Necromantic Myth

Chapter 339: Murloc

  Chapter 339 Octopus troops

  Yiu Zhi blinked and turned to look at Nesha.

   "What happened, did you meet the enemy?"

   "No, after we wiped out the murlocs today, I found an odd situation. It seems that someone is also slaughtering the murlocs."

  "This is normal. Fireblade City has the most murloc quests. Players will kill murlocs if they take any quest."

Hearing that it was the murder of murlocs, Liu Zhi's heart was relieved. After really going to Burning Blade City twice, he also discovered that the biggest threat near Burning Blade City was murlocs, which happened every day. Many murloc-killing missions were released. There were tens of thousands of players in the city, and a hundred and eighty people came out to slaughter murlocs. That is quite normal.

   "No, I found that they seemed to have another purpose when they were killing murlocs." Nasha said with some excitement.

  Hearing what Nasha said, Liu Zhi was also surprised. He thought for a while, and then asked with some uncertainty, "What do you think they are doing?"

   "They seem to be killing the murlocs in the designated village. At first I thought they were like people, aiming at the inheritance of the murloc village, but later I found that it didn't seem to be the case. They felt like they were pulling out nails."

  "Then have you studied their situation regarding the village?"

"No, I don’t have suitable thieves and spies. I can’t find out their targets. And the murloc villages they destroyed will all be set on fire, and all the inheritance will be disposed of. I can’t pass the inheritance. The thing judges what the other person thinks."

"That's it." Liu Zhi hesitated, "Letoz, go and take a look. If you can't find the reason for this, check the situation of the ruined murloc power, inheritance, etc. We will come back slowly. Slow analysis."

  Yagiji's voice came to an end, and Letotz appeared behind him and disappeared quickly.

  Next, Ryuzhi turned his gaze to Nasha again. He introduced to Nasha about some changes in the Demon Reef of the Abyss in the past few days, and at the same time told Nasha how to supplement the soldiers he needs in the future.

  Nasha couldn't help but asked: "Are these murloc professionals ready to be reorganized into troops?"

This question made Liu Zhi shook his head, "These things in the city are not working for the time being. As for whether the ones you brought out have been successful, I still need to go to the military building to take a look. There is not much time for us now. I also hope that you will come out with seven troops at once and fill up your own organization, but I believe this is not realistic either. You can only take one step and look at it one step at a time."

  Nasha also knows this. It is necessary to understand how much effort and effort Liu Zhi and Rusty bones took to transform their soldiers into reorganized troops. In the end, there were five troops in the last battle.

  He has only been fighting for a few days now, and they are all slaughter all the way down. It is already a good luck to be a team, and even he is prepared for a team to be unable to succeed.

  But after entering the military building, whether it was Nessa, Amanite, or even Yanagi, was directly surprised by the situation in front of him. Is it possible that the plane in front of you is the world of murlocs? What kind of situation is this?

  Looking at the four more flagpoles representing the formation of troops in front of him, Liu Zhi was quite beautiful.

  Finally, he took a long breath and glanced at Nasha, "Four troops, doing a good job."

  Nassah himself didn’t know what was going on. He also thought that if there was no army this time, he would wait for the skirmishers to replenish enough numbers before taking the murloc out to kill two laps.

  He doesn't remember what he has a good record, how can there be four formation troops all at once?

   Just when Nasha and the others didn’t understand, Liu Zhi picked up one of the flagpoles.

  In the next moment, Liu Zhi flashed a picture in his mind. Nasha led his men into a murloc village, and his men broke through the big house in the middle of the murloc village.

  However, when they were preparing to seal the inheritance stone in the middle of the big house, the inheritance stone exploded on its own, almost killing the murloc priest who sealed the inheritance stone in the past.

  After the inheritance stone exploded, Liu Zhi noticed that a golden light flew out and fell on Nasha.

   Then Liu Zhi picked up a few other flagpoles, and found that the pictures here were almost similar. They were all inherited stones or inherited items exploded when they were sealed, and a golden light flew out.

  If there is any similarity, it is that there are obvious murloc patterns on the inherited items.

  Though those patterns flashed by, but Liu Zhi had a familiar feeling.

  When putting down the four flagpoles, Liu Zhi suddenly remembered that those patterns were clearly magnified models that were not known how many times.

  Yagiji's architectural design drawings, the undead servants, and even the undead troops, all look like this model.

  But these models seem to be many times larger than the normal models, they look rougher, and they don’t have much spirituality.

  But just this is enough. Liu Zhi turned to look at Nasha, "Nasha, when you attacked the murloc village this time, how many inheritance stones did you not grab?"

   "Four." This time, Nessa commanded the entire battle. Regarding Liu Zhi's question, he answered without even thinking about it.

  In the next moment, Nasha seemed to understand something. He asked in a bit of surprise, "Is it because of the inheritance stone?"

   "It may be, tell me about your goal of scoring the four murloc villages. At least, we should be able to guess something by comparing the profession of that murloc village."

"The four murloc villages vary in size. The largest one has more than 400 people. The heritage is that the arms are thickened and integrated into a defensive murloc warrior similar to a snail shell. There are a total of eleven in their villages. The most speechless thing about such murloc warriors is that they are actually agile and can use their arms to block the flying harpoons."

  After hearing this, Liu Zhi picked up one of the flagpoles and said, "Aboriginal brave?"

   "Huh? It seems that they are called by this name. It seems that this is the reason." Nasha was taken aback and reacted.

   "I don't know yet, I need to compare the situation of several other arms."

   Even though he said that, the prompt in front of Liu Zhi convinced him 80%, and some information appeared in front of him, proving that the flagpole he was holding was pointing to the formation of troops, the sojourner.

  [Acquired troop: Sojourn Brave (Murman) 1st team (level 2, full force of 30 people, defense +1, life +1)]

  (End of this chapter)

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