Necromantic Myth

Chapter 343: Some secrets

  Chapter 343 Some Secrets

  Looking at Amanite's serious look, Liu Zhi also knew that something was not good, so he got serious and motioned to Amanite.

"you said!"

"I asked the bloodsail pirates about the situation. They determined that the mechanical murloc of the mechanical shark and the bloodbone murloc of the ghost ship appeared in the nearby waters, but they gave a new message, that is, the murloc empire has not It is not a unified empire, but a federated empire composed of many large tribes.

  The relationship between the weaponized murloc and the blood-bone murloc is not very good, and the relationship between the blood-bone murloc and other murlocs in the nearby sea is also not good, which can be regarded as an alternative among the murlocs. "

  Speaking of this, Amanite paused, seeming to want to enter the teaching mode.

  Yagiji's mind was not on this, he was thinking about something very seriously, and he did not care about the switch of the Amanite mode.

However, Amanite soon talked about the more critical things. The Mechanized Murloc is a relatively large tribe in the Murloc Empire. The Mechanic Shark is not the true leader of the Mechanized Murloc, but a similar A noble like a lord, the reason why he was sent here is entirely because he has a city in his hands, a huge mechanized shark.

  This is the real characteristic of the weaponized murlocs. They are not their own kind, but a huge biological city.

  Only the murloc who masters this biological city can become the lord of the weaponized murloc.

Of course, it is not that simple to make this kind of biological city. In the sea, there are more huge creatures, but not many are big enough to hollow out their bodies to make cities. Even if they are there, they are powerful. The World of Warcraft is not easy to be caught.

  So they developed a method to use life essence to breed some selected creatures, and finally raise them to a certain level.

  At the same time, the power of life essence can also sustain the lives of these creatures, allowing them to withstand the pain caused by the transformation.

Hearing this, Liu Zhi could be considered to understand, why the Mechanical Murloc was so interested in their own space, they must have discovered that Toga's size was wrong, and believed that Toga knew where the essence of life was, so they thought about it. Ready to take down this space.

After all, according to the bloodsail pirates, the mechanical shark madscale has a very favorite son. I heard that he has joined the game as a murloc and has become a player. He thinks that his son can definitely become the next murloc. The patriarch, and even the king of the Murloc Empire is not without a chance to compete.

So he is now frantically looking for a large amount of life essence, except when completing the task, as long as he hears the news that there is life essence, he will rush over, and now almost all the life essence in the nearby sea falls into his hands. .

  Hearing this, Liu Zhi couldn’t help but asked, “Can he use so many life essences?”

"I've also asked about this. The Bloodsail Pirates said that the probability of them transforming giant creatures is not very high. Often only one of ten giant creatures can be transformed successfully, so they need more life essence to stock more. Many giant creatures."

   "Oh, is there any more?" Liu Zhi nodded to express his understanding.

"Yes, in addition, the key to their weaponization of giant creatures is goblin engineering. Only goblins who study engineering can do this crazy. Bloodsail pirates are mostly goblins, so they know these things, but They are commercial goblins, and they didn't participate in this kind of thing. On the contrary, because of engineering goblins, goblins on all continents were not so mixed during this time."

  Hearing this kind of gossip, Liu Zhi was also a little curious, "What happened to the goblin?"

"Speaking of which there are still some stories, in fact, this plane, whether it is a goblin or other creatures, is not a native native race. All native races have been annihilated. The goblins were brought from different planes or different games. So the development direction and style are somewhat different. Like Bloodsail Pirates, this is a branch of commercial goblins. They focus on making money and talk about a fair deal. As long as they give money, they can do everything.

There is also a kind of engineering goblin, which is the goblin who can invent various engineering equipment or weapons. The things they make are very powerful, but they are not necessarily easy to use, so they are one of the three wastes of the goblin, like Nasha’s men. The kind of weird gun used by the Murloc Musketeer is made by that kind of goblin.

   By the way, there is also a kind of garbage goblin in the three wastes of goblins. They are the cannon fodder among all goblins, and they have no advantages other than fast birth.

The original local spirits are not united because of different sources, but they develop freely according to their own characteristics, but with the emergence of the weaponized murlocs, the role of the engineering goblins has fallen into the eyes of a glance, and they will not help. What kind of goblin is that weaponized murlocs and giant creatures? There are orders to deal with goblins on many continents.

In addition, there were a lot of garbage goblins at that time. They were always picking up wastes and killing people outside of various cities. As a result, goblins became the most unpopular creatures on all continents. They either went to be pirates or hide themselves. Identity, hiding in the dark, slowly develops. "

  Ryuzhi nodded, "I understand that to be a pirate, but what does it mean to hide in the dark?"

   "It seems that their goblins have changed their appearance and have mixed into various cities."

   "Changed the look?" Liu Zhi couldn't help but laughed. He thought of the goblin's green skin, short head, and the ears and eyes are quite obvious characteristics. How to change that.

But the next moment Liu Zhi was stunned. He suddenly thought of a wave of people, that wave of brawny green-skinned men who rented wolves at the gate of Fire Blade City. At first, Liu Zhi thought they were ordinary people who drank the power spring. Now, it seems reasonable to say that they are goblins who have grown bigger and stronger.

Thinking of this, Liu Zhi couldn't help but turn around, and finally he raised his head and looked at Amanite, "Amanite, you have been in contact with bloodsail pirates, what kind of creature do you think they are? The goblin, the commercial one."

"They are a very weird creature. I don't quite understand their logic, but one thing is for sure. As long as they are given money and asked them to do anything, they will be willing, and their abilities are pretty good. Of course I mean What is commercial ability, their combat power is still too weak."

  Liu Zhi thought for a while, and then said seriously: "You said that some goblins are meditation, is it a better choice?"

  (End of this chapter)

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