Necromantic Myth

Chapter 340: found it

  Chapter 340 Found

  The next situation is like this. Nasha talked about the inheritance of the murloc village. Liu Zhi picked up a corresponding flagpole from the flagpole sign and finally confirmed what the four murloc teams were all about.

In addition to the defense forces, the remaining three murloc units correspond to the magic swordsman-type murloc wavebreakers (30 players), the long-range archer force murloc slingers (60 players), and the ice spell force ice priests. (10 people).

What makes Liu Zhi speechless the most is that these troops do not have direct training methods, which means that these murloc soldiers cannot be supplemented by simple methods like the Abyss Demon Reef. This needs to be carried out by Nasha little by little. Training supplemented.

  And there must be the problem of murloc selection, and the problem of weapons and equipment.

  Looking at the situation in front of him, Liu Zhi couldn't help sighing: "Nasa, you really have caused yourself a big trouble."

  Nasha looked at the four flagpoles, his face became dignified. As a hero, he naturally knew what he needed. At the same time, he also understood what kind of murlocs he needed to replenish these troops.

After seeing Liu Zhi, he saw that Liu Zhi had no objection, and Nasha took the initiative to stand up, "I went to the murloc pool to see if there are suitable young murlocs to pick out first, let’s do some preliminary training. Things may take a long time. Before these four troops are trained, I will first defend the sea area of ​​Hades."

   "Okay, then you go over. By the way, your Murloc Musketeers look good. Arrange them to guard the islands and reefs in the sea."

"I'll arrange it." Nasha thought for a while, and flashed in his mind the terrain near the sea area of ​​the Nether Palace. At this time, he also understood that Liu Zhi had completely handed over the sea area of ​​the Nether Palace to him, and the same would be the next time. The pressure of the murloc army's attack also fell on Nasha.

  There is no way to use the currently organized troops, so Nasha would have to put all his hopes on the power that can be seen before him.

  After Nasha left, Amanet glanced at Liu Zhi, "Your situation is quite dangerous now, are you still going to fight it hard?"

   "I have a plan, but it may take a day. I now need to wait for the situation on Toga's corpse to come out before making a decision."

  "Just plan it. As a superior, it doesn't matter if you make the wrong decision. The most feared thing is that you don't have an opinion. You have to understand this."

  After talking about Amanite, she left on her own, but after leaving the Scarab Secret Temple, Amanite did not run around. She ran to the Burial Desert, where something seemed to be injected.

Ryuzhi quickly noticed the situation of Amanite. At the administration building, Ryuzhi saw some of the handling and training methods of Egyptian arms in Amanite’s memory. The needs of these arms are similar to those of Ryuzhi’s eagles. Like the samurai, they are all targeted.

  It’s just that the Eagle Warrior needs ceremonial skeletons, and these units have been set before training and can only be trained with mummies.

If it was before, Ryuzhi might not have been able to do anything about it, but after raising the Burial Desert to Level 3, the number of mummies in the Burial Desert increased. These training methods of Amanite can be used, but it is also true. It is a supplement to Liu Zhiming Palace.

Therefore, Yanagi will not care about Amanite's affairs. In the next time, Yanagi needs to finish the two ships faster, because tomorrow is the day of delivery, and Liu Zhi also intends to get the blood sails. The pirate asks for some news on the sea.

  As a result, Liu Zhi had just built the boat, and hadn't sent the boat out of the space yet, news came from the Fangming Spider Girl.

  "Jinglong found something."

Hearing this news, Liu Zhi's heart moved. He wanted to go and take a look at what Jinglong found, but he turned his head and glanced at the two boats he had built. Today is the day of delivery, and this time cannot be delayed. .

Perhaps seeing the hesitation in Liu Zhi's heart, Amanite said: "I will help you with the boat. Anyway, it's on the sea outside Toga's Sleep. I am not the kind of undead who is afraid of water. Leave it to me."

When Liu Zhi heard this, he didn't hesitate, "Okay, then I'll leave it to you. By the way, you can find out if something has happened on the sea recently, especially about the murlocs. Our space has been affected by murlocs. It’s better for us to keep an eye on it. It’s better for us to get more information."

Amana nodded characteristically. She has been fighting the murlocs outside these days. Naturally, she knows what Yanagi is thinking about now. Last time, the murlocs produced a heroic seven formation troops with a large number of skirmishers, so They can also cope.

  Then next time, if the murlocs attack with all their strength, will they really have a way to kill all the murlocs?

  So the necessary preparations must be prepared, and at the same time, inquiring about the murloc's intelligence has become the most important thing. Amanite's identity, status and vision are enough, she asks the situation, and Ryuzhi is also relieved.

  After arranging the matter to Armanet, Ryuzhi released the sun carriage, took Vidnina, and swiftly moved towards Toga's corpse.

When he arrived here, Liu Zhi noticed that the muscles in Toga's heart had already melted, and the blood that had melted was wrapped in spider silk by the careful Spinning Spiderwoman, set aside, ready to be transported back to the Ming Dynasty. Go to the palace.

When Liu Zhi came over, the Spider-woman Fangming jumped up and down with excitement, "You are here, look, this heart will soon be handled by us, by the way, don’t you know, there is still in this heart Certain vitality, especially this place, you will know that there is still some powerful blood in it. After you take this back, don’t use the blood and the heart together. It’s really a waste. There are so many things that can be done."

While Fangming Spider-woman said, she led Liu Zhi toward her heart. Liu Zhi looked at the heart that was about to be removed, and nodded seriously. Originally, he wanted the heart to be sent over and used to strengthen it. It seems that he still needs to deal with it in his Soul Rejuvenation Tower, so as not to waste such a good thing.

  At this moment, several spirit dragons also flew out from nearby.

  After they saw Liu Zhi, they quickly gathered around, "You come here, come, come with me, we found the thing you said."

  As Jinglong said so, Liu Zhi also became interested. He really wanted to know why the murlocs kept staring at his own space.

  Following Jinglong for a few steps, Liu Zhi saw a tunnel that had been dug.

  Jinglong pointed to the passage and said, "This is what I asked your subordinates to help dig out. The thing is below."

  (End of this chapter)

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