Necromantic Myth

Chapter 346: Inside the silt monster (120 plus more)

  Chapter 346 Inside the Mud Monster (120 plus more)

  Under the control of Ryuzhi, a sun carriage appeared in front of everyone.

  The carriage rushed into the body of the silt monster with an impact that was beyond the imagination of others. Wherever the carriage ran, the flames left behind formed a channel to prevent the body of the silt monster from replenishing.

  Seeing this situation, Mark was also stunned. He didn't react until Liu Zhi put down the death rod and pulled out the thin sting sword.

  Mark said to Liu Zhi, "Thank you for that."

  After speaking, he yelled, and his body quickly swelled up, from the height of a normal person to the appearance of his head in his early two meters and three.

  At the same time, the bone spurs that were originally only on the surface of his body were constantly piercing out of his body, and finally a layer of bone armor was formed on the outside of his body, which looked like a set of exoskeleton armor.

  After doing all this, Mark turned his head and said to his companion: "I'm going in. Are you willing to rush in with me?"

Those green-skin players would be willing to be born and die with Mark. Naturally, they believe in Mark’s personality. Now that Mark is ready for battle, how can they not keep up? So these players took out various weapons and stepped on He went into the flame tunnel where Ryuji's carriage rushed out.

  At this time, Ryuji also jumped out of the sun carriage. The magic of the sun's path would not stop before it rushed to the bottom or the magic of Ryuuji had not been exhausted.

  So Ryuzhi has almost no magic power now, but he is not the kind of necromancer who can only stand behind his hands and cast magic. Without magic, he still has a long sword.

   Seeing Liu Zhi drew his sword and jumped off the carriage, Mark was also a little surprised. He said with some worry, "Here we are just going, no need..."

   "It's okay, I can be considered a little capable."

   Speaking of Liu Zhi, he jumped into the tunnel formed by flames and rushed towards the inside of the silt monster.

  The inside of the sludge monster is actually no different from the outside. There are muddy sewage and rotting corpses and equipment everywhere.

After Liu Zhi rushed into the mud monster, he felt a sense of depression inside the mud monster.

  If it hadn’t been for the flame road to form a passage here, Ryuzhi might have exited as soon as he entered.

  Because it seems too dangerous here.

Even with the protection of flames, Liu Zhi doesn’t think it can be supported for a long time. He thought for a moment, and said to Mark, who rushed in together, “Can you determine where the opponent’s core is? My channel may not be able to support it. Too long."

  Mark thought for a while, and finally hesitated, then said: "Yes."

  After finishing, Mark took a deep breath, stuck his head out of the flame channel, buried it in the body of the silt monster, and shouted loudly at the inside of the silt monster.

Although there was a mud monster's body blocking it, Liu Zhi didn't know what Mark was yelling at, but he clearly felt that the entire mud monster seemed to vibrate inside. It felt like a fighter provoked the enemy boss. All All of his attention was focused on Mark.

  When Mark pulled his head out of the mud monster, Liu Zhi saw that the bone armor on Mark's body seemed to have been affected by the mud monster and became a bit rot.

  Mark’s companion immediately took out some clean water to help Mark deal with it.

And Mark said nonchalantly: "Okay, I have already provoked them. At my level, they will definitely find me within three minutes. This is an opportunity. Inside the sludge monster, they don’t There may be another sludge monster, and all they can come over is their own core."

  Mark said as he walked along the flame tunnel with his weapon.

  Ryuzhi knew that this Mark should only be level 3. The weapon in his hand and the armor on his body were equipped by the player, but he didn’t know what the attributes were.

He is holding a two-handed battle axe in his hand, the handle of the axe is tightly wrapped around a large amount of animal skin, and his leather armor under the bones is a red leather armor, which looks like it is made of dragon scales. of.

  After holding the weapon and equipment in his hand, Mark did not rush into it in a hurry, but walked slowly, as if listening to something.

  And his companions also took out their own weapons, it can be seen that most of them seem to choose warriors or other melee occupations, and the weapons in their hands are mostly heavy weapons for two-handed use.

  For this situation, Liu Zhi only took a moment to understand it. They all drank the power spring water, and their bodies had undergone abnormal changes. Other attributes might have, but the most prominent one was definitely the power attribute.

  With strong strength, being a fighter is a natural choice.

At the same time, Liu Zhiyou noticed that they had undergone special training, and they didn't just take advantage of their own strength. They formed a good battle formation with Mark as the vanguard after taking out their weapons. , Two players with long weapons follow behind, and two players with two-handed epee stand in the middle. It can be seen that no matter which side they encounter an enemy, these two players who use two-handed epee can fight at the first time. Companions provide support.

  The last two are holding two-handed heavy axes. You can see from their movements that they are not quite the same as Mark. They should be regarded as berserkers, regardless of their defense.

  So they will be put at the end. As for the situation after the war, there is no need to worry at all. Barbarians and Berserkers are the kind of existence that have the ability to rush to the enemy in an instant.

  The more you observe these players, the more Liu Zhi discovers their tacit understanding. Even if Liu Zhi wants to get close to them, one or two players will have a part of their energy to focus on.

  After a few attempts, Liu Zhi stopped participating. He carried the thin sting sword and followed up with Vindenina, and walked towards the inside of the silt monster.

  At this time, the silt monster did not think of a way to deal with the flame channel in his body. Originally, he only needed to roll himself on the ground to cut the channel.

  But although no one outside Mike notified him, he knew that the silt monster must not be allowed to escape or change his body at the moment. He and his companions dragged the silt monster's body to prevent him from transforming at will.

  At the same time, the trajectory of the sun released by Liu Zhi finally rushed out of the body of the silt monster, striking the sludge monster in opposite directions.

After dispersing the sun's path, Liu Zhi used the last bit of magic power to give the sludge monster a cruel memory. He pierced the death rod into the silt monster's body and activated all his magic power to attack the corpse inside the sludge monster. A wave of spiritualism.

  (End of this chapter)

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