Necromantic Myth

Chapter 334: Homecoming (60 monthly pass plus more)

  Chapter 334 The Way Home (60 monthly pass plus more)

  Bought some more things in Fireblade City, Liu Zhi also went to find the tauren aunt, bought some volcanic mud and some oak saplings from her, and then left Fireblade City with the things.

  When he was out of town, Liu Zhi met the green-skinned man who sold him the wolf before, and he immediately called out Liu Zhi's name.

"Mr. Sandro, you are out of town, and your things have been delivered for you. By the way, do you want me to deliver these things for you? We don’t charge high fees, we are reliable, and we can do a lot with a small amount of money. Matter, you are worthy of choice."

In fact, Liu Zhi didn’t bring a lot of things. The most important thing was actually two oak trees. With Aunt Tauren, these two oak trees are full of spirituality. If they are placed in the Elf City, they may even become treants. It's just that there is really no good place here, and this has become what it is now.

  Liuzhi took the tree back and planted it, which is a protection for the tree.

  So Ryuzhi did not let the green skin help him deliver things, but drove the sun carriage toward the side where he occupied the space.

  Liu Zhi has already planned. After the two oak trees are brought back, one will be planted in the Dream Forest, and the other will be used to build another tree-bound spirit system.

Although the current focus is on the Murloc War, Liu Zhi knows what he is. The level increase is the most important for him. The others can be ignored, but the three new tree-bound spirit systems are the most important. Fortunately, it must be built in a short time.

  Only in this way, will Liu Zhi have enough time to slowly develop the entire underworld ecosystem.

During the conversation with the Tauren Auntie, Liu Zhi found that his background was unintentionally beaten. There is the sun in the sky, which can control the wind and rain. There are oceans and icebergs, deserts and fields. Now there are more. The forest, it can be said that there are various environments in his Hades.

  Although these are relatively small, they have slowly formed the foundation of a large ecosystem. As long as the entire Hades can be combined, it may even form a new plane.

  The most important thing is that Liu Zhi’s goal is quite clear. He is walking on the road of the underworld. Although he is dissatisfied with the tauren aunt, he is better than the druids who don’t know what he wants.

  As Ryuzhi and the others rushed to the beach, another group of people ran out of Burning Blade City.

  At this time, the sky has darkened. Although there are some torches on the road, there is a dark wilderness all around, and some beasts that rarely appear during the day are also wandering in the wilderness.

In this plane, due to the large number of players, the beasts that can generally survive in the wilderness are either a little bit strong or capable, or they are particularly capable, so ordinary players are not willing to come out at night to face such beasts. Enemy.

Because if you are targeted by wild monsters at night, either the kind that is particularly powerful and difficult to deal with, or the kind that makes a wave of fights, no matter how you fight, there won’t be too much. Many benefits.

  So unless you specifically come out to find some monsters that only travel at night, most players usually go out of the city during the day and return to the city at night.

  This wave of people is obviously a little rushed. It can be clearly seen from the pace of their advancement. Most of them were called temporarily, and they were not ready for what they were carrying.

But when they ran past, Liu Zhi just glanced at him and didn’t ask much. There were 17 or 8 of these people, all of them were players, and their level should not exceed level 5, but their skins were already complete. It turned green, and two of them began to grow bone spurs.

  This shows that they are firmly bound to Burning Blade City.

  Although Liu Zhi dismissed their choice, he didn't want to have any conflicts with these people. When they passed by, Liu Zhi even let out half of the way.

  As the players ran over, Liu Zhi seemed to hear the dissatisfaction of the leader.

"Obviously we have already said, let them keep the things for me. As a result, those people talk like farts. We collected points for so long. Finally, in the past, the things were taken away in seven groups. Do you think they are disgusting us, or they just take it all away, we can just change it to another method, it is nothing to leave three groups."

  While Liu Zhi still wanted to listen carefully, he realized that those people had gone further and further away.

Regarding the unexpected situation encountered on the road, Liu Zhi couldn't help but shook his head. It can be seen that the players in this game did not regard themselves as the protagonist of the world, the savior of the plane, they also have no water. With the silly style of Blue Star players, they will be relatively honest in doing things, as if they naturally understand what can be done and what can not be done.

Perhaps it is for this reason that those talents are unwilling to put Aquastar players in this game. If Aquastar players are put in regardless of anything, it is really possible to form the fourth natural disaster. In the end, Attract all powerful eyes to Aqua Star.

While thinking about it, Ryuzhi easily controlled the sun carriage and ran in the other direction. At this moment, Amanet and Nasha were leading their men towards the third murloc village they found today. Away.

The murloc situation on this plane is quite weird. Most of the murloc clan are located on islands in the sea, where they formed their own empire, and on the coasts close to the various continents, as well as the interior of the continent. On the bank of the river, those are some ordinary murloc tribes.

  The number of these tribes in a village will not exceed 300, and there will be no more than 10 professionals, which is basically the same as the requirements at level 1 of the aquatic-murloc system.

  And their professions are also diverse, and there are even some professions that shouldn't appear on murlocs.

  Amarnet knew their own strengths and weaknesses. They didn't start attacking as soon as they set off. Instead, they spent some time inquiring about the location and information of the murloc village before choosing a route.

  The first two murloc villages are relatively far apart, but Amanit and Nasha prefer to choose these two villages not for victory, but for real benefits.

  When the two murloc villages were captured, Nesha’s team had two more murloc priests with black lightning **** around them.

  This is what I got from the first murloc village. The lightning murloc priest's method of inauguration, and the inaugural requirement is only a spiritual murloc, plus ten ordinary murlocs for blood sacrifice.

  (End of this chapter)

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