Necromantic Myth

Chapter 338: Awaiting discovery

  Chapter 338 Waiting for Discovery

  Looking at the murloc system in the sea area of ​​the Hades slowly getting on the right track, Ryuzhi naturally did not pay attention to it.

  He still has a lot of things to deal with at this time, let alone the three extra tree-bound spirit systems in the underworld ecosystem, even the situation on the rust bone side, Liu Zhi also needs to be staring.

  Since the last time he came back, Rusty Bone ran back to the mass grave. He didn’t know what he was doing. It seemed that he had buried himself again.

  Liu Zhi went to investigate the rust bones, but he didn’t find out why. He even wanted to find the rust bones in the mass graves, without knowing which pit the rust bones were buried in.

  At this time, Liu Zhi could only run over and take a look every day to see if the rust bone came out, and he could only wait in the palace for the rest of the time.

Fortunately, Liu Zhi has a lot of things going on next. The Spinner Spider Woman went to Toga’s corpse and took over the original rusty bones. Every day, there will be some flesh and blood sent back. At the same time, Liu Zhi also received from Fang Ming. Toga's heart still needs about three days to process the progress report from the spider girl's edge.

  This time is somewhat comparable to Jinglong’s progress.

  At this moment, Liu Zhi was still waiting. While waiting, he also had many things to do, such as sending the built ships out, and installing harpoon launchers on the sea area of ​​Hades.

  For the harpoon launcher that he sent over, Liu Zhi was also very surprised. It requires a certain level of engineering to assemble it. Those who came here were some weird-looking men with green skin.

  The thighs on their bodies are rigid and rigid, and they look like dead muscles forced out of the world after eating too much protein powder.

  After entering Liuzhi's Hades, they have a rigid face, and they can't speak without speaking.

It looked like a green-skinned zombie, but Liu Zhi noticed that their eyes were always looking at their city, and not the kind of peeping look, but thinking about how to make money from this city. Some money or something.

  For some reason, Liu Zhi always feels that the green skins in front of him are very similar to those renting wolves at the gate of the city.

After these green skins helped Liu Zhi install all the harpoon launchers on some reefs in the sea area of ​​Hades, Liu Zhi took a careful look and found that the location of these green skins was still good. This harpoon launcher turned out to be a good choice. It can form a cross firepower network, no matter where the enemy enters the sea area of ​​Hades, it will be targeted by three or more harpoon launchers at the same time.

  Of course, due to the launch frequency of the harpoon launcher, this kind of strike is effective but limited. How to exert the maximum power depends on the ideas of each harpoon launcher shooter.

  Yagiji thought for a while, and he didn't care about the things here anymore. At this time, he was observing the situation on the corpse dog side. At this time, the rabbits and mice had been stocked into the corpse dog's territory.

  Under the control of Liu Zhi, these two creatures have been integrated into the tree-bound spirit ecosystem in front of them.

In the underground where the corpse dog lives, rabbits and mice have dug a large number of burrows themselves, and their food is also very simple, with the control of the harvest divine, the weeds here will continue to grow every day, plus the dark Irrigated by spring water, the power of the underworld will be injected into the weeds, and then transferred from the weeds to the rabbits and mice.

  In just a short day, the rabbits and mice sent here have begun to become underworld, and the transformation speed is much faster than the corpse dogs and some wolves sent here.

  If it weren’t for rabbits and mice that have no fighting power at all, Yanagi might have switched directions and put the tree-bound spirit’s target on these two creatures.

But Liu Zhi always feels that there is something missing. According to the ecological circle, as long as the normal ecological circle is established, it can automatically circulate, but the current ecological circle needs to be manually controlled by him. .

  This is not the same as the ecosystem he imagined.

  Is there any problem in this?

  For this, Liu Zhi had a headache. It was for this reason that he thought about several new tree-bound spirit systems and did not dare to deal with it indiscriminately, for fear that such a problem would occur again.

  Liu Zhi suspected that only this situation could cause him to die here, making his underworld ecosphere impossible to advance.

  But he just wanted to go inside. Obviously there was another road in front of him, but he had a feeling that as long as he passed this level, he would have a much easier road in the future.

  At the time when Liu Zhi had a headache, two days passed in a blink of an eye. It was not until Amanette returned with Nesha and the murloc troops that Liu Zhi reacted, and he seemed to be a little bit stunned.

   He sighed, stood up from the front of the corpse dog's site, turned his head to ignore the situation here, and walked towards the returning Amanite.

  "How is the situation." Although the mood is still a bit bad, Liu Zhi also knows to adjust himself and does not bring his emotions to business.

"It's okay. On the second day, we captured some important murloc villages and got a large number of murloc eggs and murloc larvae, but the murlocs also reacted. They actually gathered on the third day. Together, we are ready to fight with us in numbers. This battle is a bit exciting. Nasha's ability is still okay. Although it is the direction of the shaman, he still has some talent in commanding battles."

   "Well, after all, he is also a hero transformed into a hero with potential. This talent is still there. What about the situation in the Murloc Village?"

  Ryuzhi asked again.

"All the murloc villages on the banks of the Baili Nei River have been cleaned up, but the nearby coasts have only been cleaned up to 50 miles, but they have not been completely cleaned up, mainly because my troops cannot enter the sea, and the strength of Nasha's troops. There are still some shortcomings."

  Liu Zhi also understood why the Nassau’s troops were insufficient. Nassau had dragged out all the murlocs that could be dragged out. Even if they were forcibly converted into professional soldiers, there were not many.

In addition, murlocs are not like the undead. Mass graves and burial deserts will produce a certain number of undeads every week. The murlocs have to be raised from murloc eggs or murloc larvae, so Nasha falls into In a rather embarrassing situation, I have spare energy but are understaffed.

Looking at Nasha who was following Amanite, Liu Zhi thought for a while and said, "This time, let’s take care of the defense of the sea area of ​​the Hades. By the way, are there any powerful battles under your men in the past few days? ? I'll help you see if there is any one that can be turned into a troop?"

  At this moment, Nasha seemed to have thought of something, he said quickly: "By the way, I seem to have found something."

  (End of this chapter)

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