Necromantic Myth

Chapter 337: Murloc soldiers (70 monthly pass plus more)

   Chapter 337 Octopus Soldiers (70 monthly pass plus more)

Returning to Toga’s Sleep, Liu Zhi happened to see a convoy transporting murloc eggs and baby murlocs. This convoy bears the mark of Liu Zhi, and can easily enter Too through the black eyes on the Skeleton Rock. Plus sleep.

  For the things they brought back, Liu Zhi also had some interest. He stood in the sea area of ​​Hades and watched the transportation convoy handle these things.

  The murloc eggs are naturally still placed in the sea, but compared to the previous method of throwing them directly into the sea, this method of processing is now more rigorous.

  Fish people built a kind of pool on the seashore. In addition to the seawater of the palace, a large amount of spring water like black mercury was poured into the pool.

  The murloc egg is placed here, in addition to being affected by the sea and underworld, it also has the effect of directly inhaling the underworld spring water.

It can be said that the spring water effect of Mingquan is stronger than the pure sea water and underworld influence. Not long after the murloc egg is put in, you can see the black lines appearing on the shell of the murloc egg, making the original murloc egg The pattern on the egg slowly disappeared under this black pattern.

What makes Liu Zhi speechless the most is that the lines on this fish-man egg are very similar to those on Armanet’s face. I don’t know if there is any direct connection there, but after seeing it, Liu Zhi feels rather weird. .

  And the young murlocs who brought them were treated in the same way. They were not placed in the pool of murloc eggs, but there was a larger pool that was filled with diluted spring water.

The murloc larvae are soaked in it, and they will grow up to three to five months before becoming a juvenile body before being transferred outside for further training.

During these three to five months, the murloc larvae will be further strengthened by the underworld. Even if they have not become various types of dead lake murlocs before, during these three to five months, their bodies will be somewhat affected by the underworld. Intensification of transformation, some physical changes occur.

However, Liu Zhi has noticed that the effect of the underworld on his side is still a bit simpler. At most, he can only strengthen the murloc into the underworld, and there is no way to make it mutate. If these murlocs want to go further, they will pay Need to add something more.

   Compared to murloc larvae and murloc eggs, Liu Zhi pays more attention to the two things that came back from the stage.

  It is a heritage item of the murlocs, a record of how to use the blood sacrifice to become a murloc priest of the thunder and lightning system, and a thing that looks the same as the mechanical platform used by the engineer.

  After these two things were transported to the Styx, they were carried by the murloc into the water, and finally they were all delivered to the altar near the Demon Reef of the Abyss.

After putting those things on, Liu Zhi felt that something was wrong. At this time, I don’t know if it was affected by the inherited items, or because it was upgraded to level 3. The Abyss Demon Reef can be trained in more units. A few options.

[Ordinary murloc type: Murloc musketeer, a murloc who fires a crossbow with an iron barrel musket. All attack power comes from engineering weapons. Murlocs only provide turrets, so ordinary murlocs can be trained, and their attack power is equivalent to that of a musket. And the power of the crossbow arrow. 】

   [Agile Murloc: Murloc diver, like a stealthy sneaker in the hands of the sailor, using weapons such as underwater spearguns, but since the weapon only has one bullet, the effect is equivalent to a backstab. 】

[Spirit murloc type: Blackened thunder and lightning priests, murloc priests transformed from blood sacrifices, due to the effects of lightning are all absorbed by the blood sacrifice murlocs, their strength is not the strongest, the upper limit of achievement is relatively low, and they can hover around at the same time Three lightning balls, and control the lightning to attack. 】

  However, what Liu Zhi cares about is not this, but that he has seen some new changes underneath the Abyss Demon Reef.

  It turns out that some of the extra reefs on the sea are training reefs for the corresponding murloc units. Just put the appropriate murlocs on it, and they will be trained into the corresponding units within three days to a week.

  Of course, the more advanced units, the fewer reefs are used for training, and the farther the reef is from the Demon Reef of the Abyss, the slower the training speed.

At the same time, Liu Zhi also noticed that as long as the murloc inheritance stone is placed at the main altar of the Abyss Demon Reef, there will be more training opportunities here, but there are only three outer reefs of the Abyss Demon Reef. In ten locations, only 60 murlocs can be trained at the same time.

  Of course, it is not that only 2 people can be put on each reef, but the number of people on the reef will be determined according to the level of training occupation. At most, 3 murlocs can stay on a reef, and the total number does not exceed 60.

In addition, Liu Zhi noticed that there are still some requirements for the murlocs involved in training. It is best to be murlocs who have just been promoted from juvenile body to juvenile body. If murlocs who have been mixed for a while in their teenage years can also be transformed, But the combat effectiveness is obviously weaker than those murlocs whose juvenile bodies have just been upgraded.

  Ryuzhi also understands the truth in this.

At the same time, he also agrees with the conversion speed of the murlocs. Although he intends to let the murlocs develop on their own, he can't make all the murlocs become combat troops. There are always murlocs who do some chores and coolies. .

Ryuzhi’s plan is to use Nasha as the hero, and it is enough to build a powerful murloc army for him. After all, there may not be too many opportunities for Nasha to play in the future. Nasha will stay in this sea area at most. That's it.

Therefore, the number of soldiers is not too much. After all, each unit is the weakest one, and it is full of 60 people. If you have the heart, even if your troops are completely destroyed, you can rebuild the troops within one month. Pull up.

  But if the support unit becomes stronger, it requires all the murlocs to work hard, knowing that every soldier needs to invest resources in it.

  At the same time, the growth of soldiers also requires experience and constant fighting, which all consume resources.

  Whether Liuzhi Corpse Dog wants to expand, why would he consider raising rabbits and mice first? That's why.

  Liu Zhi must have the courage to turn all the undead in the entire Hades into soldiers. I believe that within a month, he will not be able to support the consumption of the Hades. This is still the undead system that consumes the least among all races.

  If it is placed on a big food-eater such as the orcs, it will be even more so. Almost fifty ordinary orcs on their side can afford an orc soldier.

  Yagiji here, even if it doesn’t have to reach such a level, ten murlocs to raise one murloc soldier is still necessary.

  Continuously expanding the number of murloc soldiers will only make the murloc system in the Hades waters collapse, and now Liu Zhi wants the power to be able to pull out to fight.

  (End of this chapter)

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