Necromantic Myth

Chapter 335: Attack the Murloc Village

  Chapter 335 Attacking Murloc Village

  Outside the third murloc village, Amanat looked at the dark village before him, turned his head to the side and said to Nesha, "It's our previous tactics. I'm around outside, and you will take action."

  At this time, Nasha was full of self-confidence, "Don't worry. With them, my strength has also improved a lot. I don't worry about these ordinary murlocs."

  While Nesha was talking, some Dead Lake murlocs appeared behind him. If Liu Zhi were here, he would have seen that these Dead Lake murlocs were all ordinary Dead Lake murlocs without inaugural labor-type occupations.

   Normally, their whole life may be soaking in the water of the sea area of ​​the Hades, and finally become the heavy labor among the murlocs to spend their lives.

  But now they are different. They are holding something like an iron pipe, and on their backs are some crossbow bolts that look like harpoons but are thinner than harpoons.

  The number of these murlocs is more than one, there are a total of 70 such murlocs here.

  They stood behind Nasha with a look of excitement and seriousness. It can be seen that they value the fact that they have changed their destiny.

"You will always be at the forefront when you wait. Remember your methods and ways of fighting. Don't get yourself trapped. Remember, even though you are inaugurated, you rely on the engineering weapons in your hands, not yours. Real strength."

  After talking about Nesha's hand, a ball of lightning flew from his hand. The lightning turned into a ball of lightning and fell directly into the murloc village in front of him.

   Then the 70 murlocs with weird weapons put the harpoons behind them into the iron pipes, stuck the other end of the iron pipes to their mouths, and bit them so hard.

   Then I heard a booming sound. A slight explosion sounded from the iron pipe. Under the impact of the air current, the harpoon placed in the iron pipe flew out, kicking off the prelude to the war.

  Those harpoons flew quite fast under the impact of the air current, and almost instantly pierced into the murloc village.

  The size of the harpoon will be larger than that of the crossbow. As long as the fish people are stabbed by the harpoon, the effect is almost a spike.

After finishing this wave, those biting people who bit the iron pipe hard, immediately spit out the iron pipe in their mouths. Smoke is emitting from their mouths. It can be seen that this kind of attack is also a harm to them. , I don’t know who came up with such a method.

  In Ryuzhi's view, this is simply a failed weapon.

  Because when this iron pipe weapon was originally designed, in order to lengthen the trajectory of the harpoon in the iron pipe, the iron pipe was specially lengthened so that the iron pipe can only be lifted with both hands.

  In this way, the designer found that if the iron pipe is held in both hands, there is no way to launch the weapon. The normal idea should be to reduce the length of the iron pipe.

  But those people didn't know how their brains grew. They actually lengthened them a little bit. They put the switch to activate the weapon on one end of the iron pipe, and as long as they bite their teeth, the weapon will activate.

  As for whether the person who bites the weapon will be killed first, it is not in the plan of the designer.

  So when this weapon is made, no one will use it. In the end, the design drawings are circulated like this, and I don’t know how it fell into the hands of a murloc tribe.

  The murloc tribe has some methods. Some of them have learned engineering, made this kind of weapon, and have also worked out how to use this kind of weapon ‘correctly’ and how to use this kind of weapon to work.

This kind of profession is called Murloc Musketeer. You only need an ordinary Murloc and a prepared weapon to be employed. After inauguration, the Murloc can be trained to use this weapon three times a day without dying to increase every day. Ten times die this weapon does not die.

But this is not the real reason why Nessa chose this kind of murloc musketeer to become his subordinate. The reason why he singled out this village to attack among so many murloc villages was entirely because he had an idea, Dead Lake murlocs. It has been completely semi-dead. Although these are not talented and difficult to find jobs, they are not easy to die.

  As long as the head is not blown up or the mouth is injured, this is the most suitable profession for these untalented murlocs.

  And these murlocs also proved this. Under this attack, the murlocs were at most a smoke in their mouths, and they were not affected in any way.

  On the contrary, after the murloc in front of him hit the blow, he rushed forward excitedly, and while facing, they did not forget to install a harpoon-shaped crossbow bolt into the iron pipe.

  At the same time, other murlocs have also rushed into the murloc village.

  Because of the sudden attack, the murloc village was in chaos. Those powerful murlocs were still sleeping. Before they got up from the water, they were hit by the murlocs from all aspects of the dead lake.

  Two of the spirit-type murlocs who were with Nesha before have been transferred to the dark-type murloc priests, and they naturally have to contribute in this battle.

  At this time, under the protection of some murlocs, they rushed directly to the house in the middle of the village.

  The layout of the murloc villages is actually the same. The middle of the village is the heritage of the entire murloc village.

  Even the situation on the Murloc side of Dead Lake.

  The two murloc priests ran over there to get what was there before the murlocs destroyed themselves.

  The two murloc priests quickly rushed to the middle of the village. At this time, the murlocs who had reacted in the village were also rushing over here.

  When the two murloc priests saw them, they commanded the murloc professionals who protected themselves to block the murlocs, and pushed open the door of this big house.

Behind the gate, there is an empty house of about 40 square meters. The house looks more like a big pool. The pool is filled with water. The water is filled with some murloc eggs and some just born. Young murloc.

  In the middle of the house, there is a huge stone standing upright with something carved on it.

The two murloc priests understood that it was the inheritance of this murloc village. According to the ideas of the murlocs, placing the murloc eggs and the young murlocs under the inheritance can enhance their perception of the inheritance, and that may appear. Plant a murloc that fits the heritage of their village from birth.

  Of course, this idea is still just an idea.

  In the eyes of Nasha and the others, the biggest advantage of doing this is to give Nasha and the others a chance. When they rush in, as long as they occupy the big house first, it doesn't matter when the rest of the business is delayed.

  This time the two murloc priests also came for this. After entering the big house, the two of them drew the lightning ball around them and hit the inheritance stone in this way.

  (End of this chapter)

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