Necromantic Myth

Chapter 341: Essence of Life (90 monthly ticket plus more)

  Chapter 341 Essence of Life (90 monthly pass plus more)

The channel was dug by Liu Zhi’s zombies, which are actually a variant of miner zombies, but they don’t have the ability to mine, and they don’t even know where the veins are, but they are good at digging. The speed of digging is so fast that Liu Zhi has to deal with any underground passages that they will deal with.

  Under the guidance of the Jinglong, the channel dug by the zombies was not twisted and twisted, but went straight down and then down.

Liu Zhi noticed a weird situation. The ground may be better. The next few steps are nothing. Anyway, they are thicker rocks. But the more you go down, the more they feel wrong, because he noticed. , Some small flowers and grasses that could only grow in the soil grew out of the rocks.

When    reached a lower position, the passage seemed to be like a garden, and there was no place to go.

At this time, the Jinglong said: "If you didn't wake me up and asked me to look for it here, I might not have found this place. I really didn't expect that there are such things in such a small space. ."

  Amidst the babbling of the dragon, Liu Zhi and the others broke through the passage that was almost blocked by weeds and vines, and came to a stone wall.

  At this time, the spirit dragon also stopped, and Liu Zhi's face became serious. He could already see that a green liquid was constantly permeating the stone wall.

  The liquid is full of breath of life and nature. With each drop, some new plants will grow on the ground. You can see that the flowers and vines outside are growing out of this liquid.

"this is……"

  "The essence of life, we did not dare to dig into it anymore. If we dig in again, the entire essence of life may surge. However, judging from the current situation, there should be a solidified life essence behind it."

  Ryuzhi is a necromancer. He doesn't know much about life essence. He thought about it and asked, "Are life essence and natural essence the same thing?"

"Similar, but there must be differences in it. Don’t look at what plants grow here. If there are larvae of animals, under the stimulation of this essence, they are likely to grow into adults quickly. Ignore the structure of life and grow up without limit. This is the case when you see the turtle outside."

Hearing this, Liu Zhi's heart brightened. This is a good thing for him. What he lacks most now is time, and the reason for the lack of time is not because he has too many things under him and takes time slowly. Growth, his harvest divinity can only make plants grow faster at best, but the movements that he uses to serve as troops still grow very slowly.

Thinking of this, Liu Zhi couldn’t help asking: “Then if I dig out the life essence, the life force stored in it will surge and eventually escape? Is there any way we can deal with it, such as removing the life essence? Where is the seal carefully to control the speed of the spread of vitality?"

  For this question, Jinglong had been prepared, after all, which Jinglong who could negotiate with Liu Zhi did not exist in old age.

When he heard it, he said: "There is really one way to do this. When we helped you sort out the spiritual energy and water channels in the Nether Palace, we found that your Nether Palace has only one Nether Spring, and the influence of the Nether Spring Water Channel can only affect half There is a large part of the Hades, especially outside the city, that cannot be affected, which is quite unfavorable for you.

If you want, you can build another spring of life near the Mingquan. The power of the two springs can be used together to affect the entire Mingquan. Even the farmland and icebergs outside the city will be affected. As for the vitality, Nature can also be controlled. "

Hearing what Jinglong said, Liu Zhi nodded. He knew exactly how the Mingquan in the Ming Palace came from. It was just digging a water outlet in the ground, and then pour the Mingquan spring water in and out. of.

  In other words, making the fountain of life and the fountain of life are actually the same, and there is no need for any architectural design drawings, as long as he is willing to dig a water outlet.

  No, there was a thought in Liu Zhi's mind that he could just put the essence of life in the fountain without digging a spout.

  Other people may not be able to control it, but Liu Zhi knows his own affairs. In his Hades Palace, the death attribute only accounts for a quarter, and the remaining part has little to do with the death attribute, and even has the power to restrain it.

  So you don’t necessarily need to open another spring, just throw this life essence directly into the fountain.

When I was building the Mingquan, the reminder from the Undead Knowledge is that the Mingquan is the spring water from the Mingquan. Although the spring may be any eye spring at the beginning, as long as the water is poured into the Mingquan, It will automatically have a certain connection with the underworld, attracting the water from the underworld into the fountain of the underworld.

  As for the effect of the spring water before it is generated, it does not affect the overall change.

  In other words, if Liu Zhi puts the essence of life in the Mingquan, it will not affect the expected effect of the Mingquan.

   Thinking of this, Liu Zhi's heart was broadened. He understood that with this essence of life, all his problems could be solved easily. Even if all the underworld ecosystems in his Hades were developed, it was not impossible.

  So Liu Zhi put his hand directly on the stone wall, and then said to the Jinglong: "How should I remove this life essence."

  For this, Jinglong was also well prepared. Before he flew to the stone wall, he drew a circle on the stone wall.

"I guess in the past, the entire life essence might be so big. If you dig in from the outside, if you stop, you have to stop. Only in this way can we use this stone wall to wrap the life essence and wait for it to be shipped to the designated place. After the place, everything is simple. The things enclosed in spring water are relatively simple, and anyone can do it."

  In response to this statement, Liu Zhi nodded. He called a few digging zombies over and digging inside from all around.

  The spirit dragon has been staring at it. As long as there is any change on the stone wall, the spirit dragon will stop and let Liu Zhi wait a while before doing it.

  It is precisely for this reason that the work of excavation is quite slow, but Liu Zhi understands that this is the key to the growth of Hades. Even if there are more things waiting for him, he did not leave, but just waited here instead.

  In this way, after one day and one night, a stone ball about ten meters in diameter was dug out from the rock wall.

  The Jinglong looked at Liu Zhi and said, “That’s all I can do. The next thing is up to you.”

  Liu Zhi turned his head and glanced at the small passage, and said coldly, "Dig."

  (End of this chapter)

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