn to hit combos.

  After the shield strike, all the golden skeletons naturally threw the chain hammer out.

   There was no way to completely block the water flow on the murloc body. The chain hammer carried centrifugal force and smashed the heads of six murlocs open on the spot, and the remaining murlocs were also knocked out.

  At this moment, the situation on the battlefield was actually controlled by Rustbone.

  At this time, the skeleton archers behind Rustbone also raised their longbows and fired at the murlocs that were pouring in from behind.

  However, the number of skeleton archers is still a little less, and their level is not high. After shooting the murloc, the effective killing did not kill many murlocs, but instead made the murlocs rush over.

  Rustbone looked at the situation and knew that it was a bit troublesome. When these murlocs swarmed over, he couldn't stop him even if he had a golden skeleton.

  Rust bone at this time can only order: "Half of the skeleton soldiers will attack, and the rest will protect the skeleton archers."

  Under the order of Rustbone, a group of skeleton soldiers rushed out with spears and shields, and rammed into the murloc team.

  The number of the two sides is not proportional, but the skeleton soldiers are not afraid of death at all. After they rushed in, they shot directly at the murloc's beard, but also killed a lot of murlocs.

  And at this moment, Armanet finally rushed to the neighborhood with the murloc mummies.

    The renewal owed last month is fixed, and the renewal of this monthly pass will start tomorrow!



  (End of this chapter)

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