Necromantic Myth

Chapter 345: Giant silt monster (110 monthly pass plus more)

  Chapter 345 Giant Mud Monster (110 monthly pass plus more)

  For these players, Liu Zhi still has a deep impression. When he went back last time, he saw these players. Among them, the two players who had already given birth to bone spurs were considered to be the more powerful ones.

  It's just that they seem to quarrel in front of them, and they don't even want to walk with each other.

  Looking at this situation, Liu Zhi couldn't help but shook his head. Fortunately, they did not occupy the way, and Liu Zhi did not want to intervene in the matter between them, and was about to pass by them in the sun carriage.

  At this moment, Liu Zhi suddenly felt something was wrong. Without even thinking about it, he raised his hand and raised the death rod.

   "Flash burst!"

  The flash of Ryuzhi went on, and all the people nearby, including the players and the goblins who were secretly tracking and monitoring, were all ‘blind’.

  Only Liu Zhi's subordinates prepared in advance because of Liu Zhi's habit. When the flash burst effect ended, Vidnina sitting on the sun carriage rushed down the initiative.

  At this time, those players also heard a voice they didn't want to hear.

It was a sound similar to the sound made by a flood hitting a river. If it were ordinary people, there would be no difference in the sound. However, these players had prepared harpoon launchers before and brought enough hands. , For this guy, they have been to this guy's site no less than four or five times, why can't I hear the sound coming from?

At this time, several more powerful players have closed their eyes, while allowing their eyes to recover faster, while adjusting their direction to the position where the sound is coming from, as for the sudden action of Liu Zhi, they are temporarily out of time. Pay attention to it.

But at this time, Liu Zhi had already seen the sudden appearance of the enemy. The monster that made the sound of flooding against the embankment was a huge silt monster. The whole body was muddy, corrosive muddy water, rolling forward. At that time, you can still see the corpse inside his body and the weapons that have not been corroded.

Of course, what attracts Yanagi’s attention most is that he has several huge harpoons stuck in his body. Those harpoons seem to have really hurt this monster. No matter how the monster rolls, the harpoons are always in a fixed place. It can be seen that the harpoon is a weapon specially made for this kind of sludge monster.

  Of course, Yanagi did not know the connection between the harpoon and the harpoon launcher, nor did he know that it was precisely because he had bought seven sets of harpoon launchers in advance that caused such trouble.

   Facing the monster that spread out like a lake, stood at least ten meters high, and rolled like a flash flood, Liu Zhi waved his hand down.

   "Reverse Storm!"

  Under the control of Ryuzhi, a large amount of yellow sand was blown up and headed towards the monster.

And at this time, the monster was being hurt by the flash burst from Yanagiji. With nothing to see, he was trying hard to send the eyeballs he used to look around to the surface of the skin, trying to remove the flash burst. The impact.

  Yagiji's reverse storm was mixed with a large number of lethal fragments.

  Under Ryuzhi's control, the storm slammed into it just as those eyeballs rose.

  Monsters like silt monsters, they don’t have facial features. If they want vision, they must use other people’s eyes.

It’s okay if it’s smaller, but the sludge monster in front of him is so big that there are not many eyeballs that can serve as his eyes. They are usually protected by the sludge monster in the body. This time, if it’s not because of the flash explosion, the sludge monster Nor will he put his eyeballs outside.

  But I did not expect that because of such a small negligence, Liu Zhi's reverse storm was beaten in this way, and the sludge monster collected nine eyeballs that did not know how many years they had gathered and destroyed seven.

  This made the sludge monster who could observe the enemy at 360 degrees without a dead angle directly turned into a semi-blind man. Now he can only see the position of the front of his eyeball at an angle of about ninety degrees, and there are many dead angles.

  It’s okay if this is a human being. Human beings are that big, just twist their necks.

  But the sludge monster is so huge, if the viewing angle is affected, it can be troublesome.

At this time, some of the players also noticed this. The sludge monster named Mark had several eyes destroyed. He hurriedly called out, "Opportunity, his full angle of view is gone, he surrounds him from behind, Mike ..."

  Speaking of this, Mark suddenly thought of something, and finally stopped.

"I know what you mean, forget it this time, my brother's business, I'll go back and calculate with you." The player named Mike took his companions and walked around behind the silt monsters, and they went from their backpacks. He took out something like a chain, seemingly trying to trap the silt monster.

   And after letting go of the reverse storm, Ryuuji watched Vidnina was cutting the body of the silt monster with the wind blade, and then drove the carriage to Mark's side.

  "How should that guy deal with it? He is so big, 90% of his body is water, and he didn't hurt anything after being hit for a long time."

"The only way to fight is to trap him, cut off his body and lead him to other places. As long as he is not allowed to come into contact with water, he will hit smaller and smaller, and finally get his core out. Good." Mark has been thinking about how to deal with this sludge monster for a long time, and it can be said that he has made various plans and does not know how much.

"His core is at the top of the body. It is protected in the layer after layer of liquid. It is a very obvious red murloc skull. As long as you see it, you will know it, but the problem now is that his defense layer is too high. It's thicker. Although he has left his territory, he doesn't know when he will be able to enter. In addition, this guy has three to five sub-cores. After those things are cut off, they must be dealt with seriously, or they will change. It becomes a small silt monster that affects combat.

  After hearing this, Ryuzhi dared to think, "If I can break through his defense and rush into his interior, can you find his core?"

  For Liu Zhi, Mark’s first reaction was impossible. He fought the silt monster so many times because he knew how strong the defense is outside of the silt monster, and it is almost impossible for anyone to break through the silt monster's defense.

  But when he looked at Liu Zhi’s affirmative eyes, Mark hesitated in his heart, "If you can really open the channel, then I will find his core even if I fight this life."

  "Okay, then you will rush in with my carriage in the next moment. Don't worry, the passage will not be sealed until the flames are over."

   After speaking, Liu Zhi turned his head to the direction of the silt monster, and waved the death staff down.

   "Sun trails!"

  (End of this chapter)

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