Necromantic Myth

Chapter 333: Exchange (50 monthly pass plus more)

  Chapter 333 Exchange (50 monthly pass plus more)

  The waiter searched for a long time before finding the corresponding task list. He looked at the task list and his face became a little weird.

  Liu Zhi has been staring at the waiter. When he saw his face, Liu Zhi asked, "What's wrong."

   "No, nothing." The waiter put down the task list and couldn't help but wondered, what is going on, and why the processing reward for the Murloc Empire has more than doubled.

  But the task list is here, and the above procedure is not wrong. Now that Liu Zhi has brought something to prove himself, he can't get stuck in it.

  So the waiter also counted up there, hoping that what Liu Zhi brought out would be less or not what Liu Zhi said, it was something of a big clan like Xiahua Murloc.

  But he had no last resort. What Liu Zhi took out was the core energy source of the weaponized murloc. There would only be one weaponized murloc, and there would be no fraud at all.

The most important thing is that Liu Zhi also took out a relatively large energy, which was only the size of a thumb compared to the normal energy. That fist-sized thing proved that Liu Zhi had done something. He killed a weapon. Murloc hero.

Judging from the current strength, Liu Zhi is either a relatively powerful player, or he has a wave of brothers. If Liu Zhi’s fault is not found, even if the boss of the mercenary guild comes, he must maintain his appearance. It’s impossible not to reward Liu Zhi for the fairness of society.

  So the waiter secretly notified the superior boss, and counted the points that Liu Zhi could get there.

  But in the end his boss didn't show up either, but because he dragged it for a long time, Liu Zhi was a little dissatisfied.

  "I have detailed data here, do you want me to show it to you."

   "No, no, I have done the calculations here, you have not reached the standard for redeeming those two things." The waiter said as soon as he saw that it could not be too long.

"I know, so I don't plan to exchange those two things now, but you can't show everyone the design drawings of those two buildings. It's not a day or two for the weaponized murloc, one or two forces. You must have other exchange items, show them to me."

  The waiter was stunned when he heard it. If he knew where there were other corresponding rewards that would take so long, this task list has been messed up by others, and it is attracting people to find trouble with the big clan like the weaponized murloc.

  The ghosts also knew what Liu Zhi wanted, and the rewards given were quite targeted, but because of this, they did not prepare for the middle and lower levels.

  This time, let the waiter find the corresponding reward items. It is not possible to open other rewards for the Murloc Empire. If this is the case, there will be at least double the price difference in the middle.

  At that time, Liu Zhi exchanged things easily, and the Mercenary Guild didn't care where Liu Zhi received the task. They would only put the responsibility on the waiter.

  But it won’t work if you don’t give it to Liu Zhi. Liu Zhi has been here for a long time. Not only Liu Zhi’s patience is running out, some players have also noticed the situation here.

  If you let the player know that the mercenary guild defaults on rewards, it will be a big deal.

  Thinking of this, the waiter bit his teeth, closed his eyes, and opened the exchange window for murlocs.

  Liu Zhi saw a lot of information about killing rewards and redemption for the Murloc Empire.

  There is a lot of redemption information here. Liu Zhi didn't look at them all. He only noticed one situation, that is, a large part of the rewards for killing murlocs in this city were placed on the branch of the Engineering Department.

   is the battle against murlocs. A large part of it will use the drawings of the engineering department. Is there any problem in this? Is it possible that because of the existence of the weaponized murlocs, it is necessary to study the engineering department?

  But why do these drawings look weird and not targeted?

  Ryuzhi just turned over and removed those engineering drawings.

  Without the drawings of the engineering department, if you remove some things that Liu Zhi doesn’t need, there should be more choices left.

  Ryuzhi pointed to a group of things on the list and said: "This, I need seven groups. You can send me to this position."

The organization that    refers to is the limited items in the list, a kind of equipment called the Harpoon Launcher.

  This kind of harpoon launcher is a kind of fixed turret. After being assembled, there is no way to disassemble it.

  But this thing is very powerful. The effective range is about three kilometers, and the precise range is about one kilometer. It can launch three different arrows, such as harpoon, fishing net and crossbow arrow, corresponding to different effects.

The harpoon is a heavy piercing arrow, which can penetrate the body of a whale within a kilometer and penetrate into the shell of a turtle.

  Fishing net is a control type arrow, which can cast a ten square meter fishing net to trap the enemy.

The crossbow arrow is a basic arrow. It has a low power and a fast shooting speed. The harpoon can only fire one in three minutes, but it is different when it is changed to the crossbow arrow. Ten arrows can be shot in one minute, and it is almost against the murloc. It's the effect of a second kill.

  And the most important thing here is that even if this thing is under the sea, its range and accuracy will not be affected, and it can be regarded as the best weapon against murlocs.

  It is precisely for this reason that after seeing that there are ten sets of such harpoon launchers here, Liu Zhi will take the initiative to order them. If it is not for the lack of points in his hand, he even plans to win all ten sets.

  After replacing the seven sets of harpoon launchers, Liu Zhi looked at the few remaining points, and finally could only sigh.

  "The remaining points will be exchanged next time."

   "What, come next time?" When the service at hand had just been handled, he almost didn't get scared to death when he heard Ryuji's words.

"Yeah, my goal is the two architectural drawings. I didn't bring enough things this time. I will definitely clean up the Murlocs nearby to earn points. I believe I will be able to collect enough points soon. It just so happens that you can exchange good things here."

Listening to Liu Zhi’s words, the waiter was about to faint. When he waited for Liu Zhi to leave, he hurried to find his boss. No matter who did this, he must first cancel the task. If you continue to play like this, their mercenary guild may be closed down.

  The waiter didn't know. Not long after he left, a green-skinned human player rushed over. This player was quite strong, and some bone spurs had grown on his body.

  After he came here, he took out the redemption list familiarly, and when he was about to ask the waiter to help redeem what he wanted, his movements suddenly stopped.

  Then his eyes widened, and he seemed to be about to burst out. After patting the table hard, he shouted loudly.

   "What's going on, why there are only three sets of harpoon launchers left."

  (End of this chapter)

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