Necromantic Myth

Chapter 342: Life (100 monthly ticket plus more)

  Chapter 342 Revitalization (100 monthly pass plus more)

  The stone ball was transported out of the underground passage, and then transported back to the Hades. It took two days for Liu Zhi to reorganize it in such a short distance.

For the past two days, Liu Zhi has been staying next to the stone ball. Even Amanite ran over to look for Liu Zhi because of this. However, after seeing the essence of life and discovering the effect of this thing, Ama Knight took the initiative to help Liu Zhi take on the management work of Hades over the past few days.

  After the stone ball was transported to the ground, the Spider Girl and the others also joined the transportation of the stone ball, so that the speed of transporting the stone ball became faster.

After dragging the stone ball to the front of Mingquan, Jinglong seemed to have discovered Liu Zhi's thoughts. He said with some doubts: "Are you sure you want to do this? Although it is simple, there may be some unexpected changes. We can’t help you sort it out at that time."

   "I can comb together." Liu Zhi took a deep breath, and injected his spiritual power along the death rod into the divine nature of the feathered snake in the sky.

  Essence dragons were born to deal with this. They immediately felt the changes in the Hades, and at the same time they felt that Liu Zhi could control the power attribute in the divine nature.

  "Sun, rain, harvest and death, I understand. With your help, the chance of success is still very high. Yes, I will help you."

  The spirit dragon immediately had a judgment, and then the eighteen spirit dragons flew to Liu Zhi's side, hovering around him, singing non-stop.

And Liu Zhi also took this opportunity to start his own meditation. Of course, he would not use Laxia’s Eye Meditation at this time. It was only used to restore magic power. He used the Natural Breath Meditation. Through this meditation, Liu Zhi's spiritual power descended from the sky, injected into the three ecological circles of the underworld, and then flowed back into the fountain of the underworld along the way.

  Then the whole mental power followed the Mingquan and began to spread into the Ming Palace.

  The spirit dragon felt the change here for the first time, and the lead spirit dragon turned his head and said to Liu Zhi's subordinates.

   "Push the essence of life."

  At this time, Liu Zhi was meditating, and there was no way to control the situation in front of him. Fortunately, when Jinglong reminded him, Liu Zhi's men took action and pushed the huge stone ball to the top of the fountain.

   Actually speaking, this Mingquan is not as big as a stone ball. The entire stone ball is ten meters in diameter, while the Mingquan is only about three meters in diameter.

  But when the stone ball was pushed past, the ten-meter stone ball actually rolled into the fountain.

   Then a scene that stunned everyone happened. The place where the stone ball had rolled before would have plants growing out of the ground, and even the path of dragging the stone ball over became a path of flowers.

  But after the stone ball fell into the Mingquan, the water of the Mingquan changed unexpectedly, and plants grew out of the black mercury-like liquid in the Mingquan.

  Although the flowers-like plants disappeared just after they grew out, everyone noticed that there were traces of plants around the spring.

  As waves of plants grew and disappeared, a weird red flower was finally left around the spring. These flowers had only flowers but no leaves. They looked full of death, but they were living creatures.

  I think this should be some plants belonging to the underworld, but without a specific environment, this kind of plant will not grow.

  In front of Liuzhi's Mingquan added life essence, the attributes have changed, which just stimulated the growth of this plant, and finally brought these benefits to Liuzhi.

  After these red flowers grew, a flash of lightning flashed across the sky, followed by heavy rain, which instantly enveloped the entire Hades.

  Everyone felt the breath of life and death in the heavy rain. These two originally opposed breaths are now merging with each other, forming a unified but opposite breath.

  At this moment, Liu Zhi opened his eyes. The moment he opened his eyes, everyone saw that his eyes had changed. The left eye was black and the right eye was white, and the pupils inside were all snake-shaped vertical pupils.

  Although this was only a momentary event, Armanet and the others understood that Ryuuji had gained a lot of benefits in this action.

   "Okay, the rain can stop."

  After Liu Zhi said a word, the downpour stopped like this. Then Liu Zhi walked to the side of the Mingquan, and plunged the death rod into the Mingquan. After feeling the changes in the Mingquan, Liu Zhi laughed.

   "It seems to have succeeded, I really want to thank you this time."

  Yagiji turned his head and said to the spirit dragons.

   "It's okay, it's your luck and strength, otherwise you won't be able to use it even if you have good things."

  Although he said that, Ryuzhi expressed his gratitude to the spirit dragons, and then he called Nasha and Amanite over.

"The Mingquan has been upgraded and evolved. The current Mingquan spring water can not only make the creatures underworld, but also increase the growth rate of the creatures. For adult creatures, it will also have a huge effect, which is quite useful for our ecosystem. Therefore, in the future, the extraction and irrigation of Mingquan spring water should be used as a key task, and there should be no outflow of Mingquan spring water."

Speaking of this, Liu Zhi looked at Nasha specifically, "There are more murlocs on your side, but it is impossible to treat them all with the water of the Mingquan spring, so in the future, only selected fish can accept this. To strengthen the baptism of the Mingquan, the remaining murlocs can only use ordinary Mingquan for underworld treatment."

  Nassah certainly knows what the selected murloc refers to, that is, the murloc to be trained as a troop, but he also thinks it is right to do so.

  Not from the perspective of Nesha, the murloc king of the dead lake, only from the perspective of the lord of Liu Zhiming Palace, he would not choose to let the murloc grow aimlessly.

  If the entire underworld is full of underworld murlocs that have grown bigger and stronger, then who is the master of the underworld.

  For this reason, Nessa obeyed Ryuzhi's request honestly.

Then Liu Zhi turned his gaze to the Spider Woman Spinning, "You can deal with the spider girl. You have a better grasp of the power of nature and life, so I won’t worry about this. It's a book about the ecosphere. Take a look at it carefully and see if you have any ideas."

After    finished speaking, Liu Zhi turned his gaze to the corpse dog.

At this time, Armanet seemed to have discovered Yuji's thoughts. She also understood that people like Yuji would get in and do something if they did something. If they were asked to focus on the corpse dog ecosystem. In terms of research, it is uncertain when the latter can be done.

  So when Yanagi turned his eyes away, Amanite said, "I have some information about murlocs, I think you might want to listen."

  (End of this chapter)

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