Necromantic Myth

Chapter 332: Green skin business

  Chapter 332 Green Skin Business

   Apart from the inexplicable things on the road, Liu Zhi still came to Fire Blade City smoothly.

   Just got out of the carriage, and the green-skinned guys who rented wolves outside the city gate surrounded them again, selling their wolves there. Liu Zhi looked at their wolves and suddenly asked, "Are you wolves selling?"

  Liu Zhi said this sentence, all the green-skinned guys all retracted, dragging their own wolves, for fear that Liu Zhi would come around and **** all their wolves away.

   "Well, I need some seeds of Wolf Warriors, not to grab business with you."

  Looking at the situation in front of him, Liu Zhi said with some embarrassment.

   Hearing that it was not here to grab business, the green-skinned guys were relieved, but depending on the situation, they were not as enthusiastic as before.

  The last green guy who shrank at the end said: "How many wolves do you want? Is it okay for ordinary wolves, but there is no way to train them to become wolves and warwolves?"

  "Yes, the amount I want may be a bit large. By the way, only wolves are not enough, because wolves need meat for stocking, and I need a lot of rabbits and mice."

  "Yes, sir, I can find this for you, come on, time is gold... No, sir, please go here, I will take you to see my wolf."

   "Your wolf?" Liu Zhi stopped. Judging from the green-skinned attitude towards the wolves just now, there is something wrong with the wolf.

"Yes, sir, don’t worry. My wolf is not a wolf. Not all wolves can be trained to become a wolf. My wolf has its own characteristics. Like a sow, it refers to my wolves. They want a little wolf, and they just find my wolves to bred. You see if you want to pay more."

  "Really?" Liu Zhi's eyes lit up when he heard this.

"Don't worry about this, our land... No, we Greenskins have a say in everything. As long as you give the money, we will definitely sell the best things. If you don’t believe me, you can directly put my family’s best Bring the two good female wolves. You can tell at a glance that they are highly productive female wolves. Of course, the price is even higher."

  Although I don’t know why these green-skinned guys are so mad, but Yanagi still negotiated the price with them.

When discussing the price with them, Liu Zhi noticed that these green-skinned guys have a special feature. Before the agreement is reached, it must be a train running on their lips. Even if it is mud, it can be said that it is a kind of soil, but As long as the negotiation is completed, even if they calculate that their business has lost, they will honestly complete the business.

  So Yanagi simply bought some more things from them, such as various training equipment for the little wolf, rabbits, chickens, ducks, geese and mice used as food.

  Finally, the things in this big car are all sent to the designated location by these green-skinned guys.

  It can be said that they have done the service very well.

  Looking at them like this, Liu Zhi asked curiously: "Your business methods are very good, why do you have to rent wolves here?"

  The green-skinned person who was pulling Liu Zhi over covered his mouth as soon as he heard it, for fear that he had said something wrong.

  Looking at him like this, Liu Zhi stopped asking more questions, and directly turned the topic around, and began to ask where there are birds of prey such as flying eagles for sale in Burning Blade City.

  Don't look at these green skins staying outside the city gate every day, their wolves are running in Fireblade City every day, and the green skin asked as soon as he heard about Liu Zhi's question.

  "What do you want to buy a Raptor for?"

   "Oh, there is still a lot of noodles at this time?"

  Ryuzhi asked curiously.

"Of course there are points. There are also poultry hunting, communication, and flying mounts. Of course, the flying mount is the most expensive, and it can only fly a fixed flight point, which is very uneconomical. I advise you to be the best. Don't buy it. If you want to build a traffic point, you can buy some wolves, which are cheap and easy to feed."

   "I just bought a wolf." Liu Zhi said awkwardly.

"Oh, yes, you just bought a lot of wolves, but it’s okay. They are for combat. We have a half wolf here. It’s not as smart as this wolf that can take you around the city. They only remember one road, but they also move fast."

   "Can I have my carriage fast?" Liu Zhi said.

  The green skin froze for a moment, and shook his head.

  "What I want is to send out to notify flying mounts in various places at critical moments."

  The green skin also understands Ryuzhi's thoughts, but what can he say, he can say that the useless things like the eagle and raptor are still forgotten. Why don't you try their helicopter?

  Don’t be kidding, if that’s the case, then their identities will not be revealed yet.

  So the green skin simply shook his head, but let Liu Ji rent the wolf in, and let the wolf take it to the various shops in Fire Blade City.

Regarding the wolves, Liu Zhi generally understands. Isn’t he just eating the buyer and then eating the seller’s money? Isn’t he helping solicit customers? Anyway, the green skin has also helped him a lot, so he just asks. This little thing.

   Riding a wolf into the Burning Blade City, Liu Zhi naturally went to the mercenary guild the first time.

  At this time, the mercenary guild is still as lively as before, and it is almost night, and the players rushed to hand in their quest items.

When Liu Zhi came last time, he didn’t pay much attention. This time he found that all the players were clearly divided into three points, and some of the skins had completely turned green. Regardless of the player’s own race, their current skins were all All have become green.

The other part is the part with a large number of people. There are more or less green lines on their bodies, some on the center of their eyebrows, and some on the back of their hands. This shows that they used the fountain of strength, but they did not fully invest in Fire Blade City. Sphere of influence.

  The one with the least number of people has no obvious green lines on their bodies, and they are unwilling to mix with the players with green skin and green lines, but they just gather together and communicate quietly.

  After seeing Liu Zhi coming in, they all looked at Liu Zhi, but no one came forward to say anything.

  Liu Zhi found that there was still a faction in such a small place, he couldn't help but smiled five, but he ignored the matter and walked directly to an empty service desk.

   "The last time I saw the mission to kill the weaponized murlocs and other murlocs, the rewards are pretty good, don’t know if there are any now?"

  The waiter was a man. Regarding Liu Zhi's question, he was taken aback for a while, and it took him a long time to react.

   "I remember there was such a task, you wait for me to find it."

  (End of this chapter)

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