Necromantic Myth

Chapter 331: Re-enter Fireblade City

  Chapter 331 Re-entering Fireblade City

  With some thoughts, Liu Zhi appeared on the side of the snake-skeleton-corpse dog system.

  Standing in front of the big tree, Liu Zhi recalled some situations he had seen in the ecosphere book. At first, he thought he treated the corpse dog and the snake bone tree as a small ecosphere.

   Now it seems that not only he was wrong, but even the Ide family was wrong.

  They don’t even know what the ecosystem refers to, or they don’t really understand the meaning of the ecosystem until they reach a certain level.

  Of course, it is also possible that this state of the ecosystem is the secret of the high-levels of the Yide family. Only when it reaches a certain level will it be notified. Anyway, Liu Zhi has not been exposed to this.

  Looking at the big tree in front of him and the corpse kennel under the tree, Liu Zhi flashed some thoughts in his mind.

  The corpse dog and the snake skeletal wood are just the core, and other ecological environments should also be added.

As soon as the idea of ​​   appeared, the environment here began to change. Before, there were specialized skeleton dog trainers dealing with the living habits of corpse dogs.

But this time, under the handling of Liu Zhi, the skeleton dog trainer left like this. Liu Zhi told them to retreat to the outskirts of this area and find a place to stay there. All the corpse dogs will be stocked in the future. , Only when it reaches the level that can be used to train and fight, will the skeleton dog trainer take it out for training.

  Maybe because without the suppression of the skeleton dog trainer, the corpse dogs here seemed to react, and they began to attack each other.

  The number of them is not very large, but Liu Zhi has been inadequate to deal with them. He always wants to make them bigger and underworld before training.

  Now it seems that this is a wrong idea. Liu Zhi first let these corpse dogs fight with each other, and at the same time he brought the extra murloc flesh and turtle flesh that were not used.

  In addition, Liu Zhi also plans to raise rabbits or mice here.

  In order for the rabbits or mice to have enough food to eat, Liu Zhi threw a lot of weed seeds under the big tree when the corpse dogs were fighting.

Liu Zhi’s actions did not cause too many reactions from the corpse dogs. They all eat meat. No matter how much grass he grows, it will not affect them. Even if the weeds grow a bit faster, they will not be affected. Affect the growth of these corpse dogs.

  After doing this, Liu Zhi sighed, he needed to find some rabbits and mice back.

  Maybe this is a mature ecosystem. If this experiment is feasible, next time Ryuzhi can make some changes to the aquatic-murloc system, or make some changes to the spore-cobweb system.

  But where can the rabbit find it?

  After thinking for a while, Liu Zhi hit his mind on Fire Blade City.

When he went to Burning Blade City last time, he saw the tavern there, where players have everything to eat, from chocobos running on the ground to fire dragons flying in the sky, as well as rabbits and mice. Among the recipes.

It seems that there are murloc dishes for sale, which means that there is such a business line. Liu Zhi thought for a moment, considering that he just had a large number of mechanical murloc energy sources in his hands, or he would simply go to Burning Blade City for a run. , And see if I can get some rabbits and mice back.

With this thought, Liu Zhi left this space. Of course, in order to ensure that his space and the Hades did not have problems, Liu Zhi specially left a starry sky sign outside the space. If something really happened, Liu Zhi The treatment can be directly returned by the starry sky marker.

  After leaving the space, Liu Zhi released the chariot, and this time only Vidnina was following him.

   Let Vednina drive the carriage, Ryuzhi sat directly on the carriage, took out the book of the ecosphere, and turned it over.

  His Hades is still too small, and the area is not very large, and he has to build a total of six ecosystems this time, at least he can’t wave like before and waste the whole piece of land.

  Like the corpse dog and the snake-skeleton wood side, it must be a bit wasteful to only raise dogs. Liu Zhi is thinking about whether to plant some fruit trees or herbs.

  There is also aquatic murloc, which can be used to raise some ordinary fish. If you want to come to the sea of ​​the underworld, the fish will taste differently.

   While forcibly letting himself diverge his thinking, supplementing his brain holes about the ecosystem, Liu Zhi looked at the surroundings.

  Because the time he came out at this time was in the evening, the players who had been out for a day began to return to the city.

  Liu Zhi noticed that on the road, there were players in twos and threes gathering together and moving forward. Some of them had mounts, and some could only rely on their legs to drive.

  But one thing is weird, that is, most players have some green lines on their bodies.

  The effect of the power fountain?

An idea flashed through Liu Zhi's mind.

  This situation made Liu Zhi a little scared. The situation in the southern swamp plane made him understand that the high-levels of each face are not good things.

  The situation in front of this plane is so complicated, how can the masters of the cities take out the most critical things for ordinary players for nothing.

  At this moment, Liu Zhi suddenly heard that someone seemed to be greeting him.

  Liu Zhi looked in the direction of the sound, and found that they were three players who seemed to be around level 3, and they had player equipment on them. Although the hair color was a bit wrong, they knew that they were relatively pure humans.

  The most important point is that they don’t have the green lines that make Liu Zhi speechless.

   Seeing Liu Zhi raised his head, one of them said to Liu Zhi: "Hello, my name is Adam, I am a soldier, are you a newcomer?"

   "I have been here for a while, you can call me Sandro, are you returning to the city?"

"Yeah, I just went out to brush a wave of wild monsters to earn a little food. You are a good mess, and you are all in the carriage." Adam ran all the way to Liu Zhi's side, his steps were clearly unhappy, but Can keep up with the speed of the sun carriage, which is also an advantage.

  It's that Adam's two friends don't have that speed anymore, and they were left behind in a blink of an eye.

   "Your friend is almost gone."

   "It's okay, they will follow up, and we have been on the mission for a few days, and we have to separate when we enter the city. There is no difference between separating earlier and separating later."

  Adam’s attitude made Liu Zhi a little puzzled. He sat up straight, looked at Adam up and down, and asked with some doubts: "What's the matter?"

   When asked by Ryuzhi, Adam was also a little embarrassed, but he quickly laughed, "That's nothing big, just to remind you not to drink the power spring."

   Before Liu Zhi could react, Adam turned and ran away quickly.

  Looking at the direction Adam was running away, Liu Zhi frowned. "A speechless player."

  (End of this chapter)

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